Зияткерлік әулетке ие көшбасшыларды өмір бойы білім алуға дайындау және шабыттандыру

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Мектеп миссиясы: Зияткерлік әулетке ие көшбасшыларды өмір бойы білім алуға дайындау және шабыттандыру

Short term

School: Lyceum No. 77 named after Askarov


Teacher's name: Koshenova A.

Grade: 9 class

Number of participants: 24

Number of non-participants: 0

The theme of subject

Covalent bond. Ionic bonding. Metal connection.

Learning objectives to be achieved in this lesson (link to the curriculum)

Lesson Objectives - to determine how the outer complete layer of the atom is formed;

- to determine how the outer complete layer of the atom is formed;

Evaluation criteria - understand the effects of electron addition or transfer of atoms or ions;

- understand the effects of electron addition or transfer of atoms or ions;

Language objectives - know the concept of electrical resistance;

- know the concept of electrical resistance;

Instilling values

- explain the mechanism of covalent bonds;

Physics, history

- explain the mechanism of covalent bonds;

ICT use of in chemistry tablet of D.Mendekeev

Interdisciplinary links Physics, history

7-8 сынып (Периодтық кестеге кіріспе: периодьық жүйеде элементтерді атом нөміріне сәйкес орналасуы )

During of subject

Planned stages of the lesson

Planned stages of the lesson

Planned stages of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson

0-3 minutes

4-6 minutes

7-20 minutes

21-23 minutes

Ө Questions are asked about the previous lesson.

Using the algorithm, students need to draw a diagram of the formation of a chemical bond formed from the atoms of these elements. To do this, students are given a schedule. Algorithm for the formation of ionic bonds in the first column of the table, consisting of 5 points:

1. The electron of the external energy level of the metal atom

write the formula.

2. Determine the charge of an ion formed from a metal atom.

3. The electron of the external energy level of the nonmetal atom

write the formula.

4. Determination of the charge of an ion formed from a non-metallic atom.

5. Write a diagram of the formation of ionic bonds, if necessary

setting the coefficients.

A) calcium and fluorin
B) sodium and oxygen
The task is for 10 minutes.
Ask students why a solution of common salt conducts electricity, and why a solid salt does not conduct electricity.

Why does distilled water not conduct electricity? And why does technical water conduct electricity?

What do you think?

What is a crystal lattice? Students search for themselves.

Introduction of the idea of ​​"dots and crosses" diagram

Dot-and-cross diagrams are used to show the electronic configurations of elements and ions. The electronic of one element in the compound are shown by dots, those of the second element by crosses.

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