41. Көптеген адамдар күнделікті тұрмыстық, әлеуметтік және жұмыс қажеттіліктеріне өз көліктеріне тәуелді. Дегенмен, көліктерді шектеусіз пайдалану бірқатар мәселелерді тудырады. Осы мәселелердің кейбірі неде

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41. Many people depend on their cars for everyday domestic, social and working needs. However, unlimited use of cars causes a number of problems. What are some of these problems? What can be done to reduce the use of cars?
41. Көптеген адамдар күнделікті тұрмыстық, әлеуметтік және жұмыс қажеттіліктеріне өз көліктеріне тәуелді. Дегенмен, көліктерді шектеусіз пайдалану бірқатар мәселелерді тудырады. Осы мәселелердің кейбірі неде? Автокөліктерді пайдалануды азайту үшін не істеуге болады?
Since automobile company provide sophisticated technology and also good-designed inner and outer look, people opt to use their car because of comfortable reason in everyday transportation. However, over car usage could obtain several problems in traffic congestion and environment. I believe to tackle this problem campaign and government policy are required.
With increasing number of car utilization, which inhabitants prefer to use their vehicle rather than public transportation. First of all, traffic congestion becomes a serious problem specifically in a big city. Increasing number of four-wheel vehicle usage could worsen the traffic jam day by day. Secondly, car over utilization results city look more crowded and uncontrollable, which people feel more in high pressure life, number of happiness will decrease as the people spend most of their time in the road. Thirdly, in terms of environment car usage contribute pollution, everyday citizen burning a tone of fuel that causes carbon dioxide, this is a detrimental issue which carbon dioxide result in global warming.
To deal with this problem, the driver awareness to minimize their dependency on private vehicle is the preeminent solution. One of the ways to gain their awareness could be build by campaign, specifically through online media campaign, since the internet becomes a crucial aspect in human's life. Educated, fun, or entertain campaign could be provide by the internet as the medium, hopefully, people reduce their car utilization. In addition, role of government is needed, government should give strike measure that can handle people behavior in car usage such as increasing amount of tax, strengthen policy to get drive license.
To conclude it, over-using car can leads to major problems such as traffic congestion and defilement air. Government should act as soon as possible in order to reduce this problem by starting create strict policy or at least campaign. I strongly believe this motion is undebatable issue anymore, in the light of a far mentioned evidence. (318 words)

42. Many employees may work at home with the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only workers, not employers. Do you agree or disagree?

42. Көптеген қызметкерлер заманауи технологияны қолдана отырып, үйде жұмыс істей алады. Кейбір адамдар бұл жұмыс берушілерге емес, жұмысшыларға ғана пайда әкелуі мүмкін деп мәлімдейді. Сіз келісесіз бе, келіспейсіз бе?
Technology changes the way people do things, including their job. Advanced technology enables several employees to work at their house. I totally disagree with the statement that the only workers have advantages not the employers.
Recently, working at homes either as employers or employees give some advantages. Firstly, they can have a good circumstance since the work in the comfortable place which is their house. Secondly, they also can spend much more time with their family when they have a break time so that their relationship with their family members improve. As a result, they enjoy working in house and it leads to the increase in their working performance.
On the other hand, it also gives some drawbacks to the workers and to the Boss. The officers tend to do their task as they want since their employers do not look at them directly. It will make employers experience economical lose because the workers' performance tends to decrease. Social interactions between workers and employers cannot run well because the time duration of interaction much enough. In addition, the transfer of skills which need direct guide do not happen since the employers only give several instructions without showing the real example to them.
To sum up, it is evident that working in the home affects several benefits and drawbacks for both workers and employers. In my point of view, I absolutely disagree with the statement that only officers have benefit, not the employers. Then I recommend both of them to make good collaborations to improve the quality of their company and hope that developing technology can help them to increase their productivities for maximizing their income, hence their live are going to be better than before. (285)
43. Many people use written language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past. Why is that so? Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?
43. Көптеген адамдар жазбаша тілді бұрынғыға қарағанда формальды және еркін қолданады. Неліктен бұлай? Бұл дамудың артықшылықтары немесе кемшіліктері бар ма?
Today, many individuals’ written language has become more informal and spontaneous. Specific causes lead to this development, and the drawbacks may outweigh the benefits.
On the one hand, several factors can give rise to a change in people’s writing behavior. Firstly, instead of spending hours selecting advanced academic vocabulary and grammatical structures, which seems to consume a significant amount of time, using informal written language is more timesaving. Thus, this may significantly improve writing speed and allow people to converse more effectively in this hectic lifestyle. In addition, some individuals believe that less formal written language could also reduce the tension and serious unwanted tone when communicating with friends and relatives in writing conversations. For instance, when composing text messages, it is common to adjust the language to a more simple and relaxed way.
On the other hand, using a more casual and spontaneous written language could result in more negative impacts. There are specific situations when formal writing should be necessary, such as making proposal letters or curriculum vitae. However, if the writer applies a casual tone to those documents, the result will be considered improper and neglected. Moreover, the way of writing in a relaxed style would seriously damage the uniqueness of traditional literature in the long run. With the appearance of slang and jargon, it can be seen that the art of classic literature is deteriorating day by day.
In conclusion, less formal written language development could be attributed to time efficiency and intimate communicative contexts. I believe this change in many people’s writing behavior would bring about more disadvantages than advantages. (266)
44. The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
44. Әлемдік экологиялық мәселелерді шешудің ең жақсы тәсілі-жеңіл автомобильдер мен басқа да көлік құралдары үшін жанармай құнын арттыру. Сіз бұған қаншалықты келісесіз немесе келіспейсіз?
Solving the world's environmental problem is by increasing the fuel rate is debatable. Some people claim that this is the best way. I completely disagree with this statement because there are other ways like using electric driven vehicles and by encouraging people to walk or use cycle instead of cars or motorbikes. However, increasing the fuel rate is not a permanent solution to solve environmental issues.
Firstly, using electric vehicles which are ecofriendly will tackle our environmental pollution issues. In addition, they do not burn fuels or release toxic substances to the atmosphere. Moreover, these vehicles run on battery charging, and they are quite reasonable. Further, they reduce sound pollution as they have soundproof engines. For instance, Japan has shown a remarkable drop in the levels of environmental pollution after the introduction of these electric vehicles. Therefore, these ecofriendly vehicles can solve the environmental issues as they do not burn the fuel.
Secondly, by encouraging people to walk or cycling can help in resolving environmental issues. Walking or cycling will not only give health benefits but will also be of a great way to protect environment. Moreover, by walking to workplaces everyone will have individual satisfaction in their contribution to the environmental issues. Further, government must also reward all those who go to workplaces by walking or cycling. For example, I got perks as a token of appreciation from my CEO as I go by walk to my office often.
In conclusion, unfortunately, hiking the fuel rate may not be of use in solving environmental issues to a large extent. Therefore, using electric cars or by walking or cycling seems to be a permanent solution to the global environmental problem of pollution. (284)
45. Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than ordinary employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others hold that it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
45. Ірі ұйымдардың директорлары қарапайым қызметкерлерге қарағанда әлдеқайда жоғары жалақы алады. Кейбіреулер мұны қажет деп санайды, ал басқалары оны әділетсіз деп санайды. Екі көзқарасты да талқылап, өз пікіріңізді білдіріңіз.
Almost in all the industries or organizations the pay of directors is much higher than normal employees and they also receive more facilities compare to others, according to some people it is necessary, whereas others think that it is unequal. This disquisition will discuss both the views and I will give my opinion in the conclusion.
To commence with, according to some people, the salaries should be higher of directors because they run the whole business, directors are the people who take burden of employees other than that they also handle customer relationships, which is the most crucial part of any organization. In addition, managers who manage the company and also, they have to be available 24x7 and also, they even forget about their family sometimes and because of these kinds of efforts the business gets successful, and this can be the reason for their higher payout because managers or directors not just handle the business, but they also manage the employees and get connected with the employees. Additionally, a manager holds a position for a longer time and he or she gains much experience which is needed, or they tend to change less companies compare to other people. For example, we can see many directors who are in their later stage of life, and they are most experienced and, still companies urge them to stay in touch even after retiring just because of their past work for the company. Moreover, individuals who are on higher positions often hold higher education or higher degree in that field.
On the other hand, some believe that it is injustice for employees as they are the backbone of any company, and play a vital role in the company`s success but they cannot handle the loss and much pressure they just have to work on only one department of an organization, whereas a director have to focus on everything from gains or loss of a business to salaries of employees.
In conclusion, in my opinion, it is fair that managers or directors holds higher salary because they deserve it based on their work, experience and education qualification. And many organizations think that it is worth increasing their salaries as they are important aspect of any company. (372)
46. Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of one international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?
46. Экологиялық мәселелерді шешу әр ұлттық үкіметтің емес, бір халықаралық ұйымның міндеті болуы керек. Сіз келісесіз бе, келіспейсіз бе?
There is no doubt that environment-related issues ought to be held responsible for by an international organization instead of individual countries. I disagree with this statement for some reasons.
There are numerous environmental issues such as climate change, melting glaciers and intensifying greenhouse effect happening on a global scale. As the argument goes, an international organization would act as a leader, issuing principles for all member countries to conform to or it will have sufficient financial capabilities to support the improvement of the environment. Cited cases are the Kyoto protocol has contributed to the slowing down of climate change on the earth, or the United Nations’ support for Third World countries have helped improve the air quality there. This argument, however, fails to take into consideration the fact that compulsion often backfires if an individual nation has no intention to cooperate, or the incentives provided can make recipient countries over reliant and avoid coming up with innovative ideas to resolve their country’s environmental situation. This in the long term exerts a negative overall global effect.
I side with those who think that each governmental body should take responsibility for addressing domestic environmental problems. Firstly, this practice would have a chain effect, benefiting not only the host country but also neighboring nations. For instance, if China diminishes its emissions by downsizing its industrial activities to a certain acceptable level, the air contamination in Hanoi would be reduced consequently. Secondly, the root of a complete resolution of environmental issues comes at grassroots level, only achieved by the efforts of a country’s government. If walking or cycling are promoted amongst those with an inclination to use private vehicles, this can help diminish the colossal volumes of exhaust gas and ameliorate the communal air quality. Or, if people are encouraged to participate in the international Earth Hour when everyone is asked to turn their lights off in sixty minutes, huge amounts of power can be minimized. Enacting such events which are aimed at creating a mindset shift in the public regarding environmental protection and promoting a simple lifestyle can only be conducted by a country’s government.
In conclusion, uprooting environment problems should be the responsibility of each national government rather than an international organization. (372)
47. Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that the interview is not a reliable method of choosing whom to employ and that there are other better methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
47. Сұхбат көптеген ірі компаниялар үшін негізгі таңдау критерийлері болып табылады. Алайда, кейбір адамдар сұхбаттасу жұмысқа үміткерді таңдаудың сенімді әдісі емес және басқа да тиімді әдістер бар деп санайды. Сіз бұған қаншалықты келісесіз немесе келіспейсіз?
Nowadays, most companies employ workers after interviewing them. Certain individuals think this is not a perfect way of choosing workers since there are better ways of doing it. I, however, totally disagree with the above assertion as I believe that interviewing people is the best option. The essay below will discuss this issue at large.
To begin with, because of the internet invention, most jobs are advertised online and if an employer decides to hire someone without doing an interview, they would be putting both the company and them at risk. For instance, a lot of people use fake names and qualifications online. A study by Chung Chung in 2019 found that about 76 per cent of individuals on social media platforms were using fake names, occupations, and ages. Thus, he advised companies to be careful when advertising jobs. For such reasons, I opine that doing interviews is important as it gives the employer a chance to physically see the one seeking employment and even see their qualifications.
Furthermore, without doing interviews, the company would not know if the curriculum vitae they received is true. Some job seekers sometimes lie when talking about themselves. To illustrate, a certain company in Zambia was looking for workers to help build a railway line, most people applied but when the day for interviews came, a few were employed. This happened because some individuals had lied in their curriculum vitae that they were physically strong and able to lift heavy rail equipment. When the day for proving it came, they failed to carry the blocks. Thus, to avoid such cases, companies must priorities interviewing prospective workers.
In conclusion, I totally disagree with the idea of avoiding interviews when hiring workers. This is because interviewing those who applied for the job helps employers to know their future employees thereby avoiding physically and personally being scammed. These and more issues are discussed in the essay above. (320)
48. There have been many inventions in the human history, such as the wheel. Some people think the most important thing is the internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
48. Адамзат тарихында дөңгелек сияқты көптеген өнертабыстар болған. Кейбір адамдар ең бастысы Интернет деп ойлайды. Сіз бұл пікірмен қаншалықты келісесіз немесе келіспейсіз?
In this perpetually transforming epoch, human beings have evolved because of some meaningful innovations. There are some inventions, such as the wheel, that are the most important in human history. A fraction of individuals opine that the internet is the most significant innovation till now and for the future. I completely disagree with the above notion. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will elaborate on such viewpoints regarding this phenomenon.
Yagnesh: The first and foremost reason is that such innovations as fire and electricity are the main drivers of human development. The earliest people mostly consumed raw meat from hunting animals. But one day, a person finds out how to start a fire. After that, humans use the fire for many purposes, like cooking, generating energy, and so on. Also, electricity is an important innovation of this century that will help humans evolve in the future. In recent times, all gadget humans use for their daily ease works on electricity, for example, a television, a mobile phone, a washing machine, and so on.
Another reason is that the internet is helpful to individuals for many purposes. But to access the internet is the biggest challenge for the people. To illustrate this, the internet has some costs associated with it, like buying a smartphone or computer, a sim card, having to recharge that sim card, and many more. Also, internet access is not available in all places on earth. That is why not all people can access the internet.
To conclude this issue, so many previous innovations, like fire and electricity, were the main keys for the growth of people. Also, accessing the Internet is a big issue because it's not free and there are some associated costs, like buying a device, paying a monthly fee, and not having enough mobile towers. That is why the internet is not the most important human innovation. (309)
49. Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
49. Бұл күндері жастар бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары мен спорт жұлдыздарына жақсы үлгі көрсетпесе де таң қалады. Бұл оқиғалардың оң немесе теріс дамуы деп ойлайсыз ба?
In this contemporary era, media personalities and sports stars are being admired by youngsters, despite not setting good examples. Although there are a few drawbacks associated with this phenomenon, I believe the upside of this trend far outweighs the downside.
To begin with, following celebrities, sometimes, acts as a motivation to work with dedication and determination in order to achieve any goal or aim in life. To elaborate this further, there are myriad renowned personalities who have achieved their positions by working hard and being epitomized as the symbol of success, they might inspire youngsters to focus on their work or study. Apart from this, children can be highly motivated by their positive attire, attitude, speech, and behavior, for instance, Arijit Singh, one of the most famous singers on this planet earth, is a very down to earth person and also admired by people throughout the world because of his politeness and generous behavior. Thus, it is clear that the inducements to fall for its bright side are self-evident.
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks related to this trend. first of all, sometimes celebrities portray drinking alcohol, smoking cigarette and other bad habits in an attractive way, which normalizes and glamorize these negative things to youngsters, and they try to imitate them, leading to starting a bad habit like smoking or drinking. Besides this, it might create an adverse impact on their mental health and body as well. Tobacco is highly advertised in India by several renowned personalities such as Shahrukh Khan, the most famous reel star, which attracts adolescents to consume these products. Consequently, they might be affected by severe diseases such as Cancer. Hence, the elucidations above show why blind-following of reel people is discernible.
To summarize, in spite of having the fact that there is a plethora of negative things that celebrities promote, I believe that they spread positivity and motivation to the young masses as well. Nevertheless, it totally depends on individuals which one they want to incorporate into their living style. (340)
50. Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
50. Кейбір адамдар жол қауіпсіздігін жақсартудың ең жақсы жолы-көлікті немесе мотоциклді басқару үшін заңмен белгіленген ең төменгі жасты арттыру деп санайды. Сіз бұған қаншалықты келісесіз немесе келіспейсіз?
Driving safety is widely discussed topic in modern society. Part of the population argued that in order to decrease car accident statistics, the legislators should enhance drivers' minimum age. From my perspective, the statement is incorrect, and this essay shall introduce the motives in the subsequent paragraphs.
Firstly, irresponsible behavior, the principal reason of tragedies with motor vehicles, has been seen in diverse periods in individuals' lives. The fact is because people do not transform their driving habits because of aging; instead, it has been noticed that wrong behaviors might be more difficult to change in older citizens. The numbers show, for instance, that there is no difference in accident rates in the states of America that allows to drive either with eighteen or sixteen years old. Therefore, the above-mentioned method has proved to be inefficient based on previous real experiments.
Secondly, there are at least two more remarkable strategies to improve road accident numbers than changing minimum legal age. The fundamental one is acknowledging people of all ages about the risks of unsecured driving. For instance, regular classes in primary schools would have a positive impact on future behaviors. Additionally, besides teaching, public administration should punish irresponsible attitude as well. Stricter laws and higher ticket prices might force car and motorbike owners to be more aware of dangerous mistakes. Both transformations would be better than raising the minimum age due to the focus on change the detrimental behavior.
To conclude, there is no proven difference in individuals' driving habits based on the number of years lived, showing to be inefficient therefore. Moreover, voting for stricter legislation as well as teaching the importance of driving might have better results. Thus, I oppose the notion that older drivers would result in more security on roads. (298)

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