PR and promotion in marketing
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Goals and PR promotion:
- promotion new products produced by the company, as part of
test marketing
-creation of awareness and understanding of the concept of
consumer marketing in new markets
-strengthening effect of the sponsorship of events.
Tasks PR and promotion:
- assessment of the company's relations with the public and the
results of marketing communications companies
-to identify areas of combining and coordinating the interests of
the company and the general public, as well as focus groups and
audiences of contact
-the formation of positive attitudes activities company and trust
with her
-to know the specifics of public relations, as one of the main tools of
communication policy, the basic concepts and principles of public relations in
the practice of analyzing and solving specific economic situations with the
ability to develop PR-campaigns.
Mer 3503
3 Credits /5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
Merchandising - a set of technologies for building effective
communication between the buyer and the item at the point of sale.
merchandising objectives:
- to inform the buyer of the locations of the display of goods;
- providing as much information about the nature and price of the
- to attract the maximum attention to a particular place display of
- the impact of to the buyer in order to convince him to make a
purchase immediately, "Here and Now!"
-Knowledge of options service organization in the retail merchandising retailer,
rules for effective computation of consumer goods in the shop as a tool for
- to be able to determine the location of merchandising in the retail promotion
commercial enterprises with the acquisition of skills of a holistic marketing
program on the use of integrated marketing communications, having a means for
evaluating their tools
MCMP 3504
marketing policy
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Management
2 +1 +0
This behavioral philosophy or general principles for action which
the firm is going to stick in building distribution channels of the
goods and the movement of goods across time and space.
- acquire knowledge of commercial management and marketing policies of the
organization (company) to develop an effective product life cycle of its range,
the commodity-sign symbols, packaging concepts and competitiveness on the
basis of studying the problems of increasing the quality of the product, its levels
and methods
- to acquire knowledge and skills to develop tactics and strategies of competition
EGS 3505
Examination of goods and services
2 credits / 3 ECTS
1 +1 +0
purpose of teaching "Examination of goods and services "is the
study of the classification, the current range and indicators of the
quality of goods, storage, certification and coding of goods,
training in modern methods of examination of the goods and to
determine their competitiveness.
discipline problems. Expand students framework of the
standardization, examine the principles of classification of the
various groups of commodities in the international market, to teach
- acquire knowledge of commercial management and marketing policies of the
organization (company) to develop an effective product life cycle of its range,
the commodity-sign symbols packaging concepts and competitiveness on the
basis of studying the problems of improving the quality of the product, its levels
and methods
- to get the skills to develop tactics and strategies of competition
depends on the weight of quality products depending on market
CS 3506
Competitive Strategy
3 Credits /5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
aim of the course - to give students a deeper fundamental
theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to work on the
analysis of competition and create a competitive strategy in market
conditions, to expedite their professional adaptation to the realities
of today's organizations and optimize their activities with taking
into account the latest developments and best practices in the field
of marketing.
primary goal of discipline is to train professional specialists, free
and easy to orient themselves in the world, capable of on the
knowledge creatively, quickly, reasonably and with minimal risk
to make decisions on the choice of competitive strategy and
creating a system competitive advantages in the market.
- theMet choose appropriate research methods, modify existing, and develop
new methods, based on the specific purpose of research; have the ability to
understand and manage theenvironment, assess the market situation and in
accordance with the changing market conditions, taking balanced management
and marketing solutions
- to have the ability to apply professional knowledge in practice, research skills
in professional activity, have the ability to synthesize, organize and analyze
scientific and methodological information, if necessary, have the ability to learn
to conduct research or acquisition of other professional qualifications, have the
skills to design and implement research projects, business planning and project
implementation; able to evaluate the quality of professional work, to the pursuit
of success.
IMC SS 3501
Integrated Marketing Communications
in the service sector
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
aim of the course is to develop in students a comprehensive
understanding of integrated marketing communications as a tool
for implementing a marketing strategy.
- Develop students' understanding of the need for professional
management of complex integrated marketing communications in
today's competitive environment at all levels of business
management throughout the entire life cycle of product / brand /
- To teach students to critically evaluate the existing
communication strategies, as well as to evaluate and optimize the
process of developing policies and programs to implement it
- to be able to determine the location of merchandising in the promotion of retail
trade enterprises with the acquisition of skills development of an integrated
marketing program on the use of integrated marketing communications services
by owning the methods for evaluating their tools
-to know the specifics of public relations, as one of the main tools of
communication policy, the basic concepts and principles of public relations in
the practice of analyzing and solving specific economic situations with the
ability to develop PR-campaigns
CPSS 3502
Communication with the public service
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
aim of the course "Public Relations (PR) in the service sector"
- open features as PR-management responsibility.
Tasks of the discipline:
- to identify modern technology public relations , especially
specialists in public relations, ethics and professionalism, the legal
framework for public relations, communications, and public
opinion, the media and the organization of relations with them,
process management and practical features of the PR.
- own conceptual and terminological apparatus of public relations
-to know the history of the formation foreign and domestic PR;
- understand the role and importance of the place of PR in modern management
and business activity as a whole
-to be able to carry out an analysis of the social environment of the company,
highlighting the target contact group PR, branding formulating their
-be aware of the forms of media;
- have the skills to prepare information materials (press releases,
MNO 3503
Marketing of non-profit organizations
3credit /5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
main objective ofcourse theis shaping the future marketing of
basic knowledge and skills in the field of non-profit marketing.
Objectives of the course:
- optimally organize the process of studying the subject, fixing the
rules of the educational process
-to develop logical skills in the field of marketing management in
the nonprofit sector of activity
- know the basic concepts, principles, methods of marketing activities to analyze
and solve problems in a particular service sector
-Know the Features and the main characteristics of non-profit enterprise
FHI 3504
Fundamentals of Hospitality Industry
3 Credits /5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
The main objective of the course - to form an idea of the laws of
the functioning of the hospitality industry.
- to give a detailed picture of the nature and structure of the
hospitality industry;
- to introduce the historical stages of formation of the global
hospitality industry.
know and understand:
- the place of discipline to learn the specifics of the hospitality industry
-the legal regulations governing the hospitality industry
-the organizational and management structure of the hospitality industry
CB 3505
Commercial business
loans 2/3 ECTS
1 +1 +0
teaching goal of the course is to develop in students a complex
knowledge of the principles of entrepreneurship in the Republic of
- to study regulations of Kazakhstan that regulate business
-explore the mechanism of operation of enterprises and
firms.,to learn the basic types and forms of
entrepreneurship,to study the characteristics of firms and enterprises of different
forms;-knowfeatures of registration of enterprises and companies of various
forms of economic
MI 3506
Marketing Infrastructure
3 credit /5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
for marketing thing that ensures the success of territory - the
degree of civilization of market relations in the area. On the
territory should be comfortable to live, work and grow, and to do
this we must first develop the infrastructure of residential areas,
industrial zones, the overall market infrastructure. Arguments
allow you to control long-term interest in the area from its
customers, divided into two large groups: the case and the
arguments of the operation.
Among the main arguments of the operation areas include:
personal safety and the protection of public order, the state and
operation of housing (including hotel) Fund, the state of roads,
transportation, water, gas, heat, electricity, garbage collection, the
presence of parks, landscaping, the presence and development of
schools, child care providers (especially - for residents). For
business, it - tax incentives, the possibility of acquiring or leasing
of land and infrastructure components, etc.
- To be able to generate resources the production of specific types of services;
- identify features of the behavior of consumers in the market of business and
leisure services
-to develop a specific set of promotion services
-to know (understand, to have an idea): the basic marketing terms, the nature
and variety of territorial marketing, marketing territory actors, their goals and
interests, areas of marketing strategy, a comprehensive assessment methodology
potential of the area, established an alternative concept of marketing territory,
innovative instru ments marketing area and the types of management decisions
and the forms and methods of promotion of the territory
-be able to: develop a marketing strategy to ensure the attractiveness of the
competitive advantages of the area, to evaluate the possibility of the territory to
increase the share of competitive products, to evaluate the effectiveness of
marketing projects on the basis of criteria and indicators of success.
IM 3501
Industrial Marketing
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
Goals and objectives of the course are to shaping the future
marketing knowledge and skills in the marketing of raw materials,
machinery and equipment, industrial services, features industry
- to optimally organize the process of studying the subject, fixing
the rules of the educational process
-to develop skills and build specific skills, develop the ability to
diagnose problems and problem-solving skills.
- The ability to use the system of anti-crisis measures, the principles and
methods of ensuring the survival of the enterprise (company)
-to know the basic differences between industrial marketing from the consumer
-to be able to plan marketing activities in an industrial plant, to carry out the
development and implementation of the marketing strategy of the industrial
OPR 3502
Organization public relations
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
CourseObjectives. The course prepares students for effective and
ethical public communication on behalf of contemporary
organizations (profit and non-profit). Students will acquire
knowledge about the history of public relations in modern
organizations and a variety of theories and paradigms of effective
public relations. Students will gain skills in the practical arts of
market / audience research and analysis, campaign development,
image and text design, media relations, crisis management, and
communication ethics.
- Identify modern technology public relations, particularly specialists in public
relations, ethics and professionalism, the legal framework for public relations,
communications, and public opinion, the media and the organization of relations
with them, process management and practical features of the PR
MNO 3503
Marketing of non-profit organizations
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
main objective ofcourse is theshaping the future marketing of
basic knowledge and skills in the field of nonprofit marketing.
Tasks Path:
- optimally organize the process of studying the subject, fixing the
rules of the educational process
-to develop logical skills in the field of marketing management in
the nonprofit field.
- basic concepts, principles, and methods of marketing activities to analyze and
solve problems specific practical problems in some sectors
- and particularly the main characteristics of non-profit enterprise
FHI 3504
Fundamentals of Hospitality Industry
3 Credits / 5ECTS
2 +1 +0
Course Objectives - the acquisition of knowledge of the laws of
the functioning of the international hotel market, the existing
methods of modern hotel management systems and the
organization of its work.
Objective: the acquisition of knowledge in the area of the genesis
of accommodation, the causes of modern mechanisms of the
international hotel markets, prospects of development of hotel
business in the future.
know and understand:
- the place of discipline to learn the specifics of the hospitality industry
-the legal regulations governing the hospitality industry;
- organizational and management structure of the hospitality industry
-maintenance cycle tourists in a hotel
-basic concepts of professional ethics among hospitality
industry.,own specialized terminology necessary for the analysis of hospitality
CR 3505
Commodity research
Credit 2/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Branding
1 +1 + 0
The purpose of discipline - creation of knowledge in the field of
merchandising, skills identification, quality assessment and
Learning Objectives discipline - study of the theoretical
foundations of the formation and preservation of the quality of the
goods; practical skills examination of the goods.
-problems of the market of each group of products and sources of supply on the
-regulatory documentation
-conditions and terms
-quality requirements for products;
able to:
- determine kasestvo raw materials and finished products
-use regulations.
MA 3506
Marketing Analysis
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
aim of the course - learning the basics and essence of marketing
analysis, theory and practice of modern marketing mechanism
impact on the competitive position of firms in the market.
In the study, along with the mastery of the course the students
theoretical propositions focuses on the acquisition of practical
skills, so that they were able to successfully apply them in their
future work.
- To study consumer preferences in order to meet them, as well as to segment
customers to analyze their preferred brands or varieties of goods and the degree
of saturation of the market in these segments.
- optimization of product and pricing policy, the policy of forming a marketing
network, development of advertising and marketing communications analysis.
4 COURSE / 7 semester
3.2 Basic vocational modules
Module 8. Marketing management in services
MM 4401
Marketing Management
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Management
2 +1 +0
purpose of marketing management - to provide efficiency gains
effectiveness of the entity on the market.
1. Marketing planning
2. The organization, the implementation of marketing strategies
and marketing
3. Accounting and control of marketing activities
4. Expert monitoring and regulating the behavior of firms in the
- Have knowledge and understanding of the implementation of the marketing of
enterprise management, including planning, organization, motivation and
control of industrial, commercial and financial processes
-to acquire knowledge and understanding of determining the effectiveness of
marketing planning and controlling the company and economic evaluation of
marketing solutions.
Module 9. Marketing - Management
IM 4402
International Marketing
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
aim of the course - to give an idea about the basics of
international marketing, the composition of tasks and decisions
made in that sphere The show features the use of marketing tools
in the international markets, to help apply these principles and
techniques in practice by the example of domestic enterprises.
main objectives of the course are:
- the study of international marketing environment
- the study and research of complex marketing mix in
international marketing
-provides the theoretical knowledge basis for the organization of logistics
systems at the international level
- to know the specifics of international marketing, especially marketing
management organization in the international business environment on the basis
of the analysis and the prospects of entering foreign markets
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