Verb in English and Kazakh languages The complexity of a verb depends not only on the complex structure of its grammatical categories, but also on its division into different subgroups, as well as on the basis of two sets of forms that are fundamentally different from each other. According to Kaushanskaya, verb has this kind of classification:
– According to their morphological structure: simple, derived, compound, composite.
– According to the way in which the Past Indefinite and Participle II are formed, verbs are divided into three groups: regular, irregular and mixed verbs;
– According to the syntactic function verb divided into notional, auxiliary and link verbs.
– As has been stated above a verb can be transitive and intransative;
However, in Kazakh language about verb’s classifications has several opinions. For instance, Kazakh grammarian G. Abukhanov divides the categories of verbs into lexical-semantic and grammatical categories:
–лексика-семантикалық категориялар:болымды етістік, болымсыз етістік, көсемше, есімше, салт етістік, сабақты етістік, етіс түрлері;
–грамматикалық категориялар:етістіктің шақ жəне рай түрлері;
A. Iskakov defines the grammatical categories of the verb as a system of verb forms and divides them into several grammatical categories as follows:
1) етістік негізі;
2) қимыл атауы категориясы;
3) салттылық жəне сабақтылық категориясы;
4) етіс категориясы;
5) болымдылық жəне болымсыздық категориясы;
6) амалдың өтусипаты категориясы;
7) есімшелер категориясы;
8) көсемшелер категориясы;
9) рай категориясы;
10) шақ категориясы.
According to grammarian Blokh, there are two types of verbs:finite and non- finite verbs[7].
Verbs which have the past or the present form are called FINITE verbs. Verbs in any other form (infinitive, -ing, or -ed) are called NONFINITE verbs. This means that verbs with tense are finite, and verbs without tense are nonfinite.
A finite verb is often the main verb in the sentence, which denotes the primary action done by the subject in a particular context. Finite verbs can be a part of an independent clause or verb phrase that can stand alone in a sentence and still make sense.There are some points you have to keep in mind if you want to use finite verbs accurately.
The most important point you have to focus on when working with finite verbs is that they always work with a subject.
You have to always make sure that the verb agrees with the subject.
Remember that the use of a finite verb can allow the clause to stand by itself as an independent clause.
Make sure that you conjugate the finite verb accurately to suit the context in which the action takes place.
A non-finite verb is most often not the main verb in the sentence. It does not show the tense or number of the verb. Non-finite verbs are multifunctional. They can take the gerund form of the verb and function as an infinitive by taking a ‘to’ along with the base form of the verb.
Learning how to use non-finite verbs in sentences can be made quite easy if you know how finite verbs work. Unlike finite verbs, non-finite verbs do not include main verbs and do not show any tense. Here are some tips on how you can make effective use of non-finite verbs in your everyday life and convey what is in your mind in a clear and simple manner. Non-finite verbs include the base form of the verb, the present participle or the gerund form of the verb (v+ing), the past participle form and the infinitive form.
The distinction between finite and nonfinite verbs is a very important one in grammar, since it affects how verbs behave in sentences. Here are some examples of each type: