Ключевые слова: информационность, глобализация, духовность, Мəнгілік ел, национальное развитие,
нравственность, развитие национальной идеи.
Mahmutova K.I. - SKSU named adter M.Auezov departmeht general pedadody and musical education
Kuatova Zh.Zh. - SKSU named adter M.Auezov departmeht general pedadody and musical education
The jormation of spiritnal and moral dualities of students on the basis of national idea «Manqilik El» in the
process of teachind of pedaqoqical disciplines
The article is devoted to the realization of the national idea "Məngіlіk el" at the university within the
framework of possibilities of pedagogical cycle subjects in the formation of spiritual and moral values and personal
qualities of students. The article analyzes such concepts as spirituality, məngіlіk el, national idea. The author analyzes
the concept of the idea "Məngіlіk el", national idea, the ir contents from the point of view of the author not only
promotes the formation of the national spirit, but also forms the students' human values and the desire to serve for the
benefit of all the people. Also, ways of the formation of the students’ basic concepts in the learning process of
pedagogical disciplines such as morality, national education, moral qualities, and national values are considered, and
effective methods for the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in the learning process at the university are
Keywords: Information, globalization, spirituality, national, development, moral, development, national idea.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г.
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