Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 106
education and at the same time to provide high-quality knowledge of relevant international standards. This is
only possible with an increase in the level of language proficiency of students, instilling in them the
linguistic consciousness. Teachers use innovative techniques, new technologies, including electronic text-
books, computer programs, multimedia courses, audio and video. All this shapes the students' creative
attitude and interest in learning.
Recent data show an increase in the number of students of language faculties, studying Chinese, and it is
an objective phenomenon requiring attention and study. [2:144] It is particularly gratifying to note the
growing number of young people who not only took a keen interest in learning the Chinese language, but
also achieve considerable success in various competitions, "Chinese Bridge" oratory, calligraphy.
Meanwhile, time does not stand still and urgently requires the saturation technique of Chinese language
teaching in high schools with new technologies, the creation of textbooks and teaching aids, taking into
account local realities, national color. The Chinese language in terms of Kazakh society has a great future,
even though it differs significantly from the Kazakh and Russian languages. Therefore, in the learning
process it is advisable to take into account the differences in language systems at different levels. Teaching
of professional speech to university students requires careful consideration and development of the
educational process with the correct selection of texts focused on social motivation and on account of the
special Chinese language.
A particular interest in this regard is the experience of Russian colleagues. In 2005, in collaboration with
I.V.Kochergin, Huang Lily released a tutorial, which contains materials for forming, consolidating and
controlling skills in the Chinese language. [3] The main feature and the main advantage of this book is that
the training material for the development and consolidation of skills grouped by linguistic phenomena that
makes it easy to find the necessary exercises and activities for each stage of learning at the appropriate level
of difficulty.
In today's world with the development of new technologies a high level to of quality of knowledge is
required. It makes us look for new learning technologies aimed at the individual characteristics of each
student. In this connection special importance is imposed to the problem of control of knowledge of Chinese
as a foreign language.
Modern technology training waive formal monitoring and evaluation of students' knowledge and propose
a new evaluation system of knowledge that focuses on the personal level and differentiated character.
Linguists distinguish the following classroom control functions for language: diagnostic, teaching,
administering, correcting, challenging and estimating. Of all these functions a lot of attention in the overall
structure of educational activity is given to the diagnosis of learning, which aims to identify, evaluate and
analyze the course of the educational process due to its productivity. Diagnosis includes monitoring, testing,
evaluation, accumulation of statistical data analysis, forecasting future developments in connection with
which involves guaranteed goals, the effectiveness of the learning.
Modern methods differ the following mind control: preliminary, current, interim, final. Of these forms
of control testing is one of the most objective ways to control the level of training of students.
Assignments in test form must meet the following formal requirements: 1) the brevity; 2) the correctness
of the form selection; 3) the logical form of expression; 4) the same rules for evaluating responses; 5) the
presence of a particular place for the answers; 6) the correct layout of the job; 7) the same instruction for all
the students; 8) the adequacy of the instructions in terms of the form and content.[4]
Depending on the nature of the sample responses there are alternative tests, multiple choice tests, tests of
cross election and closed tests.
Tests can be characterized by the following qualities:1) validity; 2) reliability;3) practicality;
4) efficiency, etc.
The advantages of the nature of the test tasks include: 1) objectivity; 2) direct fixation of the test results;
3) a comparison with pre-standards responses; 4) the simplicity of comparison procedure; 5) strict regulation
of testing procedures; 6) the possibility of statistical processing of the test; 7) the ability of the individual
learning process; 8) the ability to improve self-learners’ control.
Generalizing studied literature on tests, as well as own experience [5], we as associate ourselves with the
authors of the following interpretation of the concept of test and rely on it carefully in the article: "a system
of tasks of the standard form, the implementation of which is held in equal conditions for everybody, allows
you to set the level of development of knowledge, skills".
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж. 107
Control method in the form of testing, or as often lately it became known as "test-oriented" is becoming
more widespread, because: first, it provides the teacher with objective information about the students with
the knowledge of the level of mandatory training material. Second, the result of testing is an indicator of the
quality of teaching. Consequently, the test is an indication of the level of competency of student in a