particular area of knowledge and evaluation of the teacher.
In addition, testing as a method of control as a number of advantages over other methods of determining
the level of training, namely:
allows you to check more material in a class in comparison with other forms of control;
puts all students on an equal footing ;
in assessing the response of the student excluded the effect of such factors as luck / bad luck
the communicative behavior of the exam / offset ;
allows the teacher to monitor the operational process of learning at almost any stage of training;
repeatedly reduces subjectivity in assessing the quality of learning;
to some extent removes the student excitement that occurs when direct contact with the examiner;
excludes the impact assessment on the so-called factor test eloquence and his ability to please the
reduces the effect of contrast , when the mark is dependent on the impression made on the examiner
previous student response;
allows you to test students' knowledge of all the main conceptual issues of discipline.
Thanks to these advantages, the tests can be used quite successfully for: a) diagnosis of the starting
level of knowledge of students;
b) an intermediate or final control of students' knowledge;
d)determine the amount of residual knowledge;
e) identify and drop out poorly prepared students;
f) selection of the most prepared and prospective students.
Because at this stage of training-level differentiated approach to language learning is becoming one of the
key, then drafting test items can be offered with the following degrees of difficulty: 1) reproductive; 2)
productive; 3) creativity.
Tests of the first, reproductive, level include checking for learning language skills in simple mental
operations. For example:
1.Specify a synonym for the word ‘a teacher’:
a. mentor
b. friend
c. director
d. colleague
e. buddy.
2. Determine what part of speech is the highlighted word in a sentence: a person must be intelligent.
a. adverb
b. verb
c. pronoun
d. noun
e. adjective.
Tests of the second, productive, level: possession of sufficient teaching linguistic skills of analysis,
synthesis, comparison, generalization; students at this level are characterized by self-productive activities.
For example:
1.Specify the subject,expressed by communion.
a. Decisiveness is the key to success.
b. Pedagogy as a detective.
c. The audience listened attentively to a lecture.
d. A group of students engaged in the library.
e. Skill and a little effort.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г.
2. Which sentence is the targe tutterance incentive?
a. What is the biggest goal in life?
b. The greatest value in the world is life.
c. Memory is our wealth.
d. Take care in their humanity.
e. He looks into the future.
Tests of the third, creative, level: self-realization of the individual student capable of independent creative
learning activities based on acquired knowledge, skills, values and meanings. Learner performs tasks that
require integration of data and creative thinking; translates social responsibility. For example:
1.The word hard working refers to the.
a. business qualities
b. external characteristic.
c. abilities
d. emotional characteristics
e. Internal state.
2. Indicate why the proposal includes comma.
Students have successfully passed the exams, as well prepared for the session.
a. Homogeneous parts of the sentence
b. parenthesis
c. Parts compound sentence
d. Part of a complex sentence
e. Conjunctionless part of a complex sentence.
For the last level you can include so-called "open questions" aimed at the student's original approach to
the problem, the ability to justify their point of view, the ability to organize knowledge, find information. In
turn, they focus on the degree of individualization and are reflections of the material studied and the
completeness of the application of the knowledge gained in the theoretical lessons.
1. Express your opinion about the behavior of the characters of the story.
a. How would you have done, once on the site of one of your friends?
b. What made the king to grant the request of severe friend Damon?
c. What is true friendship?
2. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
"Clean it - it is free from non-literary words that are free of jargon, dialect, words-weeds."
a. no
b. yes
c. partially
d. Yes, with the proviso that ...
e. Depending on what form of speech: oral or written question.
In addition, to account for the individual characteristics of students' tests, depending on their destination
should be the job of varying degrees of difficulty, i.e. all text can be conditionally divided into several
groups. Thus, the first group of tests assesses the level of assimilation of didactic material forming the basis
of the discipline. The second group of tests assesses the degree of difficulty of assimilation of the material
that helps to develop and complement the foundation of the discipline and its pithy core. The tests of the
third group are the control of the system of knowledge, theoretical and practical components of the
Therefore, to customize the learning process we propose designation signs, tests in difficulty level in the
context of differentiated approach: *first level degree of difficulty; ** - second level degree of difficulty;
***- third level degree of difficulty.
Thus, in determining the structure of the test composition it would be most effective to use test submitted
to the various test forms. This will eliminate unnecessary formality answers. The combination of testing with
other forms of control increases the motivation of learners, improves the quality of the educational.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж.
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