Summary Dzherdimalieva R.R. – Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the
Kazakh National Academy of Arts after T.Zhurgenov
Akhmetova A.K. – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of department
«Music education and choreography»
The problem of improving the pedagogical principles of the art of music teachers. The article considers the problem of improving the pedagogical principles of the art of music teachers. For
methodological principles of vocational guidance the teacher-musician should include the relationship of subjective and
objective, professional orientation, systematic approach, philosophical unity, general scientific levels. The principle of a
systems approach involves holistic "vision" of the studied phenomenon in all its internal and external relations. By the
artistic principles include: the construction communicative "dialogue" "between teacher and students," "manifestation of
creative freedom and an emotional openness".
Keywords: methodological principle, systematic approach, professional orientation, artistic principles, professional