
The chemical composition of eggs

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Оқулық ғылыми зерттеу әд

The chemical composition of eggs

The chemical composition of eggs was determined. The moisture by drying at 105°C, fat by Soxhlet (GOST 2009) and total protein by a modified method of Kjeldahl (GOST 2005, 2008) was determined. Ash by using a muffle furnace by heating at 550°C for eight hours was determined.

Sample preparation of yolk and fatty acids (FA) determination

The eggs were manually broken and separated into egg albumen and yolk. Yolk lipids were extracted using a standard procedure according to Folch et al. (1957) applying chloroform and methanol (2:1 v/v). The FA composition of a yolk lipid was determined by a saponification/methylation procedure (EN ISO 12966- 1:2014/AC:2015). To the extracted yolk lipids (100 mg), placed in a screw capped glass tube, 4 cm3 of 2 M NaOH was added and heated on a heating block. After 10 min, 5 cm3 boron trifluoride-methanol complex were added and samples still heated. Next, 3 cm3 isooctane was added to the boiling mixture and heated 1 min. After removing the flask from the heat source, without allowing the flask to cool, 20 cm3 NaCl solution was added. Then, 2 cm3 of the upper isooctane layer was transferred into vial and small amount of anhydrous sodium sulfate was added. Chromatographic analysis was performed using an Hewlett-Packard-6890 gas chromatograph with a flame-ionization detector (FID) and Supelcowax 10 capillary column (100 m×0.25 mm). The conditions of separation: carrier gas-helium; flow rate-1.5 ml
min-1; detector temperature 250°C; column temperature 60°C increase of 5°C min-1 to 180°C. Methyl esters of acids were identified by retention times and compared with mixture of methyl esters of fatty acids (Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix, 10 mg ml-1 in methylene chloride (FOLCH et. al 1957).

Hematological and biochemical blood parameters of laying hens

Blood samples for hematological and biochemical examination was taken from the vena basilica of the left wing; these were collected using syringe-needle assemblies that had been flushed with heparin. The samples were collected within 1 minute of capture to ensure that the levels of the monitored parameters were not affected by any stress induced by presampling handling (CHLOUPEK et. al 2009). The heparinised blood was immediately centrifuged at 837 rmp×g at 4°C for 10 minutes, and plasma samples were stored at -80°C in Eppendorf test tubes until the analyses were performed. The samples for hematological examination were collected in tubes with EDTA and analysed immediately. Selected plasma biochemical parameters (total protein, calcium, and phosphorus, HGB, HCT, RBC and WBC) were measured. Hematological studies were performed on automatic hematology analyzer Swelab Alfa Basic 4/3 (Sweden).

Сурет 6.3 – Мақаланың «Зерттеу нысандары мен әдістері» бөлімінің көрінісі

Нәтижелерді талқылау. Нәтижелерді талқылау бөлімі мақала құрылымында жеке бөлімге шығарылуы мүмкін, кей жағдайда «Қорытынды» бөліміне де кіруі мүмкін. Мұндай талқылау бөлімі болуы маңызды. Бұл бөлімнің міндеті - алынған нәтижелерге түсініктеме беру. Талқылауға ұсынылған нәтижелер неге дәл осындай екенін және олар мақаланың негізгі идеясына қалай сәйкес келетінін көрсетуі тиіс. «Талқылау» бөлімінде жұмыс нәтижелерінің ерекшеліктерін көрсету, яғни жұмыс нәтижесінен алынған тұжырымдарды бағалау қажет. Мақалада алынған нәтижелерді осы саладағы алдыңғы жұмыстармен салыстыру қажет. Мұндай салыстыру фактілері ауызша дәлелдерге қарағанда жұмыстың жаңалығын жақсы анықтайды. Сондай-ақ, талқылау бөлімінде жұмыста алынған нәтижелердің соңынан келетін гипотезаларды тұжырымдау орынды. Мұндай тұжырым біріншіден, болашақта зерттеу тақырыбына өтінім болып табылады және екіншіден, мұндай зерттеулермен қатар бірнеше зерттеу топтары айналысатын жағдайда нәтижелерді түсіндіруде басымдыққа үміткер болуға мүмкіндік береді.

of eggs (AHN et. al 1997, DRAŻBO et. al 2014). In this study, hens diet based on vermiculite feed additive caused a change of morphometric parameters of eggs (Table 2). Intensity of eggs production of laying hens in the experimental group (C) made 77.25%, and in the experimental group (E) of 87.67% against 68.30% in control group. In the end, collecting eggs from D and E was 3 and 5 units more than the control; productivity per hen in the E test group was 52.6 pieces of eggs for two months. This was 22% higher than in the control group. In all tested groups of hens (B-E) fed with vermiculite plus fishmeal productivity of eggs was higher than control group. Hens fed with vermiculite additive (groups B, C) laid 100 eggs more than control group and about 200 eggs more after feeding with vermiculite plus fishmeal (group D, E). The solids contents of whole egg, white and yolk varied within a narrow range among egg sizes. Average egg weight was the highest in group E (63.3g). The level of albumen and yolk of egg was also the highest in B-D groups. Eggs of hens fed with 5% V (group C) had the highest weight of shell and its thickness and density. Eggshell breaking strength is a key indicator of egg quality. This research has shown that eggshell breaking strength had a little increase in hens diets fed with vermiculite +FM.

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