Ағылшын тілінің стилистикалық және лексикалық нормаларын қолдану

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Күні: 8.06.23
Модуль атауы: Ағылшын тілінің стилистикалық және лексикалық нормаларын қолдану
Топ: 21шт-2
Оқытушы: Конарбаева Г.Г.
Тақырыбы: Жарнама

Advertising is the practice and techniques employed to bring attention to a product or service. Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in hopes of drawing it attention from consumers. It is typically used to promote a specific good or service. There are wide ranges of use of advertising.

Traditional Methods of Advertising include:
1. Broadcast advertising: Television ads and radio ads are media advertising formats known as broadcast advertising. Radio and television advertising remains among the most cost-effective means of connecting goods and services to a large and diverse demographic. Though satellite television allows many consumers to skip over traditional TV ads, companies still reach viewers through pop-up ads that appear during programming.
2. Direct mail advertising: Brochures, flyers, and other forms of printed materials sent in the mail are all forms of direct mail advertising. This strategy can be an effective way for small businesses to inform new customers who have just moved to the area about your business.
3. Outdoor advertising: Billboards and advertisements on public transportation are forms of outdoor advertising. They typically feature bold images and limited text since the interactive period between a consumer and outdoor advertising is usually brief.
4. Print advertising: While some companies create printed advertisements like flyers or brochures, the term “print advertising” refers to print media ads like newspaper advertisements and magazine ads. This tactic can reach general audiences or specific demographics depending on the focus and circulation of the print media.
5. Product placement advertising: Marketing plans can include product placement advertising, which involves embedding goods or services in feature films or television programs. Product placement advertising is often subtle, with no direct mention of the goods or services save for their appearances on-screen. However, characters often use or consume the products as part of the storyline.
6. Word-of-mouth: A low-cost means of reaching customers without an ad campaign, word-of-mouth advertising relies on consumers telling friends and family about their positive experiences with a company’s goods or services. Some companies incentivize customers to endorse their products with referral programs.

Types of Advertising on Digital Platforms

Also known as online advertising, digital advertising is any form of advertising on the internet, apps, or digital devices. Some of the most common digital advertising formats include:

1. Display advertising: With this digital marketing strategy, companies create pop-up ads and banner ads on websites to reach new audiences. These ads feature a clear call to action (or CTA) that prompts users to click through to your website. After a user clicks the digital ad, you can utilize remarketing or retargeting tactics to continue to reach the customer with future advertising efforts.
2. Mobile advertising: Any mobile device with internet connectivity, such as a smartphone or tablet, is a conduit for mobile advertising, allowing you to reach potential customers through digital advertising methods on apps.
3. Native advertising: To employ this digital advertising technique, companies create sponsored articles that resemble other forms of content on a website. Native advertising appears within the flow of regular content on a site, downplaying its very nature as an ad. Advertisers and the websites that host native ads find this approach effective, as it allows for a more intuitive experience for users and avoids breaking up the flow of content with display ads.
4. Paid search advertising: Also known as pay-per-click or PPC advertising, paid search advertising is a form of digital advertising that allows companies to bid on specific keywords relevant to their goods and services. Search engines then connect users to the advertising whenever they look for these words on search engines. This paid tactic complements organic search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.
5. Podcast advertising: Podcasts can help you reach a more targeted audience than advertising on radio stations. Podcast hosts typically read the ad copy, which often includes a discount for potential customers who hear the podcast.
6. Social media advertising: Social media platforms gather demographic information that lets advertisers target specific audiences, allowing you to create cost-effective ad campaigns. You can also tap the online following of social media celebrities through influencer ads.
7. Video advertising: You can reach audiences on social media sites or streaming platforms with dynamic, engaging video ads. Some sites require users to play video ads before watching or engaging with other content, guaranteeing a certain number of views per ad.

Resources: https://www.frontpages.com/uk-newspapers
Learn Here About The Different Types Of Newspaper Advertising (excellentpublicity.com)

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