Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

parts very well, which contributed to the success of the performance

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parts very well, which contributed to the success of the performance. 
4. The child handed out his apple to me, which made me smile. 5. There 
was a clap (roar) of thunder and a flash of lightning, which doesn’t of-
ten happen in winter. 6. I hear they are going to get married, which is 
fantastic. 7. He spoke about (the) corruption in politics, which is (was) 
not new at all.
Exercise 47. 
1. whose; 2. whose; 3. which; 4. who; 5. whose; 6. who(m), whose; 
7. whose; 8. who, who(m); 9. whom; 10. whose; 11. whose; 12. whom; 
13. whose; 14. who; 15. whom
Exercise 48. 
1. buildings; 2. designers; 3. Roman; 4. identification; 5. unknown; 
6. professional; 7. formal; 8. qualification(s); 9. product; 10. architec-
ture; 11. practising; 12. governments
Exercise 49. 
1. to look; 2. was raking; 3. her; 4. went; 5. him; 6. working/to 
work; 7. carefully; 8. die; 9. correctly; 10. his; 11. do; 12. raking/to 
Exercise 50. 
1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. d; 7. b; 8. c; 9. d; 10. b
Exercise 51.
1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. b; 10. a
Exercise 52. 
1. was talking; 2. had; 3. had stopped; 4. feeling; 5. exclaimed; 
6. could; 7. see; 8. laugh/laughing; 9. notice; 10. was moved; 
11. felt; 12. ’ll make; 13. show; 14. knew; 15. had made/made; 
16. laugh; 17. do not work; 18. will make; 19. cry; 20. kill; 21. do; 
22. will be; 23. was put; 24. began; 25. tried; 26. saw; 27. was more 
surprised; 28. came; 29. made; 30. shook; 31. had wasted/had been 

Exercise 53. 
1. These people are waiting for their passports. As soon as they get 
them, they will be able to start for the airport. 2. May I have a look at 
your magazine? There is an article in it, which interests me very much. 
It is on page 15. Have you read it yourself? 3. Physics is a science and 
a subject. When I was at school I always had problems with it. And 
even now I can’t say I’m good at it. 4. I shall never forget the day 
(when) George first came to our house. I had never seen such a hand-
some youth before. He was about six feet tall, well-built and had an 
amiable/a friendly smile. 5. If I had been there the day before, I would 
have taken a different decision. I don’t think you have really solved 
the problem. 6. Doctors, teachers, office managers can’t afford not to 
have telephones. A telephone is quite important (essential) for them. 
7. Have you bought any vegetables? We are run out of potatoes, beets 
and carrots. 8. I expected Gerald to return at six. It is eight o’clock now 
and he hasn’t come yet. I wonder what he is doing in that club of his. 
9. I hear a new cinema is being built not far from our block of flats. 
Do you know when they will finish its construction? 10. While Jane was 
doing the room, her sister was cooking in the kitchen. They knew their 
mother would soon return from work and wanted her to receive a pleas-
ant surprise.
Exercise 58. 

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