Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

A. 1. porch; 2. portico; 3. dome; 4. balcony; 5. courtyard; 6. spire;  7. attic; 8. arch; 9. colonnade; 10. roof terrace; 11. cupolas; B

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1. porch; 2. portico; 3. dome; 4. balcony; 5. courtyard; 6. spire; 
7. attic; 8. arch; 9. colonnade; 10. roof terrace; 11. cupolas; B. 1. D; 
2. C; 3. A; 4. B
Exercise 59. 
1. fresco; 2. concrete; 3. carving; 4. portico; 5. drapery; 6. terracot-
ta; 7. marble; 8. mosaic; 9. attic; 10. tapestry; 11. dome; 12. veranda(h); 
13. brick; 14. patio
Exercise 60. 
1. g; 2. c; 3. i; 4. j; 5. d; 6. e; 7. f; 8. b; 9. h; 10. a
Exercise 69. 
The message of the poem Daffodils can be explained like this: nature 
and people exist in harmony and the former may influence us as we 
ourselves are a part of nature. The message of the poem Broadway can 
be explained as follows: the poet regards this street as a model of the 
whole world with its virtues and vices.

Unit Three
Exercise 2. 
1. c; 2. d; 3. f; 4. e; 5. a; 6. b; 7. g
Exercise 3. 
true: 4, 5, 7; false: 1, 2, 3; not mentioned in the text: 6
Exercise 5. 
1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c
Exercise 7. 
1. them; 2. Victoria Falls; 3. 1676; 4. several streams; 5. the 
smoke that thunders; 6. Queen Victoria; B. 1. in southeastern Siberia; 
2. freshwater lake in Eurasia; 3. 636, 82; 4. freshwater lake in the 
world; 5. is (exceptionally) pure; 6. the Angara River
Exercise 9. 
1. f; 2. d; 3. b; 4. g; 5. a; 6. c; 7. e
Exercise 12. 
1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. b; 9. c; B. 1. a moat; 
2. to mark; 3. genuine; 4. a (celebrated) landmark; 5. scores of; 6. dubi-
ous; 7. urban; 8. to pay homage to; 9. to match; 10. patterned; 11. to 
demolish; 12. to hinder; 13. blunt; 14. conservation efforts; 15. soaring 
tented; 16. winding
Exercise 15. 
1. in the distance; 2. upraised voices; 3. to savour; 4. widowed; 
5. limestone cliffs; 6. steep path; 7. mild and kindly disposition; 
8. companionable silence; 9. untutored eyes; 10. it’s a constant wonder 
to me; 11. considered for a moment or two; 12. scribes; 13. ploughs 
the fields and reaps the barley; 14. rottenness that breed from within; 
15. (a man) who muses to himself
Exercise 17. 
a) What was true or valid in the past is not necessarily so to-
day b ecause circumstances change; b) People who do a lot are the people 
who have most energy. However busy they are, they can usually manage 
something more; c) Each succeeding generation has its own way of life 
and standard of behaviour; d) To procrastinate is to delay, to put off 

doing something. Procrastinating – deferring things from day to day – 
wastes a lot of time and usually ends in nothing being done at all; e) 
Do not delay taking action. If you wish to go to sea, do not miss the 
tide. Neither tide nor time will tarry for you. In a wider sense, if an 
opportunity presents itself, decide quickly and act promptly; f) However 
great our grief or disappointment may be, in the course of time it will 
lessen. In this sense our “wounds” heal with time; g) These words are a 
line from Longfellow. When we are idle, we do nothing by which future 
generations may remember us.
Exercise 20. 
1. in; 2. from; 3. against; 4. at; 5. about; 6. in; 7. in; 8. on; 9. for; 
10. –; 11. on; 12. across (in/on); 13. –; 14. by; 15. on
Exercise 21. 
1. доверять кому-либо; 2. недовольство, жалоба; 3. гора; 
4. сонный; 5. благоразумие; 6. обучать; 7. занятие; 8. забастовка; 
9. забастовка; 10. поразительный; 11. склонность; 12. наклонность; 
13. приверженность 
Exercise 22. 
1. ...and confided his fears to his brother. 2. Her political leanings... 
3. ...wears striking clothes. 4. The drowsy child... 5. Tell us about your 
background, please. 6. What is there in the background of the picture? 
7. ... of a mild disposition. 8. Why did you strike him? 9. ...is prone 
to get colds... 10. ...is a prudent person. 11. Grace mounted the horse... 
12. He grumbled about the way... 13. Jerald mused over/about Victor’s 
proposal. 14. ...is my music tutor. 15. He (is) has become more confi-
dent... 16. They went on strike for better pay(ment).
Exercise 23. 
1. struck; 2. confident; 3. mounted; 4. leaned (leant); 5. drowsed; 
6. background; 7. grumbled; 8. prudent; 9. disposition; 10. prone; 
11. musing
Exercise 24. 
1. Старый художник был поражён красотой натурщицы. 
2. Благоразумно проверить машину, прежде чем отправиться в 
длительную поездку. 3. Ральф сидел на крыльце и перебирал в 
памяти события дня (размышлял о...). 4. Только что пробило 
полночь. 5. Я почувствовал, что меня клонит в сон (ко сну), и решил 

немного поспать. 6. Некоторые люди склонны к перееданию. 7. То, 
что он сказал, показалось мне забавным. 8. У тебя весёлый нрав, ты 
улыбаешься и шутишь, даже если устала. 9. Покрывало для кровати 
было зелёным с жёлтыми цветами. 10. Дженни очень застенчива и 
всегда держится в тени. 11. Джек стоял, прислонившись к дереву. 
12. Стивен всегда пользовался её доверием. 13. Только послушайте 
его! Он ворчит, что у него нет настроения убирать свою комнату. 
14. Мы всегда уверены в успехе.
Exercise 25. 
1. He confided his secret to me. 2. John grumbled about having to 
wake up so early. 3. We were struck by her words. 4. He mused over his 
friend’s offer but couldn’t take any decision. 5. He is prone to make mis-
takes. 6. Alice is a very prudent girl. 7. Uncle Tom mounted the hill and 
stood on top of it for some time admiring the view. 8. Lean the ladder 
against the wall, please. 9. The painter depicted beautiful rose bushes in 
the background. 10. When does the tutorial begin? 11. She murmured 
something drowsily and fell asleep. 12. Your sister shows prudence in 
spending her money but you don’t. 13. It has just struck four. 14. These 
are striking facts. 15. The disease struck unexpectedly.
Exercise 26. 
seriously affected by: grief – grief-stricken; panic – 
panic-stricken; poverty – poverty-stricken; terror – terror-stricken; 
drought – drought-stricken; B. 1. terror-stricken (panic-stricken); 
2. panic-stricken; 3. drought-stricken; 4. panic-stricken; 5. poverty-
stricken; 6. grief-stricken; 7. terror-stricken (panic-stricken); 8. drought-
stricken; 9. panic-stricken; 10. poverty-stricken
Exercise 27. 

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