Английский язык для экономистов

Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам

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7. Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. There is boss's automobile near my house.

  2. There are some files on the shelf.

  3. There is some food on the table.

8. Раскройте скобки.

It's a lovely day. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).

You (to have) breakfast yet? - Yes, we (to have). We (to have) it half an hour ago.
What are they talking about? - They (to talk) about literature. They always (to talk) about literature when they see each other.
She is going to have dinner. She just (to wash) her hands.
What your brother (to do)? - He (to read) a magazine. He (to do) it every evening.
If I (to get) a letter from him I (to phone) you.

9. Выберете нужный предлог.

What time did you arrive (at, to) the station?

She intends to return (in, to) Moscow (over, in) three days.
I am going to work in the library (at, for, in) three hours tomorrow.
Our classes last (at, till) six o'clock.
Take the book (from, out of) the table and give it to me.
Don't turn (off, on) the radio. Father is working.
Take the book (from, out of) the bag and give it to me.

10. Выберете соответствующее слово.

1. It isn't (my, mine) bag. I've left (my, me, mine) at home.

2. I haven't got (many, not, much) time today.
3. Has (somebody, anybody) seen Paul today?
4. Are there (much, little, many) students among your friends?
5. Speak a bit louder, I don't hear (nothing, something, anything).
6. My hands are warm but (yours, your) are very cold

11. Переведите с английского языка на русский.

  1. What is the rate of exchange of a Dutch guilder to the Swiss franc?

  2. In Italy we need lire. We need guilder in Holland, we need franc in Belgium.

  3. Importers and exporters sometimes use the same currency.

  4. Our company sells goods to various countries.

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