Английский язык для экономистов

Напишите письмо-запрос на нижеприведенное письмо. Используйте раздел «Перечень устойчивых фраз для написа-ния письма», приведенный в конце пособия

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Напишите письмо-запрос на нижеприведенное письмо. Используйте раздел «Перечень устойчивых фраз для написа-ния письма», приведенный в конце пособия.

You have received a letter from the Organizing Committee of the conference you would like to take part in. Write a letter to Dan Craft, in your letter ask the following:

a) the date of the conference;

b) the exact address of the conference;
c) the deadline for applying papers.

Sergey Ivanov
14, Kuznetskaya Street,
Dear Mr. Ivanov,
We invite you to take part in the 9th Annual European Financial Services Conference – A new deal between finance and society - will focus on the reform of the financial services sector since the crisis of 2008, at both an EU and a global level.
Sessions will focus on:

  • Has Europe’s financial sector put its economy in order?

  • Assessing the EU’s regulation effort

  • Charting progress towards a new global structure.

Now widely regarded as the premier annual financial services gathering in Brussels, the European Financial Services Conference brings together more than 400 senior bankers and policy-makers from around the world to debate issues affecting European and global financial markets.

Registration is free of charge but with interest expected to be very high, we advise you to register early to secure your place.

For more information contact:

Dan Craft

Forum Europe
18, High Street

Best regards,

Dan Craft

Unit 10
Part 1

1. Конструкция «сложное подлежащее» при сказуемом в действительном залоге.
2. Функции инфинитива (повторение).

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