Английский язык для экономистов

Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть неполные придаточные пред­ложения

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11. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть неполные придаточные пред­ложения.

1. If decreased, input prices will make the production less expensive.

2. If kept accurately, accounts are easy to check.
3. If a man's assets have been found to be large, the banker believes his chances of repaying the loan to be high.
4. When deferred, the wage should be indexed, which is not actually done.
5. Although swaps are widely made in less developed economies, they make economic mechanisms function more inefficiently.
6. Although serving as an actual means of payment, the trouble is known to have been replaced by the US dollar as a unit of account in Russia in the 1980s and the 1990s.
7. When Brazil owed $123 billion to its creditors in 1991, the biggest debt in the Third World, its government negotiated (вести переговоры) another loan from the Inter-American Development Bank.
8. When employed in a temporary job, workers are paid a lower wage.

12. Переведите на русский язык предложения со сложными формами инфинитива.

1. In some countries, such as post-communist Eastern Europe, foreign currency is known to be used alongside domestic currency.

2. If properly kept, accounts could have provided valuable financial in­ formation necessary to make decisions about the future of the com­pany.
3. Capital, or property, should be distinguished from income received from that property during a given period.
4. The US administration is reported to be making efforts to eventually eliminate agricultural subsidies.
5. We know the exchange rate ceiling to have been imposed temporarily by the Central Bank of Russia for the period of reform in the mid-to-late 1990s.
6. The exchange of commodities between European countries is believed to have become more convenient and rapid due to Euro. Nowadays accounts for international trade are supposed to be kept in Euro rather than in national currencies.
7. The Central Bank must be keeping the exchange rate at a low level, or it would be much higher at present.
8. Enough essential foods must have been stored by the government to meet the needs of population in case of emergency (в случае крайней необходимости, в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах).

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