Английский язык для экономистов

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19. Выберете правильное слово

(There, They) are three men (at, on) the railway station. They (speak, are speaking) to the porter. "What time is the next train for London?", asks one of them. "They (go, are going) every hour. The next train is (in, at) ten o'clock", says (a, the) porter. "That's all right", they say, "Let's (go, come) to the refreshment room and wait (for, till) the train there".

20. Переведите деловое письмо:

Dear Sirs:

In your letter of 20th August, this year, you offered us your services in placing our clients advertisements in magazines published in Italy. Our clients welcome the opportunity and should be glad to have full information about the magazines in which you intend to place their advertisements. In particular they want to know the readership, circulation and one time advertising rates.
A prompt reply will be appreciated.
Yours faithfully.

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 1

1. Переведите текст письменно.


What do you think of when you hear the word economics? Money, certainly, and perhaps more complicated things like business, inflation and unemployment. The science of economics studies all of these, but many more things as well. Perhaps you think that economics is all about the decisions that governments and business managers take. In fact, economists study the decisions that we all take every day.

Very simply, economics studies the way people deal with a fact of life: resources are limited, but our demand for them certainly is not. Resources may be material things such as food, housing and heating. There arc some resources, though, that we cannot touch. Time, space and convenience, for example, are also resources. Think of a day. There are only 24 hours in one, and we have to choose the best way to spend them. Our everyday lives are full of decisions like these. Every decision we make is a trade-off. If you spend more time working, you make more money. However, you will have less time to relax. Economists study the trade-offs people make. They study the reasons for their decisions. They look at the effects those decisions have on our lives and our society.

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