Английский язык для экономистов

Соедините слова с определениями

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2. Соедините слова с определениями.


the people who control a country and make laws




company that sells goods or services




the amount of money you have for something


how much people want something


the number of people without work


something such as money, workers or minerals belonging to an organisation, country, etc which can be used to function properly


rising prices


giving away something in exchange for something

3. Поставьте местоимения в нужную форму.

It is (you) table. Give (we) the directory. I see (he) under the desk.

4. Переведите с английского языка на русский.

  1. What color is your table?

  2. When does the boss come?

  3. There are no changes in prices for food and drinks.

  4. The figures are on the display.

5. Составьте предложения.

  1. name/ tailor/ a/ me/ the/ tell/ of/ can/ you/ good?

  2. are/ well dressed/ always/ very/ you.

6. Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. There is a desk in the room.

  2. There is my boss in the office.

  3. I am using your telephone.

  4. Каte is doing my work

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму.

  1. Can I take this magazine? - No, I (to read) it now.

  2. I (not to see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

  3. If the day (to be) warm next Sunday, we (to go) to the country.

  4. They usually (to play) in the garden in the afternoon, but this afternoon they (to play) in the yard.

  5. Here are your shoes. I just (to clean) them.

  6. When she (to speak) to him? - She (to speak) to him last week.

8. Выберете нужный предлог.

1. I think this flat is too small (to, for) our family.

2. My friend is going to take his exam (on, by, in) two days.
3. I think you can get there (on, by, in) bus.
4. What is he afraid (of, by, at)?

  1. This text is too difficult (to, for) me.

  2. You can take any (from, out of, of) these books.

9. Выберете нужное слово.

  1. We had (anything, nothing) to say to each other.

  2. Martin spent (much, few, many) time in hospital.

  1. Everyone was listening to the teacher. (Nobody, somebody, anybody) said anything.

  2. (Anybody, nobody) likes to stay in town on a hot day.

  3. There's very (few, a little, little) chalk left. Go and fetch (some, any).

  4. There aren't (much, many) pencils in the box, don't take (some, any, few).

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