Английский язык для экономистов

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Слова к тексту:

as per -в соответствии;

total amount -общая сумма;
prices are understood - цены понимаются;
truck -грузовик;
all questions ... are to be settled - все вопросы должны решаться;
to notify Smb. about the readiness of the goods - известить кого-либо о готовности товара;
cargo - груз;
transit border - место пересечения границы, пограничный пункт;
way-bill - авто-накладная;
to issue in the name - выписать на имя;
prior - досрочный;
to allow – разрешить.

6. Постройте предложение из данных слов:

1. you, play, younger, were, football, did, you, when?
2. Saturday, my, came, on, Susan, see, to, friend, me.

7. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому:

These scientists have completed their experiments.
1. What these scientists completed?
2. What have these scientists completed?
3. What have completed these scientists?
4. What these scientists have completed?

8. Выскажите разочарование товарищу.

I wish you much luck.
That's great.
Glad to meet you.
It's a pity.

9. Сделайте комплемент девушке.
How tired you look!
I don't agree!
It's all the same to me.
How well you look.

10. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите деловое письмо («Ответ на запрос»)

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of March, 3 asking about office furniture. The... ... contains full details of our range. In most cases we are able to ... you with the ... you ... within ten days. We allow a ... of 20% on a ... of not less than 30 items. If you require any ... information, please do not... to contact us. We ... ... to doing business with you in the nearest future. We ... to receive an order from you.
... yours,
Modern furniture.

enclosed catalogue; supply; require; goods; purchase; discount, hesitate, further; look forward; hope; sincerely.

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