2. Problems of reforming of the Kazakh language and the change of the alphabet. The current state of the Kazakh language not only allows it to full functioning as a state
language, but also directly prevents it. The Kazakh language is deformed day by day, changing its
sounding and disrupting the natural grammatical rules. Therefore it is necessary to reform the Kazakh language, to eliminate these and other contradictions.
For organizing and unification of the sound system is expected to develop and approve standard
phonetics of the Kazakh language, which would require changing its alphabet and development
spelling norms, as well as the processing of grammatical rules, etc.
It is important to note that changing of the alphabet of the Kazakh language is not necessary to
engage in a modification of the current based on the Cyrillic alphabet, and it is necessary to pass at
once to the Latin alphabet, to leave all the linguistic problems in Cyrillic and not to be confused
where the new rules, and where the old.
At present we have developed the project of national standard of phonetics of the Kazakh
language, which, based on the theory of A.Baitursynov determined the number of sounds of the
Kazakh language, carried out their classification, built signs for the sounds of the phonetic
transcription of the Kazakh language. The proposed project is a phonetic alphabet sounds of the
Kazakh language examination will be held in the International Phonetic Association. These works
are performed within the project for 2012-2014. “Creation of acoustic corpus of the Kazakh
language and revision of its phonetic structure, representation of Kazakh phonemes in the
International Phonetic Alphabet”, financed by the MES on a priority “Fundamental and applied
research in the field of economic, social and human sciences”.
In this paper, we have only confirmed that the Kazakh language has only 28 sounds, 9 of them
vowels and 19 consonants. Among the 5 vowel sounds а,о,ұ,ы,е are the phonemes, and 4 sounds
ә,ө,ү,і – their allophones. All 19 consonants б,ғ,г,д,ж,з,й,қ,к,л,м,н,ң,п,р,с,т,у,ш are phonemes. In
1929, before developing a Latinized alphabet the number of consonants of the Kazakh language
increased to 20, added sound хы, denoting the Latin letter h. This sound like the sound of в, ф,
borrowed in 1940 from the Russian language does not violate the phonetic and phonological
patterns of the Kazakh language, as they will help to correctly pronounce the international terms
such as: валюта, вакуум, вакцина, вариант, вектор, вексель, вето, викторина, вирус, виртуал,
вице, вокал, вольт, хадис, хаки, халат, хаос, химия, хлор, хор, хром, хроника, хрусталь, хунта,
факт, факультет, фаза, файл, фауна, федерация, фельетон, физика, филармония, фильм,
фонетика, формула, форфор, фосфор, фотон, фракция, функция.
Thus, we can assume that in the sound system of the Kazakh language will be 31 sounds, they
are: а, ә, б, в, ғ, г, д, ж, з, е, й, к, қ, л, м, н, ң, о, ө, п, р, с, т, у, ұ, ү, ф, х, ш, ы, і.. This proves
that the need to change the alphabet of the Kazakh language.