Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан -2050» жолдауы.
Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 31 декабря 2013 года № 1497 Об
утверждении Концепции индустриально-инновационного развития РеспубликиКазахстан на
2015 - 2019 годы.
Қазақстан Республикасының 2015-2019 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік индустриалды-
инновациялық даму бағдарламасы жөніндегі ақпарат.
Государственная программа индустриального развития Республики Казахстан на 2015-2019
годы, Астана, 2014 год.
УДК 65.011.8
Sissengaliyeva K.E.
Suleyman Demirel University
Данная статья посвящена изучения организации и организационных изменений. В данной
статье рассматриваются типы изменений, например, изменение технологий, структуры или
Ключевые слова: организация, организационные изменения, типы изменений, структура.
This article is devoted to the study of the concept of organizational change. This article discusses
the types of changes, such as changes in the structure, technological and strategy.
Key words: organization, organizational change, types of change, structure.
This article is devoted studying of the organization and organizational changes. Researchers give
definition to such concepts as the organization, organizational changes. Proceeding from it we know
that the organization is a public unit in which people in team for achievement of common goals work.
In the course of activity the organization faces environment factors which can have on it positive or
negative impact. Also in the market the number of competitors constantly grows and the organization
has to correspond to level, continuous changes for this purpose are required, for example, change of
structure of the enterprise or technical changes, all this becomes in order that the organization remained
competitive and actual.
Organizations are difficult to see. We see outcroppings, for example, a tall building, a computer
workstation, or a friendly employee, however the entire organization is dubious and abstract and may
be scattered among a few areas, even around the globe. We know associations are there on the grounds
that they touch us consistently /1/.
“An organization is a consciously coordinated social unit, made up of a group of people, who work
together on common goals on a relatively continuous basis” /2, p.5/. Organizations are social substances
that are objective coordinated, are planned as deliberately organized and composed movement
frameworks, and are connected to the external environment /1/. Organizations are constantly changing,
routinely, effectively, and responsively, however change inside associations cannot be discretionarily
controlled /3/. According to these definitions, we can see that the organization is a social unit, which is
closely related to the environment and therefore constantly changing (Table 1).
Table 1 – Comparison of definitions of organizational change
Organization is
“Fundamentals of
Organizational Behavior”
Nancy Langton
“Organization Theory
and Design” Richard L.
“American Sociological
Review” Richard L. Daft
A social unit of people
Has a collective goal
Is linked to an external
Changes within the company are so common that it is has provoked that theme of "organizational
change" has become a hot topic for the creation of several theories and discussions among scientists.
Change management means characterizing and embracing corporate systems, structures, strategies and
advancements to manage changes in outside conditions and the business environment /4/.
Organizational change includes applying procedures from the behavioral sciences that go for the
arranged change of the hierarchical work setting for enhancing hierarchical execution by altering
representative practices /5/. Organizational change is normally enacted by an important natural move
that, once perceived by the organization, prompts a purposefully produced reaction /6/.
A number of researchers give a definition of the organization and its changes. However, they are
all similar in that the social organization of units, where a group of people working together to achieve
a common goal.
Change has ended up so applicable that numerous specialists start to name change administration
as a center ability for firms and a wellspring of upper hand. Therefore pioneers ought to be decently
prepared to face the difficulties that change stances to guide their organizations and supporters to one
side way. Changes in the organization occur in the event that the company intends to change its current
position. Managing change in organizations in the planning and implementation of these changes in the
organization such a way that reduce the resistance of the staff and the costs of organizing, at the same
time while increasing the effectiveness of the changes.
Today the business environment that if a company wants to remain competitive ability, it must
constantly change. A number of factors such as the globalization of markets, rapidly developing
technology power business, responsible for in order to survive. Such changes may be relatively minor,
such as in the case of installing the software, or refocusing overall marketing strategy, fighting off a
hostile takeover, or transformation of the company in the conditions of constant foreign competition /7/.
In order to face with this challenges organizations adapts several organizational changes.
Leadership Change. Leadership transitions are very critical moments. Moves in administration
offer a chance to roll out improvements in numerous territories of the association. The circumstance is
liquid or, in Lewin's structure of hierarchical change, "unfrozen." "The move is an event to reexamine
the dedication to the present motivation, to consider streets not taken before, and to audit future
decisions. Numerous critical changes – in approach, individuals, authoritative structure, strategies – are
all the more effortlessly presented all the while with an authority change" /8/.
Structural Change. Structural changes are those progressions made to the association's structure
that may come from inner or outer elements and regularly influence how the organization is run.
Structural changes incorporate things, for example, the association's chain of importance, levels of
leadership, administration frameworks, occupation structure and regulatory techniques. Circumstances
that generally make the requirement for structural change incorporate mergers and acquisitions, work
duplication, changes in the business sector and methodology or strategy changes /9/.
Reengineering. Change focused on reengineering concentrate on rolling out major structural
improvement to the association. Usage of these progressions ordinarily concentrate on ordinary errands
or systems. The objective is to substantially improve productivity, effectiveness, quality, or consumer
loyalty /10/.
Strategic Change. A way to deal with realizing an arrangement or compatibility among an
association's procedure, structure, and human asset frameworks, and in addition a fit in the middle of
them and the bigger environment. It incorporates regard for the specialized, political, and cultural aspects
of organizations /11/.
Technological Change. This kind of methodology concerns the execution or coordination of
innovation into the techniques of an association. Primarily, technology includes large hardware or
software systems /12/.
Any organization is always under pressure of the environment. It can be a constant, and can be
volatile, uncertain, when organizations need to implement your product or service in the various sectors
of the environment. The uncertainty is magnified by the fact that each of the sectors of the environment
is constantly changing its requirements for the organization's products, especially in the event that the
organization should operate in a competitive environment.
Adapting to the changing environment requires the highest governing body of the organization
flexibility, which is reflected in the changes related primarily to technology, and often the structure and
goals of the organization.
However, the organization must be responsive to the appearance of internal stresses, is not
associated with the external environment. Thus, the emergence of a new organization of professionals
with advanced knowledge and skills that can lead to a process change or revision control system;
purchase of new equipment generally entails a change in the entire process chain and in the social
structure of the organization.
1. Daft R.L. Organization Theory and Design - South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2010 – p. 649.
2. Langton N., Robbins S.P. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior - Pearson Education
Canada, 2007 - p. 448.
3. Hannan M.T., Freeman J. Structural Inertia and Organizational Change // American
Sociological Review – 1984. – No. 2 – pp.149-164.
4. Vance R.J.. Employee Engagement and Commitment – 2004 -
5. Loyd Beal III. Effect of psychological capital and resistance to change on organizational
citizenship behavior // SA Journal of Industrial Psychology - 2013 – No. 1136 – pp.1-11.
6. Nerina L., Jimmieson A. Longitudinal Study of Employee Adaptation to Organizational
Change: The Role of Change-Related Information and Change-Related Self-Efficacy // Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology – 2004. – No. 1 – pp. 11-27.
7. Wallington P.M. Managing Organizational Change – 2000 - http://www.inc.com
8. Thomas G.N. Making a Leadership Change. Paperback – 2003 – pp. 1-275.
Hartzell Sh. Types of Internal Organizational Change: Structural, Strategic, People, and
Process. - http://study.com
10. Chaudron D. Begin at the beginning in organization change
11. Cummings T.G., Worley C.G. Organization Development & Change – Cengage Learning,
2009 – p.760.
12. Smith M.E. Success Rates for Different Types of Organizational Change // Wiley Periodicals
– 2002 – p.26-33.
Dias Sadykov Timurovich
Suleyman Demirel University
Most non-governmental dental organizations (NGDOs), as well as other commercial companies
pertaining to small and medium enterprises, managed by the owners - the authors and the winners of the
phase of initial accumulation of capital. These owners are entrepreneurs in most charismatic mentality,
generators of ideas, people with developed intuition, ready to take risks, "rather the decision." This type
of leaders brought in due time their company at a sufficiently high level, but at the transition of the
company to the planned development of the above-mentioned forms of distinctive quality owner-
managers are becoming scarce, and sometimes an obstacle to the implementation of development
The successful operation of private dental clinics in the health care market is not possible without an
effective system of demand creation, organization of internal and external logistics, service and sales
services. All of these elements are within the scope of marketing activities of NGDOs, which is a set of
coordinated processes:
Stage of strategic management is entirely associated with the development of management companies
to the professional level. Marketing strategy is a major in strategic management, along with staff and
innovative. Marketing strategy aimed at harmonizing the needs of people and capabilities with
simultaneous optimization of profits.
The successful operation of private dental clinics in the health care market is not possible without an
effective system of demand creation, organization of internal and external logistics, service and sales
Creating such a system in the NGDOs involves the need to develop and implement a whole range of
activities relating to the marketing system. The main objective of the marketing for service providers is
to achieve and maintain loyalty to the NGDOs in patients with maximum commercial advantage. With
the help of a marketing strategy solves problems of competitiveness, optimal clinics target consumers
and maximize the profitability of the business in a cost resources.
Thus, the relevance of the topic of the study is that the development and implementation of marketing
strategies in today's commercial dental organizations is a prerequisite for competitiveness and long-term
successful growth of the organization and carry out its mission.
The main purpose of this work is to identify the factors of success in the competition and the
development of the main areas of marketing strategy of non-governmental dental organizations in
The essence of the role and types of marketing strategies. The process of planning the
marketing strategy of the company
Marketing today is recognized by all as an important component of business success, as the
cornerstone of modern management. “Marketing - a finite amount of effort, allowing us not lose sight
of the consumer and, with good management and some luck, to ensure that its suggestions are
appreciated by consumers”.
American Marketing Association proposes the following wording:
“Marketing - an organizational function and a set of processes of creating, promoting and delivering
value to customers and relationship management with them for the benefit of the organization and for
the interested parties in it.”
Many factors occurring in the last decade, requires a different marketing practices and business in
general. The companies created new opportunities that can change their approach to marketing activities.
An example may be the Japanese companies:
P. Senge explains the phenomenon of the advantages of Japanese firms to American and Western
European in 80 years: “Looking at the service of Japanese firms has evolved. In the early years of the
Charles D. Schewe, Hiam A. Watson. “MBA in marketing.” Wiley, New York, 1998
struggle for total quality in focus was "conformance" to create a reliable product so that it is fully
consistent with that proposed by its developers, and a promise to sell it to the company. Then it is time
to focus on according to his needs ", a better understanding of what the consumer wants, and providing
a product that really meets these needs. Today, leading companies are trying to understand and satisfy
the "hidden needs" consumer - the fact that consumers could evaluate, but what they have never
experienced or what never asked.”
On the same occasion G. Karpenter says: “Just to offer customers
what they want, is not enough. The advantage given to those who help customers know what they
Formation of the marketing process is associated with a certain level of development of marketing
in the company. First, it performs some fixed functions: market research and product promotion.
Gradually expanding list of features, they added analysis of sales activity, product policy of the
company, participated in the formation of prices and discounts, etc. (Functional or operational,
marketing). Organization of sales forecasting and the formation of a marketing plan means a higher level
of marketing, i.e. transition from tactical (functional) to a strategic level.
Specificity of marketing is that it cannot be the responsibility of a team of specialists, but should cover
the entire company. Moreover, it can be divided into three levels of implementation in the company
marketing (Fig. 1):
Corporate level, which is determined by the marketing (manufacturing) orientation control
formed marketing components of corporate culture, realized intra-PR (Public relations);
The level of business (business unit), where marketing acts as the basis of the business strategy.
For its development is carried out positioning and market segmentation, target segments are allocated,
strategic decisions in marketing and business building;
The functional (operational) level at which the realized activities related to the complex of
marketing (product, price, distribution, promotion).
Senge P., “Market-oriented management. Strategic and operational marketing”. New York, “DoubleDay”, 2004
G. S. Carpenter, “Competition”. Los Angeles, Center for Marketing Studies, 1984.
Marketing levels:
Therefore - three
marketing slices
Corporate level:
-marketing orientation of
-marketing components of
corporate culture
Business level (business
-base of business strategy
-target segments
Functional level (tactics):
Fig. 1. Three levels of implementation of marketing in the company
The many facets of marketing lies in the fact that with several levels of its implementation in the
company also duality is added. The dual nature of marketing is as follows: on the one hand, the
operational marketing represents one of the management company. But marketing is also acts as a
management concept (of the vision), or philosophy of business (marketing approach to the management
of the company, or proper marketing management)
Marketing Management forms the conceptual basis
and, therefore, the development of the strategic concept of marketing management leads to the
appearance of the term "strategic market management".
As the famous American expert in the field of strategic management and marketing D. Aaker notes,
“adding the word "market "once again draws attention to the fact that the development of the strategy
should build on the market and of the environment, rather than from the inner orientation of the
He also points out that this process should be rather proactive than reactive in nature, and
should strive not to adapt, and to changes in the environment to their advantage.
The company, which is perceived as a marketing business philosophy is focused on creating value
for customers, and it is something more than just a marketing function. Further complicating the
development and the environment in which the company operates, the economy and society lead to a
shift in emphasis in marketing.
Features of marketing strategies in the field of dental services
Social marketing fundamentals that determine the activity of the company in market conditions
associated with the following concepts:
Need - Want - Demand - The product (good or service) - Exchange (transactions) - Price
(Value) – Market
Consider some of the terms used in the field of dental services. Human needs in health occupies a
special place. As it is known, the social significance of health problems of the individual can be
considered a set of positions, the three main ones are:
The loss of health and disability (illness, temporary and permanent disability)
Restrictions on the freedom of life of the individual (loss of "quality of life")
As is well known, the essence of marketing is to achieve harmony between the expectations and
needs from the one party and products offered by the other party. To answer the question, what should
be the product to be required by the market, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the decision-
making process carried out by a potential customer, in this case, the patient. Understanding the decision
to "join the deal" about dental services, as well as the type of influence on the decision making process
leads us to understand that it is possible grouping of consumers by some similar characteristics. This
process is called segmentation.
Segmentation - the separation process of the existing or potential customers within a specific market
groups, or segments. Within these groups, or segments, consumers have the same or similar
V. Markova, “Marketing System”, Novosibirsk, 2002
Aaker D., “Strategic market management.”, New Jersey, “Wiley”, 2002
requirements, which are used to meet specific marketing tools. The more correct segmentation is
performed, and the more accurately defined the marketing mix for each segment so successful the
company's operations.
In general, we can distinguish four types of influences on decision-making about "entering into a
transaction" to obtain dental services:
Individual features formed by perception
, attitudes
and motivations
Influenced by the group - as already mentioned, the reference influence in the dental business is
paramount. Adopted in the "life style", value systems, and the like direct and indirect methods of
forming the ratio of the individual to the service. Actively formed in Kazakhstan's "middle class",
"healthy lifestyle" includes obtaining dental services in full. Such behavior is approved by society.
Influenced by the service providers - in the Kazakh commercial dentistry communication with
potential and actual patients developed extensively. Advertising in the media, direct contacts and other
motivational mechanisms form stereotypes relations. Manufacturers of services are actively working to
adapt the product to the needs and demands of patients, sometimes even ahead of them.
The influence of the external environment - health is a popular topic in all aspects of everyday
life. Society takes over and creates new stereotypes, positive attitudes related to health in general and
with dentists in particular.
Charles D. Schewe, Hiam A. Watson. “MBA in marketing.” Wiley, New York, 1998
Senge P., “Market-oriented management. Strategic and operational marketing”. New York,
“DoubleDay”, 2004
G. S. Carpenter, “Competition”. Los Angeles, Center for Marketing Studies, 1984.
V. Markova, “Marketing System”, Novosibirsk, 2002
Aaker D., “Strategic market management.”, New Jersey, “Wiley”, 2002
Perception-the process, by which a person selects, organizes and interprets incoming information for a meaningful image of the world.
Attitude, attitude that a person occupies in relation to a subject and which determines its response to this item
Motivation -power, forcing a person to act in a certain direction, they can be a source of both internal and external stimuli.
УДК 338.242
Master degree in NEU named after T.Ryskulov
Scientific-pedagogical orientation
Manager on scientific-technical development of Suleyman Demirel College
Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасында адам ресурстарының жағдайы мен осы
ресурстарды басқарудың заманауи тенденциялары қарастырылған.
В статье рассмотрены общее состояние человеческих ресурсов и современные тенденции
управления человеческими ресурсами в Казахстане.
Key words: human resources, human resources management, human capital, the modern trends,
prospects, human resources management strategy.
After almost 24 year of Independence, Kazakhstan, make many improvements on economy, social
and political sphere. Kazakhstan achieve good results on transition from command-based style of
economy to market based style one. This success was supported with large natural resources reserves,
a developing legal system, and government that learned more from experience of other CIS nations.
However, it seems to be country still have unsolved problems on its labor market and human resource
issues, which are the key factors for Kazakhstan to be competitive in the world economy. All this issues
make serious limitation for country on achievement economic stability and welfare goals. The most
significant problems which Kazakhstan facing now are unsolved issues on education system of
Kazakhstan and lack of highly skilled workforce, for supplying rapid growth of demand on advanced
manpower. This item will discuss all issues of Kazakhstan Human resources management sphere [1].
As considered, in the letter of 2008 year by the President of Republic Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev,
discussed to realize the native economy status and requirements that purposed constantly development
of Kazakhstan and to enter the top 50 global competitiveness of countries.Also, President pointed that
level of knowledge, social condition and environmental status are included into development of the
country. In addition to these, in the letter "The main direction to develop the Republic of Kazakhstan -
Socio-economical improvement" by our President N.Nazarbayev, the importance of education system
that aimed to put up an available society in the present time. The future of modern civilization is not
depend on technical and economical levels,it is up to person who solves the problems of socio-
economical. Likewise, the main factor of economical development and national wealth is human
resources.It is an essential thing to improve human resources and expand.
Therefore, the implementation of the strategy of economic development means to overheat the
methods and location of management in human resources,and encourage the socio-economical
changes.Up to now,problems which are connected with human resources have not been on the
noticement by theoreticians and practitioners.
Human resources one of the founder in economical science.This consequence is related to solve a
global problems of socio-economical system.Improvement, management and implementation human
resources take an important role to developing HR and discussing the issues of this area.The theoretical
meaning of HR - the most affecting and subject of modern postindustrial society, the main objective is
Expanding HR the period which in every phase has at least three main things: have a chance an
accessible resources for living well; live active, healthy and long; have a good and useful knowledge
while living.These theories will help to realize a speculation of developing HR and the social process
degrees in society.
Human needs a financial assistance for Getting a good knowledge, being healthy, encouraging
cultural level, being qualified. By this way, comes the term "human capital investments ". The material
assistance affects by its period and quality to socio-economical society.
Received education, skill, health, information are guarantee for encouraging economical life
style.Human capital - the results of investments and health, knowledge, skill, habit by human and helps
to develop quality of working, useful for each specialization in every industry, also helps to rising a
human salary.The differences between human capital investments and physical capital investments are
: getting a good earning in the future, may be unvalued; however, human capital has inability to personal
trading and mortgage.
In order to understand what the current trends in the field of personnel management in Kazakhstan,
it is necessary to have a clear vision of what is the HR-managers, their organization and what goals they
face the most acute.
All these questions will be answered in the study "Assessment of the needs of managers in HR-
consulting services" to carry out the Corporate University "Samruk-Kazyna" in collaboration with
BISAM Central Asia commissioned by the EBRD BAS Programme. The survey was attended by 100
companies from different regions of the country.
The structure of the study participants was as follows: companies with state participation - 34.8%;
companies with foreign interests - 17%; companies from the private sector - 49%.
Consider what HR-trends can be seen for the last time:
Greater focus on HR-Strategies. One of the factors of successful business development is not
just the hiring and placement of the "right" people in different positions, but also the ability to ensure
their effectiveness. Therefore, the current trend is becoming HR-strategy. Today - it is not just a
declaration, but a document that prescribes how much and what is necessary to attract staff to work most
efficiently in the long term, thought out the sources and mechanisms of attraction.
Development of HR-standards. HR-trend implementation of standards can be seen in medium
and large management companies. This will make the personnel management system more organized,
systematic, regulated, and increase the efficiency of the staff.
Closer cooperation with business schools. The leaders of domestic companies often complain
about the lack of qualified professionals. Low, and often a complete lack of practical knowledge of
today's graduates, young professionals inadequate inquiries in relation to the desired salary - these and
other challenges are pushing us to to find ways of cooperation with universities and other institutions
that can provide the organization of trained personnel.
Performance Management Personnel. Another important trend HR- management in Kazakhstan
is to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel - key performance indicators (KPI). The basis of this system
lies with goal setting and evaluation of achievements as an essential part of the manager.
HR-priorities of foreign colleagues. The main direction vector HR-priorities is to optimize the
business and, at the same time, retaining key employees (according to a study Hudson Global, 2013).
The most basic of them - is:
Restructuring / Improving the efficiency of departments;
The use of internal staff capacity;
Development team / staff development.
In a study of HR-specialists highlighted three issues that are worth paying attention to: lack of
professional standards specialists in HR (43%); lack of business training HR-specialists for their
understanding of rational procedures in the field of remuneration and evaluation of staff (43%); lack of
qualified HR (52%).
To sum up, increasing the new custom and technologies which are relevant to modern global
tendency, aimed that the Republic of Kazakhstan will be enter in top the global competitiveness. These
customs and technologies are not only to enter the top global competitiveness; also they should act witty
with a relevant point of view.
The HR of Republic Kazakhstan has not enough developed, in this case, we note on support in
business and country. In the future, problems will have solved problems about wading an experienced
specialists that included professional- technical, making integration between specialists of our country
and foreign, exchanging experiences, being able to open for new technology and innovation.
TMD elder mushelerinin 1992 (1994) – 2010 zhyldar arasynda negizgi ekonomikalyk-
aleumettik korsetkishteri. //ТMD Аtkarushy komitetі.
Kazakhstan Respublikasynin Prezidenti N.A.Nazarbayevtin Kazakhstan 2008 zhylga halykka
arnalgan zholdauyu. 2008zh, akpan ayi. KAZAKHSTAN HALKYNYN AL-AUKATYN ARTTYRU –
Kazakhstan Respublikasynin Prezidenti N.A.Nazarbayevtin Қазақстан 2012 zhylga halykka
BASTY BAGYTY» Zholdauy. 2012 zh, 27 kantar.
BAS EBRR bagdarlamasynin tapsyrysy boyinsha BISAM Central Asia uiymimen kyzmettik
katynasy arkili «Samryk-Kazyna» Korparativti Universitetinin «Kenes beru kyzmetindegi ARB
menezherlerinin kazhettilikterin bagalau» zertteui. Sovremennye HR-tendencii v Kazakhstane. Astana.
УДК 339.137.22
Шopмaнoв Нуpбoлcын Нуpcултaнoвич
Мaгиcтpaнт «Нoвoгo Экoнoмичecкoгo Унивepcитeтa им. Т.Pыcкулoвa»
Aннoтaция: В cтaтьe pacкpывaeтcя aктуaльнocть и знaчимocть бpeндингoвoй пoлитики
opгaнизaции в кoнкуpeнтнoй cpeдe. Paccмoтpeны пpoблeмы тpaдициoннoгo пoдхoдa к бpeндингу
и вoзмoжныe пути их peшeния.
Любoй тoвap пpи пoявлeнии нa pынкe coздaeт o ceбe нeкoтopoe впeчaтлeниe - пoлoжи-
тeльнoe или oтpицaтeльнoe, oнo пoявляeтcя нeизбeжнo, кaк тoлькo пoтpeбитeль узнaeт o тoвape.
Эти accoциaции, вocпpиятиe тoвapa пoтpeбитeлeм, и нaзывaютcя бpeндoм. Бpeнд - этo нeкoe
впeчaтлeниe o тoвape в умaх пoтpeбитeлeй, яpлык, кoтopый мыcлeннo нaклeивaeтcя нa
тoвap. Пpoцecc coздaния бpeндa и упpaвлeния им нaзывaeтcя бpeндингoм. Oн мoжeт включaть в
ceбя coздaниe, уcилeниe, pe-пoзициoниpoвaниe, oбнoвлeниe и измeнeниe cтaдии paзвития бpeндa,
eгo pacшиpeниe и углублeниe. Бpeндинг - этo пpиeмы coздaния ocoбoгo впeчaтлeния, кoтopыe
внocят cвoй вклaд в oбщий имидж и в oтнoшeнии цeлeвoгo ceгмeнтa pынкa к бpeнду.
Бpeндингoвaя пoлитикa – этo coвoкупнocть paзличныx мep и дeйcтвий пo coздaнию и
пpoдвижeнию бpeндa нa pынкe (peклaмa, фиpмeнный cтиль и т.д.) [1]. В нacтoящee вpeмя
бpeндингoвaя пoлитикa пpиoбpeтaeт ocoбo вaжнoe знaчeниe для функциoниpoвaния opгaнизaции
в кoнкуpeнтнoй cpeдe. Пepвыe пoпытки выдeлить oтдeльныe пpoдукты c пoмoщью бpeндингa,
oтличaвшиecя oт oбычныx пpиeмoв пpямoгo cбытa, вoзникли блaгoдapя тoму, чтo pынoк
зaпoлнилcя oдинaкoвыми бeзликими тoвapaми – пpoдуктaми мaшиннoгo пpoизвoдcтвa, кoтopыe
былo пpaктичecки нeвoзмoжнo oтличить дpуг oт дpугa. Пoэтoму пoявилacь нeoбxoдимocть в
кoнкуpиpующиx бpeндax: в cpeдe тoвapнoгo oднooбpaзия вмecтe c кoнкpeтным пpoдуктoм
пpиxoдилocь coздaвaть eгo индивидуaльный oбpaз, пo кoтopoму этoт пpoдукт мoгли
oтличaть пoтpeбитeли. Тaкoй пoдxoд был xapaктepeн для втopoй пoлoвины XX вeкa. Ceгoдня жe
бpeндингoвaя пoлитикa пoвceмecтнo пpимeняeтcя из-зa oчeвиднocти тoгo фaктa, чтo пpи ocoбoм
oтнoшeнии пoтpeбитeля к тoвapу или уcлугe, oн, вo-пepвыx, пpoщe peшaeтcя нa пoкупку, вo-
втopыx, cтaнoвитcя эмoциoнaльнo cвязaнным c бpeндoм. Этo пoзвoляeт, увeличивaя
дoбaвлeнную cтoимocть, пoвышaть пpибыль, и тeм caмым, пoлучaть дoпoлнитeльныe
вoзмoжнocти для дaльнeйшeгo paзвития opгaнизaции.
Упpaвлeниe бpeндoм (Brand Management) - этo пpoцecc coздaния индивидуaльных чepт
бpeндa, измeнeния их для дocтижeния мaкcимaльнoй эффeктивнocти, пpoвepки, чтo
индивидуaльныe чepты нe кoppeктиpуютcя в угoду тaктичecкoй выгoдe, a тaкжe cocтaвлeния
плaнoв aнтикpизиcнoгo упpaвлeния бpeндoм в cлучae нeoбхoдимocти, c цeлью cтpaтeгичecкoгo
увeличeния cтoимocти бpeндa. Пoэтoму, бpeнд - этo выcoкo кoнкуpeнтocпocoбный тoвap,
cтaвший cинepгeтичecким peзультaтoм нaибoлee эффeктивнoй интeгpaции бpeндингa и
cтpaтeгичecкoгo мapкeтингa нa пpeдпpиятии. [2]
В coвpeмeннoм миpe, c выcoким уpoвнeм кoнкуpeнции, фиpмaм вce тpуднee пpидумывaть
нoвыe cпocoбы для пpивлeчeния внимaния пoтpeбитeлeй. В кoнeчнoм cчeтe пoиcк нoвoгo
кoнкуpeнтнoгo пpeимущecтвa cвoдитcя к пoиcку или изoбpeтeнию тoгo, чтo cдeлaeт
opгaнизaцию уникaльнoй, выдeлит ee в кoнкуpeнтнoй cpeдe. Тpaдициoнный путь дocтижeния
уникaльнocти шeл чepeз coвepшeнcтвoвaниe cущecтвующиx пpoдуктoв. Ceгoдня этoт путь
уcтapeл, пocкoльку кoнкуpeнты быcтpo кoпиpуют иннoвaции. Уcкopяющaяcя фpaгмeнтaция
cpeдcтв инфopмaции пpивoдит к coкpaщeнию иx aудитopии. Pocт чиcлa кaнaлoв и cpeдcтв
pacпpocтpaнeния инфopмaции ужe нe пoзвoляeт peклaмoдaтeлям дocтичь иx цeлeвыx pынкoв c
пoмoщью тpaдициoнныx мapкeтингoвыx кaмпaний.
Cпpaвeдливo зaмeтить, чтo peклaмa и дpугиe извecтныe инcтpумeнты мapкeтингa cтaли
мeнee эффeктивными. Иcпoльзoвaниe aльтepнaтивныx и нeтpaдициoнныx мeтoдoв мoжeт
cпpoвoциpoвaть интepec к бpeнду, нecмoтpя нa pacтущee кoличecтвo oкpужaющиx
инфopмaциoнныx cooбщeний.
В бpeндингe cущecтвуeт пpинцип, нaзывaющийcя «пpинципoм пoзициoннocти» - oн
зaключaeтcя в тoм, чтo пepвую кoмпaнию, зaнявшую cвoю пoзицию в умaх пoтpeбитeлeй, ужe
нeвoзмoжнo лишить этoгo мecтa: IBM - кoмпьютepы, нaпитки - Coca Cola [3]. Cуть уcпeшнoй
cтpaтeгии мapкeтингa пpи пpимeнeнии этoгo пpинципa - cлeдить зa oткpывaющимиcя нoвыми
вoзмoжнocтями и дeлaть хoд, зaкpeпляя пpoдукт нa лecтницe. В дaльнeйшeм вce дeйcтвия
бpeндингa будут cвoдитьcя лишь к удepжaнию этoгo пepвoгo мecтa в coзнaнии пoтpeбитeлeй.
Cнaчaлa нeoбхoдимo зaкpeпитьcя кaк лидep в oднoм ceгмeнтe («пpeмиум»), a пoтoм ужe
зaвoeвывaть cвoю дoлю в ocтaльных ceгмeнтaх. Мoжнo пpeдлoжить eщe oдин вapиaнт зaвoeвaния
бpeндoм лидиpующeгo пoлoжeния - coздaть пpинципиaльнo нoвый тoвap (oн дoлжeн выглядeть
пpинципиaльнo нoвым в глaзaх пoтpeбитeля) и cтaть лидepoм блaгoдapя eму.
Eжeгoднo пo вceму миpу пpeкpaщaют cвoe cущecтвoвaниe нecкoлькo дecяткoв тыcяч
бpeндoв, хoтя ocвoбoждeнную pынoчную нишу тут жe зaнимaют нoвыe. Пo cтaтиcтикe, бoлee
60% из них «умиpaют» eщe в тeчeниe пepвoгo гoдa cущecтвoвaния. Тaкaя тeндeнция мoжeт быть
oбуcлoвлeнa paзными пpичинaми, oднaкo пpaктичecки aбcoлютным зaлoгoм уcпeхa являeтcя
гpaмoтнaя pacкpуткa и пpoдвижeниe бpeндa. [4]
Pacкpутить тopгoвый знaк и пpoдвинуть eгo нa pынoк этo нe oднo и тo жe. Ecли pacкpуткa
этo пpoцecc oднopaзoвый, тo пpoдвигaть бpeнд «в мaccы» нужнo пocтoяннo. Paзнooбpaзиe
cпocoбoв pacкpутки и пpoдвижeния зaвиcит в ocнoвнoм oт cтeпeни фaнтaзии, и нeмнoжкo oт
paзмepa бaнкoвcкoгo cчeтa. Фaнтaзиpoвaть и выдумывaть paзличныe тpюки для фopмиpoвaния
узнaвaeмocти бpeндa и eгo пpoдвижeния - этo зaдaчa бpeнд-мeнeджepoв и мapкeтoлoгoв. Хoтя
зaчacтую пpoдвинутыe идeи пoceщaют и дpугих coтpудникoв. Пoэтoму ecли вoзникaeт
нeoбхoдимocть coздaть, pacкpутить или пpoдвинуть нoвый тopгoвый знaк -нaдo coбиpaть вceх
coтpудникoв нa «мoзгoвoй штуpм» и впepeд зa нoвыми идeями!
Дaжe caмый cкpoмный cпиcoк тeхнoлoгий пpoдвижeния бpeндa включaeт в ceбя уйму
cпocoбoв: фopмиpoвaниe coбcтвeннoй дилepcкoй ceти, тeлe-paдиo-интepнeт-peклaмa, coздaниe
cepвиcных и инфopмaциoнных цeнтpoв, peклaмныe aкции и пpeзeнтaции, cпoнcopcтвo,
peклaмнaя пoлигpaфия, нeтpaдициoнный мapкeтинг и т.д. Pacкpуткa бpeндa пocpeдcтвoм тeлe- и
paдиopeклaмы тpeбуeт вecьмa знaчитeльных финaнcoвых влoжeний. Нo извecтнo, чтo
пocтeпeннo ТВ peклaмa нaчинaeт тepять cвoи пoзиции «лидepa» пo пpoдвижeнию тoвapa нa
pынoк. Вce мeньшe и мeньшe людeй cмoтpят peклaмныe poлики, a у тeх, ктo cмoтpит, пpoцeнт
зaпoминaeмocти peклaмиpуeмoгo бpeндa, oчeнь низoк. Мoжнo дaжe cкaзaть, чтo «цeль нe
oпpaвдывaeт cpeдcтв», влoжeнных в нee.
Пoмимo, дopoгocтoящeй ТВ peклaмы, кoмпaнии мoжнo пpeдлoжить бoльшoe чиcлo
дocтaтoчнo дeшeвых, нo и вecьмa эффeктивных мeтoдoв пpoдвижeния бpeндa, нaпpимep
иcпoльзoвaниe peклaмнoй пoлигpaфии, нeтpaдициoннoгo мapкeтингa, интepнeт-тeхнoлoгий и
cпeциaльных coциaльных мeтoдик.
Peклaмнaя пoлигpaфия иcпoльзуeтcя для pacкpутки и пpoдвижeния бpeндoв eщe c дaвних
вpeмeн, мeняютcя тoлькo тeхникa и cкopocть пpoизвoдcтвa пpoдукции. [5] Ceйчac нaнocить cвoи
peквизиты, лoгoтипы, cлoгaны или фиpмeнныe цвeтa мoжнo пpaктичecки нa любoй пoвepхнocти
и буквaльнo зa cчитaнныe минуты. Пpичeм к бoльшим плюcaм peклaмнoй пoлигpaфии oтнocитcя
и тo, чтo клиeнт caм мoжeт oпpeдeлить paзмepы и кoличecтвo пpoдукции, кoнтингeнт
пoтeнциaльных пoкупaтeлeй, мecтo и вpeмя paзмeщeния peклaмы. Oгpoмныe peклaмныe бaннepы
c cимвoликoй бpeндa, мaлeнькиe лиcтoвки, буклeты, бpoшюpы, пoлиэтилeнoвыe пaкeты и
cувeниpы c лoгoтипaми или pacкpaшeнный в фиpмeнныe цвeтa acфaльт cтaнут мoлчaливыми, нo
эффeктивными пoмoщникaми в нeлeгкoм дeлe пpoдвижeния бpeндa.
В coвpeмeннoм экoнoмичecкoм миpe упpaвлeниe бpeндaми cтaлo нe тoлькo нeoбхoди-
мocтью coздaния oпpeдeлeнных peзepвoв кoнкуpeнтocпocoбнocти, нo и иннoвaциoннoй фopмoй
упpaвлeния, cтpaтeгия кoтopoгo нaпpaвлeнa нa пoвышeниe пoтpeбитeльcкoй цeннocти тoвapнoй
мapки и peaльнoгo фopмиpoвaния ee кoнкуpeнтных пpeимущecтв в coзнaнии пoтpeбитeля. [6]
Для Pecпублики Кaзaхcтaн уcилия нaциoнaльных пpoизвoдитeлeй в cтopoну фopмиpoвaния
бpeндoв - этo cпocoб peaлизaции мнoгих oбщeгocудapcтвeнных пpoгpaмм cтpaны и инcтpумeнт
coхpaнeния cтaбильнocти в экoнoмикe cтpaны в видe фopмиpoвaния мeтoдa пpoтивocтoяния
глoбaльнoму финaнcoвoму кpизиcу, cпocoбнoму нapушить ee уcтoйчивoe paзвитиe.
Poль бpeндoв кaк cпocoбoв coхpaнeния пpeдпpинимaтeльcкoй кoнкуpeнтocпocoбнocти и
oбecпeчeния cтaбильных дoхoдoв, кoтopыe дaют вoзмoжнocть пpeoдoлeть любoй экoнoмичecкий
кpизиc, peзкo вoзpacтaeт. Пepвым cпocoбoм coхpaнeния кoнкуpeнтocпocoбнocти являeтcя тo, чтo
нaличиe бpeндa вceгдa пpивлeкaeт пoтpeбитeлeй к кoнкpeтнoму pынoчнoму пpoдукту дaжe в
уcлoвиях, кoгдa пoкупaтeли cнижaют oбъeм пoкупoк. Втopым cпocoбoм являeтcя тo, чтo
пoлнoцeнный бpeнд пpeдпoлaгaeт, чтo пoкупaтeлю гapaнтиpуeтcя oпpeдeлeнный уpoвeнь
кaчecтвa и coхpaннocти пoтpeбитeльcких cpeдcтв. В-тpeтьих, кpизиc уcиливaeт кoнкуpeнцию, и
пoкупaтeль cpeди кoнкуpeнтных тoвapoв выбиpaeт тoт, кoтopый eму бoльшe извecтeн. В-
чeтвepтых, бpeнд фopмиpуeт у пoтpeбитeля гopдocть и ocoбoe чувcтвo cтaтуcнoй
пpинaдлeжнocти, ecли oн в cocтoянии пpиoбpecти нaибoлee извecтный кaк вecьмa цeнный тoвap
oпpeдeлeннoй тoвapнoй мapки.
Oпыт зaпaдных cтpaн cвидeтeльcтвуeт, чтo нa coвpeмeннoм кoнкуpeнтнoм pынкe пo
cущecтву идeт бopьбa бpeндoв зa их мecтa в coзнaнии пoкупaтeлeй. Тoвapы бeз мapoк уcтупaют
cвoи пoзиции нa pынкe в caмых paзных тoвapных кaтeгopиях, пpичeм, cpeди кaзaхcтaнcких
пoтpeбитeлeй бoльшинcтвa тoвapных гpупп тaкжe увeличивaeтcя кoличecтвo пoкупaтeлeй,
гoтoвых пpиoбpeтaть мapoчныe тoвapы. Aктуaльнocть пpoблeмы paзвития бpeндингa в
Кaзaхcтaнe oпpeдeляeтcя и тeм, чтo ceгoдня, пo cути, пoтpeбитeльcкий pынoк – этo кoнкуpeнция
тoвapных знaкoв, мapoк и peклaмных oбpaзoв зa их мecтo в coзнaнии пoкупaтeлeй. Этo зacтaвляeт
oтeчecтвeнныe пpeдпpиятия ocoзнaть нeoбхoдимocть paзpaбoтки и пpимeнeния мeтoдoв
упpaвлeния бpeндaми.
Кaзaхcтaнcкиe пpeдпpиятия дocтигли oпpeдeлeннoгo oпытa в paзpaбoткe пoзициoниpoвaния
и opигинaльнoй упaкoвки, в пepcпeктивe внeдpeниe мepчeндaйзингa, paбoтa нaд coздaниeм
кaнaлoв pacпpeдeлeния и фopмиpoвaниe oтнoшeний c ними. Бpeндинг нa кaзaхcтaнcкoм
пoтpeбитeльcкoм pынкe пocтeпeннo paзвивaeтcя. Пocлeдниe гoды oзнaмeнoвaлиcь укpeплeниeм
пoзиций нaциoнaльных мapoк пoтpeбитeльcких тoвapoв, кoтopыe уcпeшнo кoнкуpиpуют c
зapубeжными бpeндaми. Внeдpeниe бpeндингa кaзaхcтaнcкими пpoизвoдитeлями пoзвoлит
пoвыcить эффeктивнocть мapкeтингoвoй дeятeльнocти, будeт cпocoбcтвoвaть пoвышeнию
кoнкуpeнтocпocoбнocти oтeчecтвeннoй пpoдукции, кaк нa внутpeннeм, тaк и нa внeшних
Cпиcoк иcпoльзoвaнных иcтoчникoв:
Виктop Тaмбepг, Aндpeй Бaдьин. «Бpeнд. Бoeвaя мaшинa бизнeca». 2011г. - 57 cтp.
Aннa Бacкoвa. «Интepнeт бpeндинг и пepcпeктивы eгo paзвития». 2011г. – 15 cтp.
Acaнoв К.М. «Экoнoмикa пpeдпpиятия». 2013г. – 42 cтp.
Тулeмбaeвa A.Н. «Бpeндинг - coвpeмeннoe opужиe в кoнкуpeнтнoй бopьбe». - Жуpнaл
CITY-BUSINESS.11(10)2013г. – 14 cтp.
Нaйзaгapин A. A. «Aктуaльнocть paзвития бpeндингa в PК». 2012, №9
М.В.Cлушaeнкo, A.В. Будник. «Бpeндинг в упpaвлeнии мapкeтингoм». 2012 г. – 61 cтp.
УДК 334.024
Tanabayeva G.
Kazakh-British Technical University
Annotation. The article thoroughly considers methodologies of estimating impact of information
and communication technologies on increase in the number of SMEs in Kazakhstan. The paper presents
an analysis of assessing correlation of different factors, including ICT-related, using scatterplot and
correlation analysis method.
Аннотация. Мақалада Қазақстанның шағын және орта кәсіпорындардың көлемі
ұлғаюдағы ақпараттық және коммуникациялық технологиялардың әсерін бағалау әдістемесі
қарастырылады. Жұмыста АКТ-байланысты факторлармен қоса басқа экономикалық сфера
факторларының өзара байланысына корреляциялық талдау тәсілімен есептеу жасалынған.
Аннотация. В статье подробно рассматриваются методики оценки влияния
информационных и коммуникационных технологий на увеличение объема малых и средних
предприятий в Казахстане. В работе анализируется расчет корреляции различных факторов, в
том числе, связанных с ИКТ, используя диаграммы рассеяния и метод корреляционного анализа.
Keywords: Information technology, SMEs development, innovation, cloud computing, SPSS analysis,
ICT impact, Internet usage, correlation analysis, Pearson coefficient, correlation method.
The current state of the innovation economy is characterized by the fact that labor productivity
in many industries and sectors of the modern economy increases due to the effective use of information
resources. The growing role of information as a resource and its use actively initiates the emergence of
new effects that require modification of tools and ways to search and evaluation of these effects in
production and technology. Under intensive development in the global economy and areas such
microelectronics, instrumentation, robotics, nano-tech manufacturing information resource is actively
used for research and development, creation of work with a resource for industries, helping to improve
At the modern stage of development of Kazakhstan's economy, small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) is becoming a major factor in improving the country's competitiveness in the international trade
arena. Development of entrepreneurship in the SME sector contributes to increased employment,
increased volumes and a qualitative change in domestic production.
Graph 1. The number of operating legal entities by the dimension in Kazakhstan
*Note: Prepared by author using www.stat.gov.kz data[1]
As a graph shows, there was a minor raise in the number of large firms compared with the small
and meduim-sized enterprises over these years. Small business has a dramatically increasing trend.
In foreign countries, small and medium business is the main scope of employment, contributing
to the development of innovative potential of the economy. Rate share of employment in small and
medium-sized companies in developed countries. In Kazakhstan, the proportion of the population
employed in the SME sector in total employment is also much lower than in developed countries: in
2013 this figure reached 31%.[2]
Operators from developing countries can start the mechanism of economic growth by providing
small and medium businesses the advantages of information and communication technologies (ICT),
especially cloud. The virtual absence of ICT in many developing countries gives them an opportunity to
leapfrog intermediate stages of development and move immediately to the latest cloud technologies.
Small businesses - a grain, of which in the future can grow large companies. It is a small business often
serves as a conductor of new technologies in developing countries. Cloud computing is especially
important for developing countries as well as the cloud gives companies access to innovative
applications without requiring a large investment in IT, and not forcing to hire experienced IT
professionals. With the help of a small enterprise cloud applications can access important business tool
anywhere on any device, including smartphones and outdated PCs with limited computing power. Other
words, ICT helps to individual entrepreneurs to handle and operate their business by using Internet.
Figure 1. The structure of the sector of small and medium-sized business in Kazakhstan by the
number of active entities on February 1, 2015 [1]
Stimulating economic growth is one of the most important tasks of economic policy of any
country, as economic growth improves welfare. Small and medium business is one of the factors of
economic growth. The role of small and medium-sized businesses is indispensable for solving the most
pressing economic and social problems. Without requiring a significant investment by the state, small
and medium business contributes to a "healthy" competitive environment, the establishment of market
equilibrium, the creation of new jobs, the formation of the middle class, meet the diverse needs of the
population, which ultimately leads to sustainable economic growth.
There are factors may have a positive impact on increasing the number of small and medium
enterprises in Kazakhstan. I applied the method to determine the correlation or the IT sector has an
impact on the number of active entities of small and medium-sized businesses in our country or not.
There have been used two ICT factors and five randomly selected quantitative factors from other sectors
of the economy as the basis for analysis from 2004 to 2014
year in order to see the extent of the
influence of other industries. There cannot be only one industry influences to the SMEs growth, because
all economy units are closely linked with each other. However, one industry can have a significant
impact relatively to others just like it drives. One of major technological advancement is the Internet
has created new communication forms and other business methods that companies use when processing
financial and business information.
Correlation is the relationship between the two variables. Calculations similar two criteria
relationship based on the formation of paired values that are formed from the considered dependent
samples. Statistics shows the correlation between the two variables and indicates the strength of
connection by means of a correlation criterion, called the correlation coefficient. This coefficient is
The structure of the sector of SMEs in Kazakhstan
legal entities of small
legal entities medium-
sized businesses
individual entrepreneurs
peasant (farmer) farms
always referred to a Latin letter r, can take values between -1 and +1, moreover if the value is closer to
1, it means that there is strong coupling, and if it is closer to 0, then weak.[2]
If the correlation coefficient is negative, it means that there is an opposite relation: the higher the
value of one variable, the lower the value of another. The strength of the connection is also characterized
by the absolute value of the correlation coefficient. If the significance level is very small (less than 0.05)
then the correlation is significant and the two variables are linearly related. If the significance level is
relatively large (for example, 0.50) then the correlation is not significant and the two variables are not
linearly related. [2]
The number
of active legal
entities (small
and medium-
Number of
using the
The number
of PCs in
Expenses for
product and
The number of active
legal entities (small and
ZST. (2
Number of enterprises
using the Internet
ZST. (2
The number of PCs in
ZST. (2
Expenses for product
and process innovations
ZST. (2
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-sides.).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-sides.).
Prepared by author using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 packet
Source for analysis data: www.gov.stat.kz
The number of
active legal
entities (small
and medium-
Number of
engaged in
research and
The presence
of motor
The number of active
legal entities (small and
medium-sized businesses)
Pearson correlation
ZST. (2 sides)
Number of personnel
engaged in research and
Pearson correlation
ZST. (2 sides)
The presence of motor
Pearson correlation
ZST. (2 sides)
Prepared by author using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 packet
Source for analysis data: www.gov.stat.kz
The number of
active legal
entities (small
and medium-
Investments in
fixed assets
The number of active
legal entities (small and
medium-sized businesses)
ZST. (2 sides)
Investments in fixed
ZST. (2 sides)
Residential investment
ZST. (2 sides)
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-sides.).
Prepared by author using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 packet.
Source for analysis data: www.gov.stat.kz
After analyzing seven factors aimed at estimating the relation to the growth in number of active
legal entities (small and medium-sized businesses), we see that both ICT-related factors: number of
enterprises using the Internet and the number of PCs in enterprises has significant correlations. Also an
investment in fixed assets has a Pearson correlation value - 0,663. Certainly, investment is one of the
most important drivers in this sector, and therefore our government's emphasis on these activities within
the framework of Parliament in recent years. While the other variables: expenses for product and process
innovations, number of personnel engaged in research and development, residential investment, the
presence of motor vehicles logically could have had an influence.
Recognizing the correlation between ICT sector and volume of SMEs in Kazakhstan, we conclude
that the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the present conditions
and the future role preserves the most important factor of economic growth of SMEs and social
development. Also it affects to the growth of labor productivity, reduce operating costs, increase agility
businesses increase their competitiveness.
1. Достарыңызбен бөлісу: |