Гораздо больше мобильных пользователей, чем пользователи ПК заходят в мобильные
социальные сети. Теперь это стало тенденцией для пользователей Facebook постоянно обновлять
их онлайн статус через свои смартфоны и через другие мобильные устройства. Таким образом,
каналы, такие как эти, представят огромные возможности для мобильного маркетолога, чтобы
построить свою клиентскую базу данных, а также создать узнаваемость бренда своего продукта.
Мобильная сеть в настоящее время легкий путь распространения информации и является
доступным для большинства людей, поэтому можно ожидать, что гигантский рост в этой сфере
деятельности произойдёт в ближайшие годы.
Индивидуальный подход.
Лучшим в социальных сетях является то, что он предлагает маркетологам преимущество
осуществлять для клиентов индивидуальный подход. Мобильное устройство всегда при
маркетологе, поэтому он может эффективно работать через этот канал. Конечно, это также может
быть контрпродуктивным, если маркетолог пытается проникнуть в личное пространство
Высокая степень публичности
При условии, что мобильный маркетолог планирует свою маркетинговую стратегии
правильно, он получает огромную огласку без приложения многих усилий. Хорошая реклама
быстро распространяется в социальных сетях. Он может использовать это, чтобы создать свой
продукт через мобильный маркетинг. Для достижения наилучших результатов, вам придется
сначала проанализировать свою аудиторию, определить цель, и чего вы хотите достичь, а затем,
наконец, сделать мобильный маркетинговый план. Вы также можете нанять специалистов, чтобы
заботиться о ваших маркетинговых потребностях.
Направленность на количество
Социальная сеть является местом, где присутствует доверие и близость. Если маркетолог
может управлять, чтобы завоевать доверие своих последователей, он может сделать большие
успехи в своем бизнесе. Таким образом, гарантируя, что маркетинговый план хорош и имеет
смысл проделать длинный путь в мобильном маркетинге чтобы построить свою собственную
репутацию, и его продукта. Маркетолог может также заниматься некоторыми интересными
предложениями, например, предоставление награды за участие в опросе, события или
конкуренции. Это принесет вместе сопутствующие выгоды для него.
Длительные отношения
После того, как фактор доверия был установлен между маркетологов и его клиентом,
маркетолог может быть уверен в периодических доходах, долго после окончания его кампания.
Люди неизменно распространяют информацию своей семье и друзьям, которые, в свою очередь,
также привлеклись к продукту. Пользователи будут еще более склонны говорить о продукте,
если они предлагаются больше стимулов для того же, с помощью распределения скидочных
купонов, бесплатных продуктов и так далее.
Дух участия
Мобильные маркетологи должны попытаться выяснить новые способы привлечь свою
аудиторию по-разному. Необходимо не только чтобы их продукт был полезен, но он также
должен быть представлен таким образом, чтобы развлечь больше зрителей. Продукт должен
быть пищей для размышлений в некотором роде и также в определенной степени полезным для
пользователей социальных сетей. Это будет гарантировать долгосрочное участие пользователей
мобильной связи во всех его маркетинговых усилиях.
Высоко целевой маркетинг
Мобильный маркетинг с помощью социальных сетей может быть весьма полезным для
маркетолога, так как он позволяет лучше нацелиться на клиентскую базу. Маркетолог может их
очень легко найти и анализировать предпочтения клиентов и поведение с помощью регистрации.
Социальные сети также дает ему демографические данные клиентов, когда они находятся в сети.
Маркетолог может затем использовать эти данные, чтобы предложить высоко
персонализированные услуги своим клиентам. Конечно, вам, как мобильному маркетологу,
придется провести детальное исследование потребительского поведения, чтобы понять,
особенности вашей аудитории и выяснить, что потенциальные пользователи будут ожидать от
вас и вашего продукта.
Производительность в реальном времени
Мало того, что мобильный маркетинг дает маркетологам точное представление о поведении
своих пользователей, он делает это в режиме реального времени. В зависимости от его
рентабельности (рентабельность инвестиций), маркетолог может настроить свои будущие
маркетинговые кампаний и управлять ими так, чтобы привлечь больше и больше клиентов в
Интернете. Мобильная социальная сеть предлагает маркетологам пользу регулирования этого
процесса в режиме реального времени, тем самым помогая ему постоянно совершенствовать его
стратегии кампании. Это, вероятно, самое большое преимущество мобильного маркетинга с
помощью социальных сетей.
Маркетинг: учебник для вузов / Г. Л. Багиев, В. М. Тарасевич, Х. Анн; Под общ. ред.
Г. Л. Багиева.-М.: ОАО «Изд-во „Экономика“», 2001. — 703 с.
Леонид Бугаев Мобильный маркетинг. Как зарядить свой бизнес в мобильном
мире. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2012. — 214 с. — ISBN 978-5-9614-2222-1.
Shorayeva Arailym Tlegenkyzy
Suleyman Demirel University
Human resources are fairly considered one of the core pillars of any organization, as they conjoin
and ensure the successful connection of the company’s other pillars. This is one of the reasons why
human practices should be closely followed and maintained. Since all employees have different
background, personalities and diverse career goals, it is and always will be essential to make researches
in this particular area.
Nowadays Kazakhstan, with its stable economic development and growth strategies, features the
expansion of both domestic and international companies. That is why the area of the human resources
practices needs to be diligently studied and provided with recommendations. Perceived organizational
support, which implies an employee’s perception of the adequate level of appreciation of his duties and
contributions to the companies, takes a central role in this work. The human resources practices face a
number of significant problems such as the lack of academic literature, the often absence of the business
culture values in the companies, the strict relationships between a superior and subordinates and others.
The author sets two goals: firstly, to study the extent to which human resources practices reflect
the staff’s commitment to the companies and their feelings about their roles within these institutions;
secondly, to offer own possible decisions to the defined problems.
The bachelor thesis’ study was substantiated by reviewing existing literature on this topic as well
as carrying out a questionnaire-based survey in the defined number of the Kazakhstan’s enterprises.
The author believes this work will be advantageous for the ones who are interested in the
problems of the human resources practices in Kazakhstan, and hopes that professionals, employees and
students alike will benefit from this bachelor thesis’ outcomes. Therefore, the current situation with
human resource practices in Kazakhstan will be improved.
Literature review
The academic literature about the human resources practices is plentiful. However, the literature
with focus on the Kazakhstan’s business environment is rather lacking.
The theories, on which the author bases in the bachelor thesis, originate from the foreign
resources. Nevertheless, the author managed to adjust these theories to the study of the Kazakhstan’s
companies and successfully utilize them in terms of her bachelor thesis.
The work of Carl F. Fey, I.Björkman and A. Pavlovskaya “The effect of human resource
management practices on firm performance in Russia” (2013) comprises one of the key models
necessary for the bachelor thesis. While the authors conducted the study, which aim was to create and
test a model that was designed to contain the human resources outcomes (such as motivation, retention
and development) as mediating variables between HRM practices and company performance, they also
included intervening variables between HRM practices and company performance, as well as examined
the relationship between HRM practices for managers and non-managerial staff alike. Their work
revealed that a positive impact on HR outcomes for managers possess non - technical training and high
salaries, whilst job security is the most important component of HR outcomes for non - managerial staff.
Moreover, the results show a positive correlation between promotions based on merit and company
performance for managers and job security and performance for non-managers.
“HRM practices and knowledge sharing: an empirical study” (2011) written by Chee-Yang Fong,
Keng-Boon Ooi, Boon-In Tan, Voon-Hsien Lee and Alain Yee-Loong Chong suggests the study that
investigates whether knowledge sharing by the managers of firms in developing countries (by the
example of Malaysia) is enhanced by the deployment of appropriate HRM practices. The study intends
to show how important it is to choose the appropriate HRM practices that facilitate knowledge sharing
among employees in a particular organization. The empirical findings show that HRM practices are
positively associated with knowledge sharing.
The outcomes provide evidence showing that training, development, selection, performance,
appraisal etc. positively influence managers’ knowledge sharing. Training and development, recruitment
and selection are perceived to be the dominant HRM practices and both are significantly related to the
knowledge sharing of managers.
The said works serve as the basis for this study, as they reflect the theories and models that are
indispensable for the bachelor thesis. The author actively utilizes them in order to better comprehend
the problem of the human resources practices and be able to conduct a reliable study and compose a
trustworthy work.
In order to comprehend the connection between the human resources practices in Kazakhstan
and the employees’ organizational commitment, the study utilizes a research method. Besides
scrutinizing a number of the related academic literature, the author implements one of the most popular
and proved ways of the quantitative types of research - the questionnaire survey, so the reliable
information can be collected.
The questionnaire was specifically designed for this study and has been sent to the Kazakhstan’s
companies by email. The questionnaire contends questions about the respondent’s feelings in regards to
his or her loyalty, trust, role, commitment to the company. The survey’s targets are to get firsthand
information and enable the author to analyze the findings, thus, make it possible for her to present her
suggestions for the problems’ improvement.
As a data analysis method, the author utilizes the features of the spreadsheet. For presenting the
survey’s outcomes, the spreadsheet’s ability to convert the figures into the graphs and other graphic
representations is applied. Thanks to that, the survey’s results are easy to study and comprehend.
The study had its limitations of the research such as the rather low response rate, the limited
amount of information was asked and no options for the respondents’ explanations were provided, and
the impossibility to detect how candid and attentive the respondents were. However, the survey’s
findings are believed to be useful for this bachelor thesis.
Expected results
Clearly, this study is anticipated to bring a number of the results, which will prove the work’s
relevance and importance.
One of the expected outcomes is finding the positive correlation between the human resources
practices and the employees’ organizational commitment in the Kazakhstan’s businesses. As foreign
surveys illustrate, there is a positive connection. However, since Kazakhstan’s business environment
features its specific values, culture and traits, the results might deviate from the expected ones.
Another expected outcome are the suggestions, which are elaborated by the author, for the
development and improvement of the problematic areas defined by the study. The suggestions should
be constructive, relevant and feasible, and solve the issue. The author expects that the correct
implementation of the offered ideas might positively affect the human resource practices in the
Kazakhstan’s enterprises.
With the thorough analysis of the existing academic literature on the issue, the adequate
structuring and diligent writing the bachelor thesis, the successful implementation of the survey and
painstaking data analysis as well as presenting a list of the relevant and feasible suggestions for the
problem’s improvement, the author believes her bachelor thesis to be beneficial in many ways.
Carl F. Fey , Ingmar Björkman & Antonina Pavlovskaya. Published Online: 18 Feb 2011. “The
Effect Of Human Resource Management Practices On Firm Performance In Russia”
Chee-Yang Fong, Keng-Boon Ooi, Boon-In Tan And Voon-Hsien Lee “Hrm Practices And Knowledge
Sharing: An Empirical Study”
By Michel E. Domsch And Tatjana Lidokhover Helmut-Schmidt-University, Germany “Human
Resource Management In Russia”
Michael Armstrong
Kogan Page Publishers, 2006 “A Handbook Of Human Resource Management
Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar, Mohammad Tahlil Azim, Nimalathasan Balasundaram, Sadia Akhter
“Impact Of Human Resources Practices On Job Satisfaction: Evidence From Manufacturing Firms In
By Priyanko Guchait Dr. Seonghee Cho, Thesis Advisor. August 2007 “Human Resource Management
Practices And Organizational Commitment And Intention To Leave: The Mediating Role Of
Perceived Organizational Support And Psychological Contracts”
Thesis Coach: Dr. Michaéla Schippers Co-Reader: Dr. Peter Van Baalen. September, 2011 “
Employee Empowerment And Its Relation To Affective Commitment”
Howard Aldrich, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill Nancy Langton, University Of British
Columbia “Human Resource Management Practices And Organizational Life Cycles”
Paul James Davis And Xeniya Pavlova Kimep University, Almaty, Republic Of Kazakhstan “How
Strategic Is Human Resource Management In Kazakhstan? A Survey Of How Companies Manage
Talented Employees”
УДК 658.3.014+331.3
Istayeva Bibigul Tyulyugunovna
Suleyman Demirel University
I consider topic of improving the efficiency in recruitment process in Human Resource
Management, including rating candidates for the vacant position, which, along with interviewing,
questionnaires and logistic tests.
Keywords: organization, recruitment process, selection, hiring, candidates, human resource
management, interviewing.
Nowadays because of globalization, technological development, entering into the international
market organizations must be better, faster, and stronger and be able to compete with others
organizations. All this aspects requires organizations to improve production, product competitiveness
through the efficient forms of management and modern methods of recruitment, selection and hiring
In 1960s selection, recruitment and hiring process focused only on the current needs of the
organization. Employer can hire employees at any time, without any long term specialized trainings,
because of excess labor market. According excess labor market, employer has ability to fire staff without
any difficulties.
First of all, today it is necessary to establish parameters characterizing qualified employees, through test
that will show employees quality of knowledge and skills. In these circumstances, it is necessary to find
out the causes and identify possible ways and measures to respond to the crisis at work, in particular
concerning the issues of selection, recruitment, evaluation and hiring.
Thus, the theme of improving recruitment, evaluation and selection staff is currently very topical.
In addition, this topic is relevant and interesting by the fact that the selection process, adaptation and
motivation mechanisms become one of the most important factors determining the survival and
economic situation of an organization.
The theme of improving recruitment, assessment, selection, reception staff is sufficiently
developed both in foreign and in domestic literature. There are many concepts and developed techniques
about selection, recruitment and hiring process, a lot of different ideas and theories, sometimes even
contradictory. The most famous foreign founders of theories are A. Maslow, F.Gertsberg, H. Fayol, D.
McGregor and U.G.Ouchi e t. c.
Goal of this diploma is - define key aspects of recruitment process, research the system of
recruitment process and formulating recommendations for improving the system in National Service
To achieve this goal in the work necessary to achieve the following objectives:
Consider the theoretical aspects of the formation and implementation of the selection process
and recruitment process;
Analyze recruitment processes in NSC Branch
According the results of recruiting process in NSC Branch suggest ideas for improvement.
During writing this diploma was used publications, personal observations and conclusions, which will
get during the practice in NSC Branch
During writing this diploma I used findings of foreign authors about recruitment and hiring process,
research reports, and web pages. While writing a research was used different research methods: analysis
of the literature, participation in interviewing candidates, prepares irregular questions for candidates.
The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and references. The first chapter gives
the understanding about Human Resource at all, recruiting and hiring process, theoretical concepts of
personnel policy, personnel selection, their professional adaptation and motivation. The second chapter
is about National Service Company in West Kazakhstan, history of an organization, how they manage
and make selection process. In the third section, on the basis of the analysis practical recommendations
for improving the system of selection of NSC Branch.
Working process is the complex decision of actions that should be controlled and where employees should
participate for achieving company’s goals. For achieving desirable goal of an organization, company must have
cohesive, strongly motivated, qualified and hard-working staff. To have all this conditions employees of Human
Resource Department should clearly understand what exactly there are looking for and hire right person for a
right job.
To implement a successful business strategy to face with any challenges, large or small organizations,
must be sure that they have the right people on the right position to achieve organizational goals.
HR are the most significant and unique assets of an organization. The most important aspect for managers to
understand diversity of human resource aspects and actions in the organization. Outlines and different functions
of Human Resource Management very important part. It defines the different HR processes that are concerned
with attracting, managing, motivating and directing workers for the profit of the organization.
Human Resource Management is the policies and practices one needs to carry out the “people” or human resource
aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising.
The most important question is “Why is Human Resource Management important to all managers?”
Studying concepts and techniques of Human Resource Management help to avoid mistakes, such as:
Hire the wrong person for the job
Experience high turnover
Have your people not doing their best
Waste time with useless interviews
Have your company take to court because of discriminatory actions
Have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws for unsafe practices
Have some employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the
Allow a lack of training to undermine your department's effectiveness
Commit any unfair labor practices ²
Some managers can do everything- work in a right direction, reach desirable goals of an
organization, define clear organizational charts, control all occurring situations, but fail by hiring
wrong person or not motivating employees, which will become a big problem in the future for the
Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers and
with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization. ³ The recruitment process
starts when you know that you need to hire new staff, because of leaving the existing staff, or because
looking for a new employee for new positions. The hiring process is the procedure of looking into
applications, selecting the right candidate to meeting, testing applicants and then chooses the best
In order to increase the efficiency of hiring process and be sure that hired right person, managers should
follow few steps:
Step 1: Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need
Step 2: Develop Position Description
Step 3: Develop Recruitment Plan
Step 4: Select Search Committee
Step 5: Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan
Step 6: Review Applicants and Develop Short List
Step 7: Conduct Interviews
Step 8: Select Hire
Step 9: Finalize Recruitment
It can be said that the hiring process is influence on organization success, because employees is the most
important assets of an organization.
Any good hiring process begins with a strategy.
It is not free to hire
new employees; first of all it takes time and resources.
Organizations must recruit the best people to be able to compete in a global market place. To be such
kind of organization, recruitment process becomes a key component of their overall business strategy.
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