Байланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastКлючевые слова: жест, омономические невербальные компоненты, язык жестов, движение головы.
Yeshimov M.P. Homonymic ranks of nonverbal components
In article use of number of nonverbal components and their communicative sense in the certain context of
communication is considered. On the example of art works the author proves a variety of meanings of head movement
from the base of semantics, despite similarity of origin of these movements in the process of communication.
Such nonverbal elements as the
by head, bow, stroking of the head and etc. transmitted through the
somatizm «head» and belongs only to one limb of the body can have different shades of sense. Rocking by the head
can mean disagreement, admiration, concern, regret. Thus, the gesticulation connected with rocking of the head
replaces the absent modal words and verbal types of communication, and also can define mood of the person in this
or that situation of communication. Such nonverbal components as bow by the head, stroking of the head etc. can also
fill a homonymic row. There are lots of these kinds of nonverbal components in language.
Keywords: gesture, homonymic nonverbal components, language of gesture, movement of the head.
Редакцияға 05.032015 қабылданды.