«Продукты» (Foodstuffs),«Промтовары» (Manufactured goods),
«Хозяйственный» (Household), «Хлеб» (Bread), «Молоко» (Milk); service
objects «Парикмахерская» (Barber), «Прачечная» (Laundry), «Столовая» (Dining Room). The positive side of such names was that they oriented customers
well: if the sign above the shop was Foodstuffs, nobody was going to buy furniture
or groom dogs there. Restaurants and cafés werethe only exceptions, but there
wasnot much diversity in their titles.The cafés «Мороженое» (Ice-cream),
«Молочноекафе» (Dairy Cafe), «Шоколадноекафе» (Chocolate Cafe)weremostly in every city. Names served as a "business card" of the city:
restaurants «Строитель» (Builder), «Металлург» (Metallurgist), «Приморский» (Maritime). The second wave of renaming had similar goals as the first: the old
names were returned or appeared new ones in an old-style: shops «ЛавкаВласова» (Vlasov’s Shop), «Купеческийамбар»(Merchant’s barn), «Московскийпривоз» (Moscow supply), «Оконныйдвор»(Window yard), «Оконныйряд» (Window row),
cafe «Трактиръ» (Tavern), enterprises «Кузнечныйдвор» (Blacksmith yard),
«Кузнечнаялавка» (Blacksmith shop), «Кузнечнаямануфактура» (Forging manufactory), confectionary «КондитерскийцехБуше» (Boucher's Confectionery Shop); some schools got the old names too: gymnasium, lyceum.
Faceless numerals of the first half of the previous century did not say
anything about the specifics and functions of the objects. So private schools
already have names instead of numbers: «Лингва» (Lingua), «Малыш» (The Kiddy).
A great increase in the number of enterprises and the increase of the number
of ergonyms were observed in the 90-ies of the twentieth century under the
influence of political and economic reforms in the country.
A.V.Superanskaya, the famous linguist,pointed out that a proper name has
the following basic features: 1) it is given to an individual object and not to a class
of objects that have features characteristic of all individuals within the class; 2) a
named object is always well defined and distinguishable, outlined; 3) the name is
not directly related to the concept and has no clear and unambiguous connotations
on a language-level [4, р. 324].
Requirements for ergonyms coincide with the requirements of J. Verkman to
trademarks[5:15]: «... they should be clear and not cause great difficulties from the
side of perception, be logical, produce the same experience regardless of the
conditions in which they are perceived, have the property of being easily
misinterpreted anywhere; avoid ambiguity».
The naming processes are usually determined by specific geographical and
industrial motivation. The motivation of naming in the south-eastern part of
Ukraine can be divided into three types:
Location of the region on the coast of the Azov Sea, and there are a lot of
marine names in the nomination: cafe «Акватория» (Aquatoriya), shops «Волна» (Wave), «Прибой» (Surf),«Альбатрос» (Albatross), «Дельфин» (Dolphin), «Курортный» (Resort), «Белыйпарус» (White sail); rest house «Голубаяволна» (Blue wave), hotel and café «Чайка» (Sea-gull), cafés «Отдых» (Relaxation),
«Парус» (Sail), «Фрегат» (Frigate), names of hotels «Моряк» (Seaman),