Азақстан республикасының ТҰҢҒыш президенті ретроспективтік библиографиялық көрсеткіш I том "Қазақ энциклопедиясы" Алматы, 2010

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693. Panorama: offi cial information: Source: press service reports of government agencies

companies, foreign and Kazakh mass media //Нефтегазовая вертикаль = Oil & Gas Vertical: 

Аналитический журнал.– Moscow, 2005.– Sept. (N13 ). 

About N.Nazarbayev.– P. 122, 123. 

694. Participants of Customs Union agreed to complete all state Customs Code procedures 

/Kazakhstan Today //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2010.– Mar. 4–10 (N9 ).– P. 1. 

The head of the negotiation group of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation, Vice 

Premier of the Russian Federation, Igor Shuvalov will also meet the President of Kazakhstan, 

Nursultan Nazarbayev. 


695. Patterson Scott. “ Disagreements” with Kazakhstan do not affect relationship with US 

/S.Patterson //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Jul. 14–20 (N28 ).– P. 1.

696. Pavlov Alexander. The Budget and Financial Policies of Kazakstan /A.Pavlov //Didar-

Kazakhstan: Иллюстрированный журнал из Казахстана.– Almaty, 1996. N2.– P. 10. 

The laws “On Foreign investments” and “On Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments into 

the Budget” issued by Decrees of the President of Kazakhstan. 

697. Pensioners, International Monetary Fund Trap Government //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 1997.– Jun. 26 – Jul. 2 (N70).– P. 5. 

Worried by discontent among a 16.9 million population fed up with huge debts to state 

employees and pensioners, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has given the government until the 

end of the year to fi nd the cash. 

698. Petrov Alex. Astana and Beijing enhance cooperation in agriculture /A.Petrov //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Dec. 24–2010.– Jan. 4 (N52–53).– P.4. 

As a return favor Kazakhstan was asked for 1 mln. hectares of fertile lands for cultivating 

soy, rape and other feed crop. The proposal was directly addressed to President N.Nazarbayev

who voiced it during the Council of Foreign Investor’s meeting. 

699.  Petrov Alex. Astana plans to limit foreign capital in the banking sector BTA and 

Alliance still attractive for investors /A.Petrov //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Nov. 

19–25 (N47).– P. 4. 

“ We will not allow foreign bankers to own systematically important banks”, President 

Nazarbayev said during a live TV-appearance. 

700. Petrov Alex. Astana presents its OSCE agenda /A.Petrov //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2009.– Dec. 17–23 (N51).– P.3. 

Diring the recent meeting of the Security Council, President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated 

that incoming chairmanship is a symbolic event in not only CIS, but global perspective and is 

“a positive event for transforming OSCE”. 

701. Petrov Alex. Astana to pressure the alcohol and tobacco market /A.Petrov //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Nov. 12–18 (N46).– P.4. 

702. Petrov Alex. Kazakhstan sets new parameters for investment /A.Petrov //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 2010.– Jan. 14–20 (N2).– P.3. 

703.  Petrov Alex. Nazarbayev slams government’s HR policy /A.Petrov //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 2010.– Jan. 28– Feb. 3 (N4).– P.1., phot. 

704. Pilge Zeki. Foreign Investor to Kazakhstan: Experience of Turkey /Z.Pilge //

Kazakhstan and Contemporary World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2005.– N1 

(12).– P. 110,113. 

In 2002 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. awarded Mr. Zeki 

Pilge, Turkish investor the honarable rank “ Businessman of the year”. 

705. Pipe Dreams in Central Asia //The Economist.– London, 1996.– May 4–10.– Vol. 339 

(N7964).– P. 61. 


On April 27th Boris Yeltsin and Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan 

presided over the signing of a new agreement for a Caspian pipeline Consortium. 

706. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Administrative Reform!: Nazarbayev signs relevant Decree 

/L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan. 19 (N2).– P.1, 2. , phot. 

707. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. All disbanded..: Parliamentarians have to leave /L.Piskorskaya 

//The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jun. 22 (N24).– P. 1. 

Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev announced about the dissolution of the 


708. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Attractiveness worth $ 50 bn: Investment projects in Mangystau 

Oblast presented /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Mar. 30 (N125).– P. 2. 

A presentation of the investment projects in Mangystau Oblast was held in the Palace 

of Peace and Accord, Astana. These projects were presented to the President of Kazakhstan 

Nursultan Nazarbayev. 

709. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. No spot construction!: The Astana development plan to be 

revised /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Feb. 16 (N6).– P. 1, 2. 

Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev made a speech at a meeting devoted to the 

Astana development plan. 

710.  Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Orienting to social policy: What new ideas did President 

Nazarbayev propose in his Address to Kazakhstani people? /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan 

Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Mar. 2 (N8).– P.1, 2. 

711. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Poland is not hostile towards Russia: Nazarbayev pointed to 

aspects impeding the route other than across Russia /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– 

Almaty, 2007.– Apr. 6 (N13).– P.2., phot. 

712. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. President doesn’t bet on “ Dark Horse”: Karim Masimov 

becomes Government head /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan. 

12 (N1).– P.1, 2., phot. 

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev introduced Karim Masimov as his nominee 

to the post of Prime Minister at the meeting of the Houses of Parliament. 

713. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meets Marat Tazhin 

in Astana: Caspian gas Pipeline Project dominates discussions /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan 

Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Nov.2 (N42).– P. 2. 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev 

and also held negotiations with Kazakhstani Foreign Minister Marat Tazhin. 

714. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. “ The diplomatic saga”: Nazarbayev explains the priorities 

of the Kazakhstani foreign policy /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– 

Dec. 14 (N48).– P. 2. 

715. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. The largest number of billionaries per square meter: Session 

of the Council of Foreign Investors held in Astana /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– 

Almaty, 2007.– Dec. 14 (N48).– P.1., phot. 


The 18 th session of the Council of Foreign Investors was held in Astana. The agenda 

for the session was devoted to ecology. N.Nazarbayev paid special attention to the ecological 

situation in the Caspian Sea. 

716. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. Voting number 2: The Assembly of Kazakhstani Peoples to 

replenish the newly elected Parliament /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 

2007.– Aug. 24 (N32).– P. 2. 

President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to delegate representatives of national minorities 

to the Majilis. 

717. Piskorskaya Lyudmila. “We will continue to cooperate for the sake of our countries”: 

Results of Kazakhstan – Italian Economic Forum /L.Piskorskaya //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– 

Almaty, 2007.– Oct. 12 (N39).– P. 2., phot. 

During the meeting with the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi Nursultan Nazarbayev 

said that today Italy is the leading economic partner of Kazakhstan. 

718. Pleshakov Vladimir. Kazakhstan “Triangle” or Why Some Actions Taken by N.Nasarbayev 

Seem Unpredictable /V.Pleshakov //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1993.– Mar. 17 (N11).– P. 2. 

719. PM Reports on Social and Economic Development of Country //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2005.– May 5–11 (N18).– P. 2. 

On April 29th Kazakhstani President N.Nazarbayev received Prime Minister Danial Ahmetov 

who reported on results of social and economic development of the republic since early 2005. 

720. Policy of the Kazakstani Leadership is invariably aimed at promoting global stability 

and security /Correspondent of Kazak weekly newspaper “Kazakstan”. //Kazakstan.– Almaty, 

1995.– Oct. 11 (N41).– P.1. 

During the UN jubilee session the Secretary General of the United Nations Boutros 

Ghali emphasized the importance of N.Nazarbayev’s initiative in convening a conference on 

interaction and confi dence measures in Asia. 

721. Political System = Политическая система //Ayna.– Almaty, 1999.– N1.– P. 33, 34, 

35., phot. 

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is elected for seven years terms by way of 

universal, equal and direct voting. 

722. Portnikov Vitaly. Nursultan Nazarbayev:” One should not look for a black cat in a 

dark room”: President of Kazakhstan wants to remember the good, not the bad /V.Portnikov 

//Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– Jul. 13 (N28).– P.3. 

723. Premier Goes-Reforms Stay //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Oct. 16–22 

(N86).– P.1, 5., phot. 

President Nursultan Nazarbayev named state oil boss, Nurlan Balgimbayev, as Kazakhstan’s 

new prime minister on Friday, October 10, saying he was he best choice to ensure long-term 

prosperity in the former Soviet republic. 

724. Premier Sponsors Cooperation in East Asia //Beijing Review.– Beijing, 1999.– Dec. 

9.– Vol. 42 (N49).– P.5., phot. 

On 23rd of November 1999, Kazakstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited China. 


725.  Premier Tackles “Strategic Importance” in Russia //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

1996.– Dec. 4–10 (N41).– P.1. 

On November 23 President Nazarbayev met in Moscow with Russian President Boris 

Yeltsin to discuss questions of economic relations and preparations for the jubilee session of 

the CIS governments. 

726.  Presentation gas turbine electric power station was held in Uralsk //Oil & Gas of 

Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 2006.– N6.– P.71. 

N.Nazarbayev took part in the presentation of the gas turbine power station, which was 

held on October 4, 2006. 

727. Presentation of Kazakhstan – German Business Association Held in Almaty /Kazinform 

27/09/2005 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Sept. 29– Oct. 5 (N39).– P.6. 

The Association was established in conformity early this year with the agreements achieved 

during the visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev to Germany. 

728. President: In brief /Khabar 16.04. 2007 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Apr. 

19–25 (N15).– P. 4. 

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, spoke to Uzbekistan’s President, 

Islam Karimov by telephone. They discussed the main directions of bilateral cooperation. 

729.  President “Distances” From Government //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– Sept. 21 

(N38).– P.1. 

730.  President Accepts Prime Minister’s Resignation: News. Kazakhstan /Kazakhstan 

Today //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan. 12 (N1).– P. 2. 

731. President argues that one-party parliament can be engine of modernization /EurasiaNet 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Sept. 20–26 (N37).– P. 3. 

Having a one-party parliament in Kazakhstan creates a “wonderful opportunity” to foster 

pluralism and prosperity in the energy–rich Central Asian nation, according to President 

Nursultan Nazarbayev. 

732. President Asks Parliament to Speed Up Consideration of the Draft Laws /Observer of 

Kazakh’s weekly newspaper “Kazakstan”. //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– Dec. 21 (N51).– P. 2. 

733. President Assigns Karim Masimov as New Prime Minister: News. Kazakhstan 

/Kazakhstan Today //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan. 12 (N1).– P.1. 

734.  President Believes Life is Improving //Focus Central Asia: Analytical Report.– 

Almaty,1996.– Oct. (N20)– P.17–19. 

President Nazarbayev appealed directly to the Kazakhstani people with a message “On the 

State of the Nation and Principal Directions of Internal and External Policy for 1997”. 

735. President Believes the Recently Held Elections an Indisputable Achievement of 

Growing Democracy //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994. Mar. 16(N11).– P. 1, 2. 

736. President considers economic results to be successful //Oil & Gas of Kazakhstan.– 

Almaty, 2005.– N1.– P. 62. 


Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev considers economic results for 2004 to be 

successful.The head of the state reported this on December 14 at a meeting with representatives 

of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country. 

737. President Discussed Development of Basic Industries with Karaganda Akim: In brief 

/KazTAG //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2010.– Feb.11–17 (N6).– P. 2. 

Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev received akim of Karaganda oblast Serik 

Akhmetov, the presidential press service informed. 

738. President Fires Deputy Prime Minister: Hot line //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

1997.– Jul. 31– Aug. 6 (N75).– P.1. 

July 28 – Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev relieved First Deputy Prime 

Minister Nigmatzhan Isingarin of his post on Monday, state television said. 

739. President Highly Estimates Results of Cultural Heritage Program: News. Kazakhstan 

/Kazakhstan Today //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– 16 Feb. (N6).– P. 2. 

740. President is content with his visit to China //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2002.– Dec. 

25– 2003.– Jan. 1 (N52).– P.1. 

N.Nazarbayev arrived to China with an offi cial visit on an invitation from Jiang Zemin, 

chairman of China. During the negotiations N.Nazarbayev said that he evaluated the friendly 

relations a trade and economic cooperation between the two countries positively. 

741. President isn’t Much Happy about the Work of Almaty Leadership /Correspondent of 

Kazak weekly newspaper “Kazakstan”. //Kazakstan.– Almaty, 1995.– Nov. 22 (N47).– P. 2. 

742. President Meets American Billionaire //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Sept. 

18–24.– P. 1. 

N.Nazarbaev received a delegation of the US International Relations Council, headed by Mr. 

David Rockefeller and the chairman of the Blackstone Group Investment Corporation Peter Peterson. 

743. President Nazarbayev approved state program of e-government formation: Weekly 

Chronicle //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2004.– Nov.19 (N44).– P.1. 

744. President Nazarbayev Arrived in Bishkek to Participate in SCO: Kazakhstan News 

//The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Aug. 17 (N31).– P.1. 

745. President Nazarbayev awards Best Foreign Investors of 2003 //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2003.– Dec. 11–17 (N50).– P.1. 

746. President Nazarbayev Called to Strengthen SCO Business Council Work: Kazakhstan 

News //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Aug. 17 (N31).– P.1. 

747. President Nazarbayev Writes New Book //Didar-Kazakhstan = Иллюстрированный 

журнал из Казахстана.– Almaty, 1996.– N2.– P. 2. 

748.  President Nazarbayev, FSA chair discussed 2004 results of Kazakhstan’s fi nancial 

sector: Finance in brief /Interfax-Kazakhstan //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2005.– 

Feb.11 (N5 ).– P.3. 


749. President of Kazakhstan Arrives in New York for Participation in the 62nd Session 

of the UN General Assembly: In brief /Kazinform 25.09.2007 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2007.– Sept. 27– Oct. 3 (N38).– P.2. 

750. President of Kazakhstan at the Davos Forum /USIA //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– 

Feb. 9 (N6).– P. 2. 

751. President of Kazakhstan Meets with the Secretary of EurAsEC //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2004.– Dec. 15–22 (N52).– P. 2. 

752.  President of Kazakhstan Now Found Parners in Malayasia //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 1996.– Jun. 25– Jul. 31 (N22).– P. 1, 7. 

753. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Takes Part in 8th Summit of Turkic 

Language States in Antalya: In brief /Kazakhstan 17.11.2006 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2006.– Nov. 16–29 (N46–47).– P. 2. 

754. President of Kazakhstan participated in the opening of the capital’s President-Hotel. 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Jun. 9–15 (N23).– P. 2. 

755. President of Kazakhstan Received Head of Agency on Financial Monitoring //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2008.– Aug. 28– Sept. 3 (N35).– P. 1. 

756. President of Kazakhstan Signed a Decree on Measures of Strengthening of National 

Security of Kazakhstan //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Feb. 19–25 (N8).– P.1. 

757. President of Kazakhstan signed draft on restoration of Sultan Az-Zahir 

Beibars mosque in Cairo //Kazakhstan Today.– Almaty, 2009.–Jan .8–14 (N2).– 

P. 2. 

758.  President of Kazakhstan signed Budget code /Kazakhstan Today //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 2008.– Dec. 11–17 (N50).– P. 4. 

759. President of Kazakhstan Signs Order on Awarding of the State Award of the RF for 

2009 in Science and Technique Sphere /Kazakhstan Today 17.11.2009 //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2009.– Nov.19–25 (N47 ).– P. 2. 

760. President of Kazakhstan Signs Several Laws: News. Kazakhstan /Kazakhstan Today 

//The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan.19 (N2).– P.1. 

761. President of Kazakhstan to Pay Official Visit to Ukraine: News. Kazakhstan 

/Kazakhstan Today //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Jan. 19 (N2).– 


762.  President of Kazakhstan to Visit Iran Next Year: In brief /KZ-Today 03/09/2005 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Oct. 13–19 (N41).– P. 2. 

763. President of Kazakhstan To Visit To Italy, Vastican On Nov. 4–6 /RIA Novosti //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Nov. 5–11 (N45).– P. 3. 


764. President of Kazakhstan Wishes Happy New Year to Karaganda Children: In 

brief /KZ-Today 26/12/2005 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Dec. 29 – 2006.– 

Jan. 4.– P. 2. 

765. President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, On a State Working Visit to South-

Kazakhstan Oblast, Where He Visited a Cardiological Centre /Kazinform 22.09. 2009 //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty,2009.– Sept. 24–30 (N39).– P. 4. 

766. President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev Plans to Visit Tajikistan on an Offi cial 

Visit in September: In brief /Kazinform 21.08.2007 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Aug. 

23– Sept. 5 (N33–34).– P. 2. 

767. President of RK Addresses the Participants of the 1st Annual International Investment 

Forum with a Greeting Speech: In brief /Kazinform 23.10.2008 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2008.– Oct. 30– Nov. 5 (N44).– P. 2. 

768. President of RK Asserts That No Serious Changes Among Regional Governors Are To 

Be Implemented: In brief /KZ-Today 23/01/2006 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2006.– Jan.26 

– Feb. 1 (N4).– P.2. 

769. President of RK Assures Everyone That There Will Be No Problems With Bread 

Supply in Kazakhstan /Kazakhstan Today 02.09.2008 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2008.– 

Sept. 4–10 (N36).– P.2. 

770. President of RK Charges Premier to Study Facts of Infringements Committed During 

Construction in Almaty /Kazinform 11.09.2007 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Sept. 

6–19 (N35–36).– P. 2. 

771. President of RK Congratulates Cavaco Silva on Election Victory: In brief /Kazakhstan 

Today //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2006.– Feb. 2–8 (N5) – P. 2. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 

president of Kazakhstan, congratulated Anibal Cavaco Silva, new president of Portugal, on 

election victory yesterday, January 31, Kazakhstan Today reports citing the presidential press 


772. President of RK Orders the Government to Complete Development of 5-Year-Plan Of 

Country’s Industrialization Stimulation by the End of the Year. /Kazinform 01.09.2009 //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Sept. 3–9 (N36).– P. 4. 

773.  President of RK Orders the Government to Conduct All Control Calculations As 

Per The Results of Population Census /Kazinform 01.09.2009 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2009.– Sept. 3–9 (N36).– P. 4. 

774. President of RK Pays Offi cial Visit to Georgia: In brief /KZ-Today 03/09/2005 //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Oct. 13–19 (N41).– P. 2. 

775. President of RK, Nursultan Nazarbayev Received The Foreign Affairs Minister 

Of Iran, Manuchehr Motakki And Prime Minister Of The Ukraine Victor Ianukovich 

/Khabar 14.12.2006 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Dec. 21–2006.– Jan. 3 (N51–

52).– P. 4. 


776.  President of RK, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Comments on the Tragic Incident in 

Malovodnoe and Kazatkom Villages of Almaty Oblast //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– 

Apr. 12–18 (N14).– P. 4. 

777. President Of RK, Nursultan Nazarbayev, During The Course Of The Economic Forum 

In Saint Petersburg, Offered To Review The Opportunity Of The “Eurasia” Navigation Channel 

Construction From The Caspian Sea To The Black Sea: In brief /Kazakhstan Today 11.06.2007 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Jun. 14–20 (N23).– P. 2. 

778. President of the RK Visits JSC “Aktubrentgen” /Kazakhstan Today 22.09. 2008 //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2008.– Sept. 25– Oct. 1 (N39).– P. 4. 

779. President of the RK, N.Nazarbayev, Holds a Session of Working Group on the Issue of 

Constitution Reform. He Also Received Annual Reports From the National Bank, the Agency 

for Financial Supervision and the RFCA Administration: In brief /Khabar 23. 04. 2007 //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2007.– Apr. 26– May 2 (N16).– P. 4. 

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