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  1. What did you dream …. Last night?

  1. About

  2. To

  3. For

  4. Of

  5. With

  1. What … this dream …?

  1. Does … go

  2. Does … sleep

  3. Does … feel

  4. Does ….rent

  5. Does …mean

  1. Find word to the definition . A Person who repairs water pipes (n).

  1. An electrician

  2. A builder

  3. A dentist

  4. A nurse

  5. A plumber

  1. Choose the right tense. Things that happen always or usually.

  1. Present simple

  2. Future simple

  3. Present Continuous

  4. Past Continuous

  5. Past simple

  1. Choose the right answer: Can you close …, please?

  1. A door

  2. Some door

  3. The door

  4. Any door

  5. Door

  1. Find word to the definition. One or jther

  1. Nothing

  2. Something

  3. Someone

  4. Eternal

  5. Either

  1. Choose the right tense. Future predictions, decisions, offers, promises.

  1. Past simple

  2. Present Continuous

  3. To be going to

  4. Past Continuous

  5. Will/ won’t + Infinitive

  1. Complete the questions with past participle of the verb. Have you ever … a hat?

  1. Have

  2. Has

  3. Had

  4. Haven’t

  5. Hadn’t

  1. Find the odd one out :

  1. Subject

  2. Nurse

  3. Writer

  4. Fire-fighter

  5. Vet

  1. Who … you think… win the elections?

  1. did … do

  2. Do…wil

  3. Wil…do

  4. Does..ill

  5. Have…will

  1. How was your weekend? It was great . – This time yesterday I ___(walk) on the beach.

  1. Are walking

  2. Were walking

  3. Walked

  4. Have walked

  5. Was walking

  1. Find word o the definition. Something which lasts forever (adj).

  1. Worry

  2. Eternal

  3. Research

  4. Hurt

  5. Sometimes

  1. Complete the dialogue. – Can I get you something to start with?

  1. –Sorry , I asked for my steak well done and this is rare.

  2. – I’m sorry, but I asked for a green salad, not fries.

  3. – Well done

  4. – No , thank you. I’d like the tuna with a green salad.

  5. – No problem. I’II change it.

  1. Which word is stressed on the second syllable?

  1. Forget

  2. Worry

  3. Bored

  4. Early

  5. Happy

  1. Find the pessimist’s response . I lend James some money yesterday.

  1. They’ll be late.

  2. You won’t pass.

  3. It’ll rain .

  4. He won’t pay you back.

  5. They’ll lose

  1. Synonyms: people

  1. Animals

  2. Plants

  3. World

  4. Immigrate

  5. Community

  1. Antonym “strong”

  1. Heady

  2. Robust

  3. Weak

  4. lusty

  5. confident

  1. The infinitive in the sentence means. I’m going to do gardening with my mum.

  1. to eat biscuits

  2. B) to plant trees

  3. C) to play computer games

  4. D) to write the story

  5. E) to read the book

  1. Complete the questions with past participle of the verb. Have you ever… something only once?

  1. Worn

  2. Won

  3. Wore

  4. Wear

  5. Weared

  1. What did you dream … last night?

  1. Of

  2. To

  3. With

  4. For

  5. About

  1. How to stop worrying and be yourself!

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your image? Or feel you have to follow the latest fashions? Are you worried about what people post about you on social media? Well, you’re not alone. Many teenagers have identity problems, and get anxious about their looks. So how can you become more self-confident and relaxed about yourself?
The important thing to remember is that your real friends like you for the person you are, not because of how you look.
Try not to worry when people criticize your appearance on social media. They don’t know the real you. You should listen to your friends and family who know you.
It’s important to dress for yourself, not for other people. Make sure you wear what you feel comfortable in, not just what’s in fashion. Try to develop your own style, with clothes that not only suit you but also express your personality.
Don’t forget that the pictures you see in magazines are digitally changed. Try to keep remembering that even models don’t have perfect bodies!
It’s easy to imagine that everyone else is happy and secure, but most teenagers are still discovering their identity and perhaps they feel just like you.
Think carefully about what makes you a good person. It’s not what you look like or the clothes you wear, but your attitudes and your personality. Believe in yourself and be happy!
Correct variant according to the text
... students have identity problems.
A) More
B) A lot of
C) Much
D) Few
E) Some
22. What do lots of teens feel anxious about?
A) appearance
B) relations
C) age
D) parents
E) personality
23. Correct ending of the sentence
“Your friends value you for your ... .”
A) look
B) style
C) clothes
D) school progress
E) personality
24. The meaning of the word. Anxious
A) emphasizing
B) uninteresting
C) indifferent
D) not difficult
E) worried
25. The meaning of the phrase. Being yourself
A) trusting people
B) being alone
C) being who you are
D) worrying about friends
E) being lonely
26. Double “oo” is read differently
A) kangaroo
B) tooth
C) noon
D) flood
E) food
F) blood
G) shampoo
H) moon
27. Opposite(s) build
A) destroy
B) check
C) make
D) damage
E) discover
F) disappear
G) finish
H) create
28. Noun suffixes

  1. –еr

  2. –ment

  3. –ness

  4. –less

  5. –ies

  6. –es

  7. –s

29. Find the right reciprocal pronoun: How long have you and Mary known __­­­­­___?

  1. Ourselves

  2. Them

  3. Yourselves

  4. Itself

  5. Each other

  6. Myself

  7. Themselves

  8. Our

30. Countable noun(s)

  1. bottle

  2. B.meat

  3. butter

  4. milk

  5. travel

  6. leg

  7. juice

  8. movie

31. Correct form(s) of the verb
Harry ... tell all about his marriage.

  1. have gone

  2. are going to

  3. gone to

  4. was gone

  5. had done to

  6. were going to

  7. will going

  8. is going to

32. The command one(s)

  1. He said that be saw a waterfall

  2. She asked me not to laugh.

  3. We wold her that he loved listening to music.

  4. Evan told me that he could help.

  5. She said that her name is Sophia.

  6. He tell me to say my name.

  7. He asked me to say my name.

  8. You told us they would give us a book to read.

  9. 33. The correct variant(s)

Will you be there___?

  1. For Tuesday

  2. At Tuesday

  3. At Monday

  4. For Monday

  5. In Monday

  6. On Monday

  7. In Tuesday

  8. On Tuesday

34. The right variant
There is a garden … the house.

  1. Across

  2. Between

  3. Behind

  4. Along

  5. In front of

  6. Under

  7. In

  8. On

35. Impersonal structure(s)

  1. Its colour is brown.

  2. The boy couldn’t find his glasses.

  3. There is somebody in the room.

  4. I bought it yesterday.

  5. There are 15 students in the group.

  6. It is a nice day.

  7. My parents gave me a new computer.

  8. Our school is very big.


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