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2.2  Portfolio content

The requirement for the portfolios is set out below. During the second face to face phase 

of the programme teachers will develop their portfolios for assessment and presentation 

purposes. Trainers will give formative advice and support to the teachers in their training 

groups on both the content and structure of portfolios in order to support this development.

Why do I need to change?

A reflective account of why countries around the world are reforming their education and 

how this will apply to Kazakhstan and to your school in particular. This will be based on 

extended reading and school based experience. (2,000 words)

Where is my school starting from?

A synthesis of the school based evidence collected before and during Level 1 training. 

The synthesis will inform a reflective account of the ‘condition’ of the school prior to the 

intervention. (2,000 words)



What do I need to do to bring about change in my school?

A reflective account of what changes need to be made based on school based data and the 

match with OECD recommendations. (2,000 words)

How will I bring about these changes?

A detailed reflective account of the school development planning process with timelines, 

targets, outcomes and success criteria.  (2,000 words)

How will I know if the changes I have made have been effective?

A detailed analytical account of the research design to collect evidence of impact. (2,000 


How will I sustain ongoing development through establishing networks?

A detailed plan of how active networks will be set up, monitored and sustained. (500 

words + plan)

These  six  sections  of  the  portfolio  will  build  to  a  cohesive  ‘action  research’  report 

concerning  how  whole-school  development  was  instigated  and  will  be  evaluated  and 


2.3  The process of assessment of portfolios

2.3.1  Initial assessment of portfolios by group trainers

During the second face to face phase of the Level 1 training, trainers will support the 

completion of, will become familiar with, and will make an initial assessment of the 

portfolios of the teachers in their training group. This assessment will be made in relation 

to the criteria outlined above and grades of Good Pass, Pass, Borderline or Fail given. 

The grade Good Pass is used to identify work that may be used as exemplars in future 

training programmes. Teachers receiving this grade may also be encouraged to develop 

their work for submission to a professional journal. Descriptors of these grades are given 

in Appendix 3. Trainers will complete a list of initial grades for each of the teachers in 

their group. These will be passed on to the independent trainer assigned to the group who 

will independently assess the teachers’ portfolios and presentation.

2.3.2  Independent assessment of portfolios

Teachers will submit their portfolios electronically and these will be accessible on- line 

to group trainers and independent trainers for assessment purposes. Following the second 

face to face training period, independent trainers will review the portfolios and give an 

independent trainer grade. They will then determine a final portfolio grade for each teacher 


by comparing their independent trainer grade with the group trainer grade according to an 

algorithm which can be found in the Assessment Toolbox. Portfolios will be moderated 

by an Expert or second independent trainer where group trainer and independent trainer 

grades differ by two levels or where the independent trainer has given a borderline grade.

Assessment of Presentation

3.1  Principles for the assessment of presentation

During the second face to face period, teachers will give presentation relating to entries in 

their portfolios. This presentation will help establish authenticity of the teacher’s portfolio 

and demonstrate their presentation skills. Presentation will focus on the teacher’s ability 

to lead change in schools and to develop constructive relationships with colleagues within 

and between schools.

3.2  Content of the presentation

Reflection on implementation and managing the changes within the whole school (20-22 

mins). Presentation will consist of 6 slides and 6 posters.

This presentation will consist of three slides or three posters which will be referred to in 

order to demonstrate:

•  How the specific need for change of the school was identified

•  How colleagues were supported in actions (coaching and mentoring) designed to 

bring about this change

•  How the effectiveness of these actions was evaluated

•  A diagrammatic representation of all colleagues involved in the school development 

work,  indicating  the  roles  played  (other  leaders,  supporting  colleagues,  coaches, 

mentors, coaching participants, mentees, people, e.g. students and/or parents, who 

contributed information or data)

•  A more detailed description of the contribution to the school development work 

of one key colleague. This should include an analysis of the teacher’s professional 

relationship with this colleague and how this helped or hindered the development 


•  A plan for developing a network of colleagues within and/or between schools that 

will support and sustain developments in practice.

3.3  The process of assessment of presentation

Independent trainers unknown to the teachers will have the final responsibility for the 

assessment of presentation. Presentation will be assessed against the three key assessment 

criteria. Presentation should address all three key criteria however each individual slide 

may be more focused on one or two of the criteria. Presentation will be assessed as Good 

Pass, Pass, Borderline or Fail.


Other teachers in the presentation group will also observe the presentation of their peers. 

Participation in peer-assessment of portfolio presentation will contribute to the learning 

process  for  all  teachers.  The  independent  trainer  may  take  account  of  these  but  will 

make the final assessment. The independent trainers’ assessments may be supported by 

an Expert if they are observing the process. Experts may act as moderators and where 

necessary, may intervene and amend the trainer’s judgement. The presence of an Expert 

at the teachers’ presentation will primarily contribute to the process of supporting and 

assessing the trainers.

Independent trainers, peers and Experts may use pro-forma to assist assessment of each 

element in the presentation. These can be found in the ‘Assessment Tool Box’.

Moderation of portfolio and presentation grades

Some assessment decisions will be subject to moderation. 

The following cases will be moderated:

1) Where group trainer and independent trainer portfolio grades differ by two or more 


2) Where either final portfolio grade or final presentation grade are ‘borderline’

In case 1) an Expert or second independent trainer will review the teacher’s portfolio and 

discuss the grades given with the group trainer and independent trainer. The Expert or 

second independent trainer will make a final decision.

In  case  2)  an  Expert  or  second  independent  trainer  and  the  independent  trainer  will 

consider and discuss the teacher’s portfolio and presentation in order to decide whether 

there is sufficient evidence that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. 

The  Expert  and  second  independent  trainer  will  have  access  to  the  portfolio  through 

the portal. They may have observed the presentation, if not they may use video of the 

presentation to


inform their decision if this is available. The Expert or second independent trainer will 

make a final decision.

By the end of this moderation process all teachers will be allocated a programme grade 

of Pass or Fail.

All course participants who gain a pass in the programme grade will be entitled to proceed 

to the CPM examination for formal certification. As the moderation process will not be 

complete before the examination takes place, any participants assessed as ‘borderline’ 

will be allowed to take the exam.

Participants receiving a fail programme grade after moderation will not be entitled to 

certification regardless of the result of the examination.


Formal approval of the pass list, re-submission and appeals

Following the moderation process, grades attributed to all candidates will be used to 

generate a proposed pass list for submission to the Assessment Board. The Assessment 

Board will review and formally approve the pass list. The board will consider the cases 

of candidates deemed to have failed as well as any cases of malpractice. They will make 

decisions about resubmissions or re-registrations by these candidates based on evidence 


Candidates whose portfolios or presentation are assessed as ‘fail’ may be allowed to re- 

submit the failed element on one occasion. Candidates who fail both the portfolio and 

presentation will not be allowed to re-submit.

The Assessment Board will consider the cases of candidates who do not complete the 

programme due to ill health or personal circumstances. The board will decide whether 

the candidate should be allowed to re-register for the programme and what parts of the 

programme they need to complete.

The Assessment Board will also consider any cases where malpractice, usually plagiarism, 

is suspected. A statement about what constitutes plagiarism may be found in the Teacher’s 

handbook. The  board  will  make  decisions  about  the  possibility  for  re-submission  by 

candidates whose work is found to be plagiarised.

Following the Assessment Board a formal pass list will be issued as well as decisions 

about re-submissions or re-registrations for those candidates who failed.


Candidates are entitled to appeal against a decision of fail. However, appeals may only be 

made on procedural grounds. Assessment and moderation judgements made by trainers, 

independent trainers and Experts about the quality of portfolios and presentation may not


be questioned. Appeals may only be made in cases where the processes of assessment and 

moderation set out in this document were not followed. In such cases candidates should 

write to the Principal Expert giving details of and evidence for, any perceived procedural 

errors, bias or inappropriate action performed in the assessment process. Such an appeal 

should be made within 14 days of the pass list being issued.

The Principal Expert will acknowledge the request for a review immediately after its 

receipt. The appeal will be investigated by the Principal Expert who will consult with 

trainers, independent trainers and Experts involved in the assessment of the individual 

making the appeal. The candidate may be asked to make their representation in person 

to the Principal Expert. The Principal Expert will communicate in writing whether the 

appeal is accepted or rejected and provide a summary of the reasons for the decision.



Appendix 1 – The Standards for Teachers at Level 1

Professional Knowledge and Understanding

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 1 teachers know and understand: 

1.1 Knowledge 

of conditions that 

support successful 


•  The complexity of teaching practice which includes teaching 

and  learning  methods,  educational  theory,  developmental 

and social psychology to ensure effective school practice

Professional Skills 

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 1 teachers:

2.1 Skills 

underpinned by 

Pedagogical Content 


 • Can  support  colleagues  developing  and  implementing 

effective teaching and learning strategies, including how to 

select and use approaches that personalise learning to provide 

opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential

2.2. Relationship 

with colleagues

 • Can  initiate  and  sustain  professional  conversations  about 

teaching and learning within networks of schools including 

engagement in lesson study

2.3 Network

 • Initiate, conduct and supervise practice based inquiry within 

a network of schools

 • Lead  and  sustain  learning  in  a  professional  learning 


 • Builds and sustains relationships with teachers in networks 

beyond school

2.4. Leadership and 


 • Work closely with leadership teams from other schools, taking 

a strategic leadership role in developing, implementing and 

evaluating new practice in their own and other schools within 

the network so that they contribute to school 

 • Lead  the  learning  in  the  professional  community  of 

school  networks,  synthesise  teachers  experience  and  make 

recommendations  on  the  improvement  of  teaching  and 

learning quality across the network

 • Possess the analytical, interpersonal and organisational skills 

necessary to work effectively with staff and leadership teams 

in school within the network

 • Can persevere with and lead teams through difficulties


2.5. Effective 


 • Within  the  school  networks  initiate  and  lead  the  work  of 

planning the sequences of lessons with the aim of improving 


 • Take  a  lead  in  planning  collaboratively  with  colleague  in 

order  to  promote  effective  practice  across  the  networks  of 

schools including making cross-curricular links

2.6 Assessment

 • Synthesise  teachers  experience  across  school  networks 

regarding  summative  and  formative  assessment  and  make 

recommendations on the improvement of assessment process

Professional Values and commitment 

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 1 teachers:

3.1 Work 


 • Can  build  and  sustain  secure  trusting  relationships  with 

colleagues in schools within their network

3.2 Reflective 


 • Are aware of international research relevant to their work in 

the school network

 • Know  educational  research  methodology  and  provide 

educational research methods training to colleagues within 

the school Networks


Appendix 2 - How the key criteria and the detailed criteria for Level 1 

may be addressed by each section of the portfolio

Section of 


Key criteria

Standards for Level 1 criteria

A. Why do I 

need to change?

1. Knowledge and 


Knowledge of conditions that support 

successful learning

2. Application  (to 

Kazakhstan  and 

own school)

3. Reflection

3.1 Are aware of international research 

relevant to their work in the school network

B. Where is my 

school starting 


1. Knowledge and 


1.1 Knowledge of conditions that support 

successful learning

1.2 Know educational research methodology

2. Application 

2.3 Initiate and conduct practice based inquiry

3. Reflection

C. What do I 

need to do to 

bring about 

change in my 


1. Knowledge and 


1.1 Knowledge of conditions that support 

successful learning

1.2 Know educational research methodology

2. Application

2.1 can support colleagues developing and 

implementing effective teaching and learning 


2.2 Initiate and sustain professional 

conversations about teaching and learning 

2.3 Lead and sustain learning in a professional 

learning community

3. Reflection

3.1 Work closely with leadership teams in 

developing, implementing and evaluating new 


3.2 Take a lead in planning to promote 

effective practice

D. How will 

I bring about 

these changes?

1. Knowledge and 


1.1 Knowledge of conditions that support 

successful learning

1.2 Know educational research methodology 

and provide research methods training to 



2. Application 

2.1 Can support colleagues developing and 

implementing effective teaching and learning 


2.2 Initiate and sustain professional 

conversations about teaching and learning

2.3 Initiate, conduct and supervise practice 

based inquiry

2.4 Build and sustain relationships with 

teachers 2.5 Lead and sustain learning in a 

professional learning community

2.6 Work closely with leadership teams in 

developing, implementing and evaluating new 


2.7 Can persevere with and lead teams through 


2.8 Initiate and lead the work of planning 

sequences of lessons with the aim of 

improving practice

2.9 Take a lead in planning collaboratively 

with colleagues in order to promote effective 


3. Reflection

3.1 Can build and sustain secure trusting 

relationships with colleagues

E. How will 

I know if the 

changes I have 

made have been 


1. Knowledge and 


1.1 Knowledge of conditions that support 

successful learning

1.2 Know educational research methodology 

and provide research methods training to 


2. Application 

2.1 Synthesise teachers’ experience and make 

recommendations on the improvement of 

teaching and learning quality

2.2 Possess the analytical, interpersonal 

and organisational skills necessary to work 

effectively with staff and leadership teams

2.3 Initiate and lead the work of planning 

sequences of lessons with the aim of 

improving practice

2.4 Synthesise teachers’ experience regarding 

summative and formative assessment and 

make recommendations on the improvement 

of the assessment process


3. Reflection

3.1 Take a strategic leadership role in 

developing, implementing and evaluating 

new practice in their own school so that they 

contribute to school improvement

F.  How will I 

sustain ongoing 





1. Knowledge and 


2. Application 

2.1 Lead and sustain learning in a professional 

learning community

2.2 Build and sustain relationships with 

teachers in networks beyond school

2.3 Work closely with leadership teams from 

other schools, taking a strategic leadership role 

in developing, implementing and evaluating 

new practice in their own and other schools 

within the network so that they contribute to 

school improvement

2.4 Lead the learning in the professional 

community of school networks

2.5 Possess the analytical, interpersonal 

and organisational skills necessary to work 

effectively with staff and leadership teams in 

school within the network

2.6 Within the school networks, initiate 

and lead the work of planning sequences of 

lessons with the aim of improving practice 

2.7 Synthesiseteachers’experienceacros

sschool networks regarding summative 

and formative assessment and make 

recommendations on the improvement of the 

assessment process

3. Reflection

3.1 Can build and sustain secure trusting 

relationships with colleagues in schools within 

their network

3.2 Know educational research methodology 

and provide research methods training to 

colleagues within the school network


Appendix 3 - Grading against the criteria

Appendix 3 - GGrades given will be one of the following:

•  Good Pass

•  Pass

•  Borderline

•  Fail

Good Pass will be given where there is strong evidence in the portfolio or presentation 

that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. There will be evidence in 

relation to two or three of the criteria that the teacher has consistently satisfied the criteria 

at a high level.

Note - The grade ‘good pass’ is used to identify work in portfolios and presentation that 

may be used as examples in future training. There is no overall or final grade of Good 


Pass grade will be given where there is clear evidence in the portfolio or presentation 

that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. A Pass grade may be given 

where evidence for one of the key criteria is weak but where there is strong evidence for 

the other two.

Borderline grade will be given where there is some evidence in the portfolio or in the 

presentation that the teacher has begun to satisfy all three criteria. Where evidence for 

two or three of the key criteria are weak, the portfolio or presentation will be assessed as 


Fail grade will only be given for portfolios in the case of non-submission or where items 

are missing or do not address the key criteria. Fail will only be given for presentation 

if the teacher fails to give presentation or when presentation does not address the key 

criteria. There may be some evidence of satisfying one or two of the key criteria in the 

portfolio and presentation of a teacher. However, if there is no evidence of addressing any 

one of the three key criteria across the portfolio and presentation, the teacher’s overall 

programme grade will be Fail.

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