«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

5. Choose the right variant:

  1. Why are you going to buy / will you buy a new mountain bike?

  2. Don‟t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I‟ll study / I‟ll be studying then.

  3. Look out! That tree will / is going to fall!

  4. Let me know as soon as Louise will get / gets there.

  5. Great news! Jean Chris will come / are coming to stay with us.

  6. According to this timetable, the bus is going to arrive / arrives at


  1. Can you call me at 7.00, because I‟ll leave / I‟m leaving tomorrow?

  2. If you arrive late at the sale, the best things will go / will have gone.

  • 6. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

  1. He (to be) abroad five years ago.

  2. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year?

  3. They (to leave) England when he (to be) still a child.

  4. He (not yet to come) back.

  5. He (to go) already?

  6. When you (to see) him last?

  7. I (not to see) him for ages.

  8. His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last.

  9. Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early.

  10. Where you (to spend) your holidays?

  11. You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea?

  12. While traveling in the Crimea I (to meet) your friend.

  13. I never (to visit) that place.

  14. He (to visit) that place last year.

  15. I just (to get) a letter from Tom.

  16. You (to take) any photographs while traveling in the south?

  • 7. Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. She went up to her bedroom on the second floor, and she (feel) so tired, that she (fall) asleep. Soon after she (lie) down. She (have) a long and difficult day.

  1. Mrs. Foster paid the driver and (ring) the bell. She (wait) but there (be) no answer. Everybody (leave) for the party.

  1. He moved across the room to the box. He (pick) up a piece of paper that (lie) besides the box, (study) it carefully, (put) it down, (look) in the box, and then again at the paper. He (do) this for perhaps half an hour. He (know) who (write) the paper.

  2. Mary took his coat and (hang) it in the hall. They not (meet) for quite a long time. Then she (make) the drinks, the way he (teach) her, and soon he (tell) her the news which she not (hear) yet.

  3. Every day she took her grandchildren for walks. They (be) so beautiful! She (feed) them cakes, and (buy) them presents, and (tell) them charming stories. Those walks (become) a tradition with them.

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