«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

apology (for) art of pleasure of importance o f plan (for)

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

apology (for) art of pleasure of importance o f plan (for)
chance, opportunity of
possibility of habit of preparation (for) hope of astonishment of thought of method of

problem of fear of interest (in) idea of process of
reason of skill (in) intention of objection to surprise of experience (of) necessity of

I hate the idea of getting old. (Not the idea to get old.) The thought of failing the exam, makes him angry.
I have no reason for telling the lie.
We were discussing the necessity of employing more stuff.
It was her first experience of living alone.
They have given up hope of finding any more survivors. I have no objection to sitting here.
► Анықтауыш функциясында герундийдің қолданылуы: 1. On (upon), after, before, in уақытты білдіру ҥшін Before doing the exercise, read the instructions.
After reading the story he answered the questions.

  1. For причина

Excuse me for shouting at you.

  1. For мақсатты білдіру ҥшін

I need something for killing flies.
A lawn-mower is a machine for cutting grass and weeds.
Герундиймен қолданылатын етістіктер тізбегі

  • I enjoy playing tennis.

  • I remember locking the door.

  • He admitted breaking the window.

  • I don’t fancy going out this evening.

  • You should practice introducing yourself.

  • He admitted stealing the money.

  • She advised waiting until tomorrow.

  • I anticipate having a good time on vacation.

  • I appreciated heaving form them.

  • He avoided answering my question.

  • I can’t bear waiting in long lines.

  • It began raining.

  • I finally completed writing my term paper.

  • I will consider going with you.

  • He continued speaking.

  • He delayed leaving for school.

  • She denied committing the crime.

  • The discussed opening the business.

  • I dislike driving long distances.

  • We enjoyed visiting them.

  • She finished studying about ten.

  • I‟ll never forget visiting Napoleon‟s tomb.

  • I hate making silly mistakes.

  • I can’t help worrying about it.

  • I keep hoping he will come.

  • I like going to movies.

  • I love going to operas.

  • She mentioned going to a movie.

  • Would you mind helping me with this?

  • I miss being with my family.

  • Let‟s postpone leaving until tomorrow.

  • The athlete practiced throwing the ball.

  • Ann prefers walking to driving to works.

  • He quit trying to solve the problem.

  • I don’t recall meeting him before.

  • I don’t recollect meeting him before.

  • She recommended seeing the show.

  • I regret telling him my secret.

  • I can remember meeting him when I was a child.

  • I resent her interfering in my business.

  • I couldn‟t resist eating the dessert.

  • She risks losing all of her money.

  • I can’t stand waiting in long lines.

  • It started raining.

  • She stopped going to classes when she got sick.

  • She suggested going to a movie.

  • She won‟t tolerate cheating during an examination.

  • I tried changing the light bulb, but the lamp still didn‟t work.

  • I don‟t understand his leaving school.

Герундий және Инфинитивпен келетін етістіктер:
Forget / remember

  • I remembered seeing the Alps for the first time. (ӛткен шақта)

Asel always remembers to lock the door. (Әсел есікті жабуды ұмытпайды)

  • I‟ll never forget flying over the Pacific Ocean. It was wonderful.

(... ешқашан ұмытпаймын)

  • I forgot to switch on the machine. (қосуды ұмытып кетіппін) Mean

  • I think Bolat meant to break the glass. I didn‟t look an accident.

(шыны ыдысты сындыруға тырысты)

  • I‟m applying for a visa. It means filing in this form.


  • Azar regretted not buying the house. (Ажар үйді сатып алмағанына ӛкінді)

  • I regret to tell you that you have failed. (айтуға ӛкінішті)


  • He stopped eating junk food because it is unhealthy.

  • I stopped to buy some coffee. (сатып алу үшін тоқтады) Try

  • Why don‟t you try getting up early?(тырысу)

  • I tried to get up early, but I couldn‟t. (әрекет жасады)

Go on

  • The teacher introduced herself and went on to explain about the course. (Түсіндіруге кӛшті)

  • The teacher told everyone to be quite, but they just went on talking. (Сӛйлесуді жалғастырды)


Put the verbs in the following sentences:
Try, steal, meet, look, write, make, be run, wash, play, eat, splash, go, drive, take.
For example: Do you miss playing tennis every afternoon? 1. Could you please stop … … so much noise?

  1. I don‟t enjoy …. letters.

  2. Does your job involve … … a lot of people?

  3. I considered … … the job, but in the end I decided against it.

  4. If you use the shower, try and avoid … … water on the floor.

  5. Jake have up … … to be an actor and decided to become a teacher.

  6. Have you finished … … your hair yet?

  7. The phone rang while Ann was having dinner. She didn‟t answer it; she just went on … . 9. She admitted … the car but denied … it dangerously.

  1. Why do you keep on … at me like that?

  2. They had to postpone … away because their son was sick.

  3. If you cross the street without looking, you risk … … over by a car.

2. Open the brackets. 1. Please remember … to close … the door when you go out.
(close) I remember … the door, but I‟m not sure that I locked it.
2. I paid the electricity bill, but I don‟t remember … the rent, (pay) Oh dear! I think I forgot … the rent this month. 3. I tried … in a department store, but it wasn‟t a very good job. (work) You really must try … … harder.
4. She just went on … about everything, (complain). She complained about everything else, and then she went on … about the price. 5. I remember … the money in the drawer, but it‟s not there now. (leave) I must remember … some money to pay for the repairs.

  1. I really regret … everyone what happened. I should have kept it a secret, (tell) I regret … you that there has been a serious accident.

  1. I remember … to the dentist as a child, (go) I must remember … to the dentist on Wednesday.

  1. I‟ll never forget … Paris for the first time, (visit). We mustn‟t forget … Monique when we‟re in Paris.

3 Open the brackets using the suitable form of the Gerund.

  1. Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase.

  2. You never mentioned (to be) to Greece.

  3. She was proud of (to award) the cup of a champion.

  4. I don‟t remember ever (to meet) your sister. 5. I don‟t remember (to ask) this question by anybody.

  1. The cat was punished for (to break) the cup.

  2. The cat was afraid of (to punish) and hid itself under the sofa.

  3. The machine needs (to clean). 9. I am quite serious in (to say) that I don‟t want to go abroad.

  1. He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child.

  2. She confessed to (to forget) to send the letter.

  3. The old man could not stand (to tell) what he should do.

  4. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance).

  5. The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see).

  6. After thoroughly (to examine) the student, the professor gave him a satisfactory mark.

  7. After thoroughly (to examine) by the examination commission, the student was given a satisfactory mark.

  8. She accused him (to steal) her purse.

  9. She reproached me for (not to write) to her.

  10. This job is not worth (to take).

  11. After (to look) through and (to mark) the student‟s papers, the teacher handed them back.

  12. After (to look) through and (to mark), the papers were handed back to the students.

  13. These clothes want (to wash).

  14. David was very glad of (to find) his aunt.

4. Translate into Kazakh paying attention to the different forms of Gerund:
1.Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting enough, but of corse it is more exciting playing football.
2.She stopped coming to see us , and I wondered what had happened to her.
3.Can you remember having seen the man before?
4.She was terrifield of having to speak to anybody, abd even more, of being spoken to
5.He was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him.
6.After being corrected by the teacher, the students‟ papers were returned to them. 7.I wondered at my mother‟s having allowed the journey.
8.I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once.
9.Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it.
10.At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining-room.
11.On being told the news she turned pale.
12.The place is worth visiting.

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