Лекция конспектілері
Н 3-1.1.-37-2022
1 баспа 02.02.2022
м.х.дулати атындағы тараз өңірлік университеті
Кафедра меңгерушісі
____________ Мунатаева Э.М.
/қолы/ /аты-жөні/
«_____»_______________ 20__ж.
Бастауыш мектепте ағылшын тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәні бойынша
/пәннің атауы/
Факультет/институт __Ұстаз_______________________________________
Білім беру бағдарламасы____ MPAYaNSh-6 __________________________
Кредит саны ___6_____
ТАРАЗ – 20____ж.
Бастауыш мектепте ағылшын тілін оқыту әдістемесі пәні бойынша лекция конспектілері
/пәннің атауы/
«___Әлем тілдері____» кафедрасының мәжілісінде қарастырылған
/кафедраның атауы/
«______»_________ 20___ж.№ Хаттама.
Кафедра меңгерушісі «Әлем тілдері_» ___________________ Мунатаева Э.М.
/кафедраның атауы/ /қолы/
Lecture 1
Characteristics of a young learner
Young learners are children from 5 to 12. According to the researchers the key objectives of early foreign language learning are: linguistic, psychological, cultural, cognitive and social. Teaching the young learners requires different techniques as these children have different characteristics which can be categorized in two groups.
The first is the very young ones i.e. from aged 7 years and less. These children have a very limited vocabulary and have not even mastered the grammar of their mother tongue. They have shorter attention span, are very curious, lots of imagination, easily distracted, full of energy and want to do things themselves.
With this in mind, the techniques applied are lessons with short stories, rhymes, songs as well as lots of repetition.
The second group is the 8 to 12 years old. Some of the characteristics of this group are: fast growing children, interested in varied activities, and love to discover things. They are interested in facts - like history and geography, and are very creative. They also like to read, write, pretend, imitate and want adult approval and are in “age of activity”.
Hence since they respond well to being asked to use their imagination, they may well be involved in puzzle-like activities, making things, drawings things, in games, in physical movement and songs.
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