Общий призовой фонд
7.1. Общий призовой фонд представляет призы, направленные на поощрение, поддержку креативных и практических идей участников проекта “Caspian Start-Up –2022”.
Ценные подарки проекта:
1 место- 150 000 тг;
2 место- 100 000 тг;
3 место- 50 000 тг.
Примечание: если призовое место заняла команда (2 и более человек), приз присуждается только в количестве 1 штуки.
7.2. Помимо призового фонда участники проекта награждаются дипломами, сертификатами за участие.
7.3. На наиболее специфические проекты выделяются образовательные гранты высших учебных заведений Казахстана (согласно решению конкурсной комиссии).
Все интересующие вопросы можно узнать по следующим контактным источникам:
менеджеры проекта:
Байтокаева Лаура Серикболовна
Алдабергенова Сауле (международные участники)
Мухамедова Ләззат
мобильный телефон: +7 775 834 64 74; +7 701 123 08 85; +7 707 237 08 68;
рабочий телефон: 8 (7292) 70 10 66
e-mail: project@caspianstartup.kz
сайт конкурса: www.caspianstartup.kz
Instagram: caspianstartupkz
Approved by
The principal of
Nazarbayev Intellectual School
of Chemistry and Biology in Aktau
____________ Zhumabayev R.N.
«___» ______________ 2023
“Caspian Start-Up – 2023” Contest Rules
Aktau - 2023
Terms and definitions
1) Caspian Start-Up - a project organized for young talents and entrepreneurs to present their ideas;
2) project - a project developed and studied in accordance with the criteria of the contest;
3) applicant - an individual who has registered online and participates in the qualifying round;
4) participant - an individual who has passed the qualifying round and participates in the final round;
5) project team - a group of persons participating in the selection and (or) final rounds, key researchers;
6) application - a questionnaire filled out on the project website;
7) project organizers - persons in charge of the organization and implementation of the project;
8) project partners - persons who provide information, technical, and material support to the organization of the project;
9) contest jury - a volunteering body that determines and decides on the best of the projects / ideas submitted;
10) contest website - a social page where you can apply for participation and learn more about this project, www.caspianstartup.kz;
11) project topic – the research focus of an idea/project;
12) competition criteria - a series of assessment aspects that determine the quality level of the idea / project and determine the best projects;
13) presentation of the competition - presentation of an idea / project in PowerPoint format;
14) qualifying round - a mandatory stage of the competition, which includes registration on the website of the competition and the presentation of the project for the full-time round;
15) final round - the final stage of the competition for the best projects of the qualifying round;
16) winner - a participant in the competition, whose work is recognized as the best among the projects submitted in the final round;
17) prize fund - a fund aimed at promoting and evaluating the project after the competition;
18) MVP (Minimum Viable Product) - a trial version of a product, project with the least set of features (sometimes only one) that are valuable to the user;
19) SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis is the basis used to assess the company's competitive position and develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future potential;
20) roadmap - a tool for visualizing the company's development strategy, project launch stages and product promotion;
21) monetization - the act of making a financial profit from an activity or published work.
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