Білім беру бағдарламасы: Курсы: 5 Пән атауы: «Жедел шұғыл медициналық көмек»

General requirements of the department for students in the learning process in accordance with the Internal Regulations of Students in the NJSC "WKMU named after Marat Ospanov"

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Силлабус ОМ 2023

Discipline politics.

General requirements of the department for students in the learning process in accordance with the Internal Regulations of Students in the NJSC "WKMU named after Marat Ospanov":

  • appearance (robe, cap, second shoes (in all lessons));

  • rules of conduct in the classroom, the department provides compulsory attendance of practical classes and SROP by students;

  • timely informing students about ratings.

  • incentives, students who actively participate in the educational process, educational hours and research conferences are awarded certificates and additional bonuses.

  • criteria for the fulfillment of working off in case of missed practical classes, students must come with permission from the dean's office and working off is accepted on Saturdays in accordance with the schedule of the department.

  • criteria for not admitting to exams, etc.

- admission to exams in the discipline is determined automatically based on the rating determined by the results of current and temporary control;
- Students with academic and academic debts by the general decree of the dean are not allowed to the examination session.
Penalty measures:

  • for violation of academic discipline,

  • for violation of the principles of academic integrity,

  • for violation of the points of the code of honor.

* All requirements are in strict accordance with the Academic Policy of the University, the Code of Honor of the Student, the Policy of Academic Integrity, the Charter of the University.
1. Introduction Regardless of the specialty of the medical worker, the provision of emergency care is his primary duty. Knowledge of the basic principles of diagnosis of emergency conditions that threaten life, the rules of medical first aid will help future pharmacists to properly assist, save thousands of patients and victims from death. The study of first aid is necessary to ensure that any victim in a timely manner could receive competent medical care before the arrival of the ambulance, which many times increases the effectiveness of the subsequent medical stage of treatment, and most importantly increases the survival of victims (patients) in emergency conditions.

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