Білім беру бағдарламасы: Курсы: 5 Пән атауы: «Жедел шұғыл медициналық көмек»

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Силлабус ОМ 2023

4. Prerequisites
- clinical pharmacology;
- fundamentals of General medical practice.
-general medical practice.

5. Plan of studies


Number of credits



Form of control*




«Ambulance emergency medical aid»






2) Practical skills

6. Thematic lesson plan
Thematic plan of lectures
Form 1

Topic (theme) of lectures



Organization of ambulance and emergency services.
Organization of ambulance and emergency assistance in emergencies and disasters



Algorithm for diagnosing and providing ambulance for bleeding



Algorithm for diagnosing and providing ambulance for life-threatening lesions of the cardiovascular system



Algorithm for diagnostics and emergency care in acute abdomen syndrome



Algorithm for diagnostics and emergency care for life-threatening allergic conditions and infectious diseases



Algorithm of diagnosis and emergency care in case of accidents



Algorithm of diagnosis and emergency care in case of eye injury and Lor organs



The algorithm of diagnosis and emergency care for particularly dangerous infections




Thematic plan of practical classes

Form 2

The name of the topic of the lesson and its main issues



PL: Closed head injury. Wounds
1. Etiology of CCI
2. Pathogenesis of CCMT
3. Classification of memory levels.
4. Clinic of CCMT
5. Algorithm of diagnostics for CCI
6. Principles of emergency medical care for CCI
7. Etiology of wounds
8. Pathogenesis of the wound
9. Classification of the wound
10. Clinic of wounds



PL: Injuries (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine).
Open bone fractures and open joint injuries
1. Etiology of damage (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine)
2. Pathogenesis of damage (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine)
3. Clinic of damage (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine)
4. Methods for examining damage (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine)
5. Conservative treatment of damage (eyes, ENT organs, upper and lower extremities, spine)
6. Basic principles of emergency and urgent care
7. Immobilization
8. Features in children.
9. Etiology of open bone fracture and open joint damage
10. Pathogenesis of open bone fracture and open joint damage
11. Clinic of open bone fracture and open joint damage
12. Methods for the study of open fracture of bones and open damage to joints
13. Conservative treatment of open bone fracture and open joint damage



PL: Shock
1. Etiology of shock
2. Pathogenesis of traumatic shock
3. Clinic of traumatic shock
4. Diagnostic algorithm of traumatic shock
5. Principles of emergency care for traumatic shock
6. Features in children



PL: Polytrauma
1. Causes of polytrauma
2. Pathogenesis of polytrauma
3. Clinic of polytrauma



PL: ONMK. Stroke
1. Definition of ONMK
2. Etiopathogenesis
3. Classification of ONMK
4. Clinical vision
5. Risk factors for stroke
6. Differential diagnosis
7. Rules for the provision of emergency care.
8. Features in children
9. Evidence base for the use of drugs in the treatment of stroke: neuroprotectors, antioxidants, osmodiuretics
10. Definition of stroke
11. Etiopathogenesis
12. Classification of stroke
13. Clinic of nsult
14. Risk factors for stroke



PL: Coma. Convulsions
1. Definition of coma
2. Etiopathogenesis
3. Classification of the committee
4. Classification according to the Glasgow scale
5. Clinical manifestation of coma
6. Risk factors for coma
7. Differential diagnosis
8. Rules for the provision of emergency care
9. Definition of convulsions
10. Etiopathogenesis
11. Classification of seizures
12. Clinical manifestations of sulhorogues
13. Risk factors for seizures



PL: Neurotoxicosis. Neuroinfection
1. Definition of neurotoxicosis
3. Classification of neurotoxicosis
4. Clinical manifestations of neurotoxicosis
5. Risk factors for neurotoxicosis
6. Differential diagnosis
7. Rules for the provision of emergency care
8. Definition of neuroinfection
9. Etiopathogenesis
10. Classification of neuroinfection
11. Clinical manifestations of neuroinfection



PL: Acute cardiovascular failure. Cardiogenic shock
1.General issues of acute cardiovascular failure
2.Causes of acute cardiovascular failure
3.classification of acute cardiovascular failure
4.levoventricular failure (causes, clinical picture, ECG symptoms, emergency care)
5.Right ventricular failure (causes, clinical picture, ECG symptoms, emergency care)
6. Cardiogenic shock is ...
7. Classification of cardiogenic shock



PL: Heart rhythm and conduction disorders. Sudden death
1. Arrhythmia-General Explanation
2. Causes of heart rhythm and conduction disorders
3. Classification of heart rhythm and conduction disorders
4. ECG diagnostics
5. Violations of heart rhythm and conduction, requiring emergency care
6. Violations of heart rhythm and conduction, not requiring emergency care
7. What is sudden death ...
8. Sudden cardiogenic death



PL: Acute coronary syndrome. Hypertensive crisis
1. Acute coronary syndrome is ...
2. Etiology and pathogenesis
3. Classification of acute coronary syndrome (by clinic, location, depth of inflammation and exacerbation)
4. Clinic of acute coronary syndrome.
5. Diagnostic algorithm
6. Differential diagnosis (pulmonary embolism, aortic collapse, acute myocarditis, upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding)
7. Complications of acute coronary syndrome.
8. Rules for the provision of emergency care in acute coronary syndrome
9. Definition of hypertensive crisis
10. Etiology (exogenous, endogenous factors)
11. Pathogenesis (vascular, cardiac mechanisms)
12. Classification of hypertensive crisis.
13. Clinical signs



PL: Acute respiratory failure. Pulmonary bleeding
1. General issues of acute respiratory failure
2. Causes of acute respiratory failure
3. Pathogenesis of acute respiratory failure
4. Classification (etiological, pathogenetic)
5. Clinic of acute respiratory failure
6. Diagnostic algorithm
7. Complications of acute respiratory failure
8. Rules for the provision of ambulance and emergency care in acute respiratory failure
9. Peculiarities in children (common causes, peculiarities of ambulance delivery).
10. Pulmonary hemorrhage
11. Causes of pulmonary hemorrhage (diseases and lesions of the lungs, cardiovascular diseases)
12. Clinical manifestations (blood loss)



PL: Laryngospasm
1. What is Laryngospasm ...
2. Etiology and pathogenesis
3. Clinic of laryngospasm
4. Algorithm for determining laryngospasm
5. Complications of laryngospasm
6. Rules for the provision of ambulance and emergency care and especially the provision of emergency care for children



PL: Asmatic status
1. Determination of asthmatic status
2. Classification of status asthmaticus (pathogenetic forms and stages)
3. Etiology. Pathogenesis
4. Clinic of status asthmaticus
5. Differential diagnosis of status asthmaticus (pneumonia in children, whooping cough, cystic fibrosis, organophosphate poisoning),
from anaphylaxis, blockage of the airway with foreign objects)



PL: Airway obstruction
1. Airway obstruction ...
2. Causes of airway obstruction
3. Foreign substances in the respiratory tract (causes, clinical manifestations)



PL: Drug allergy. Anaphylaxis. Angioedema (Quincke's edema
1. General questions of allergology.
2. Pathogenesis of drug allergy (immunological, pathochemical, pathophysiological stages)
3. Clinic of drug allergy
4. Algorithm for detecting drug allergies
5. Principles of providing emergency and urgent care for drug allergies
6. Anaphylaxis is ...
7. Causes of anaphylaxis
8. Clinic of anaphylaxis
9. Algorithm for determining anaphylaxis
10. Rules for the provision of ambulance and emergency care in anaphylaxis shock
11. Angioedema (Quincke's edema) is ...
12. Types of tissue damage in allergic reactions (anaphylaxis, cytotoxic, immunocomplex forms, slow forms of hypersensitivity)
13. Clinic of angioedema
14. Algorithm for determining angioedema.
15. Principles of providing ambulance and emergency care for angioedema



PL: Especially dangerous infection Hyperthermia
1. Plague
2. Etiopathogenesis
3. Clinical manifestations
4. Cholera
5. Etiopathogenesis
6. Clinical manifestations
7. Abdominal cavity
8. Etiopathogenesis
9. Clinical manifestations
10. Real smallpox
11. Etiopathogenesis
12. Clinical manifestations
13. Diagnostic algorithm
14. Rules for the provision of emergency care. Definition of hyperthermia
15. Definition of fever
16. Forms of hyperthermic syndrome
17. Physiology of heat transfer and thermoregulation
18. Features of thermoregulation in children
19. Hyperthermia. Pathogenesis
20. Classification of fever (by temperature level, type of fever, duration, clinical classification in children)



PL: Food toxicity infection. Infectious toxic shock
1. The concept of food poisoning
2. Etiology of food toxins
3. Pathogenesis of food toxicoinfection (mechanism of action of enterotoxin and cytotoxin)
4. Clinical manifestations of food toxicoinfection.
5. Diagnostic algorithm
6. Rules for the provision of ambulance and emergency care in food toxicoinfection
7. Features in children
8. Definition of shock
9. Pathogenesis of shock
10. Types of shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, separative or vasogenic)



PL: Drowning. Suffocation. Poisoning
Electrical trauma
1. The concept of drowning
2. The main causes of danger when drowning
3. Types of drowning (true, sedimentary, syncope, drowning in water)
4. Stages of immersion in water (initial, burning, clinical period of death)
5. Rules for providing emergency assistance in case of drowning
6. The concept of suffocation (strangulation suffocation)
7. Etiology
8. Pathogenesis (stage 4)
9. Clinic
10 sequence of emergency care
11. The concept of electrical injury
12. Etiology
13. Pathogenesis of electric shock
14.Classification of the degree of damage
15. Clinical manifestations in case of injury by technical current (general and local manifestations), atmospheric electric current



PL: Frostbite. Sunstroke and heatstroke
1. The concept of frostbite and general cooling
2. Etiopathogenesis
3. Classification of frostbite.
4. Principles of providing emergency care for frostbite
5 concepts of sunstroke and heatstroke, causes
6. Clinical picture with sunstroke
7. Clinical picture with heatstroke
8. Principles of emergency care for sunstroke
9. Principles of emergency care for heatstroke



PL: Poisoning
1. The concept of toxicology, poisoning and poisons 2. Classification of poisons and poisonings (chemical, reflecting the practical use of toxic substances, by the time of action, by the reasons and place of formation, by the way of penetration, by severity)
3. Clinical manifestations (latent period, period of the absorbing action of the poison, stages of toxicity and recovery).
4. "Mediator syndrome" (chrono-negative and chrono-positive poisons).
5. Syndromes of toxic lesions of internal organs and systems:
- syndrome of damage to the nervous system;
- breathing disorders syndrome;
- hemodynamic disorder syndrome;
- syndrome of violation of the circulatory system;
- toxic gastroenteritis;
- toxic nephropathy;
- toxic hypopathy;
- toxic dermatitis iallopecia, chemical burns;
- allergic syndrome.
6. Methods for detecting acute poisoning



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