Білім беру бағдарламасы: Курсы: 5 Пән атауы: «Жедел шұғыл медициналық көмек»

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Силлабус ОМ 2023

2. Purpose of the discipline The formation of knowledge and skills on the basic principles of the organization and provision of emergency medical care to patients and victims in urgent life-threatening conditions and accidents (emergencies, bombs, explosions and injuries, bioterrorism), the achievement of the student's operational, legal and axiological competencies of the learning outcomes to carry out further training with a high degree of independence.
Basic knowledge basic competence of the doctor

3. Final outcomes

Formed competence
(Dublin descriptor)*

Final learning outcomes for the discipline

Knowledge and understanding

- knowledge of the main clinical signs of pathological conditions that threaten the life of the patient (victim) and require emergency care;
- knowledge of the order and sequence of first aid measures to save the lives of victims and suddenly ill;
- knowledge of the basics of ensuring the safety of the patient and the doctor when working in extreme situations.

Application of knowledge and understanding

- carrying out of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation;
- conicotomy;
- catheterization of the bladder with a soft catheter;
- relief of hypertensive crisis;
- defibrillation;
- relief of bronchial obstructive syndrome;
- assistance in case of fainting;
- stopping external bleeding;
- probe gastric lavage;
- immobilization of limbs in case of injuries;
- relief of anaphylactic shock, angioedema and urticaria;
- relief of Hypo - and hyperglycemic state;
- relief of pain syndrome in acute coronary syndrome;
the removal and decoding of the ECG;
- help with wounds, bullet wounds, burns;
- determination of further tactics of treatment and type of transportation of the patient to destination.

The formation of judgments

- learning based on the analysis and interpretation of diagnostic results should be able to Express their opinion on the assessment of the severity of the patient's condition, emergency care further treatment;
- be able to interpret the information received to communicate their own understanding, skills and activities to colleagues of their level (students of their group, stream).

Communication skills

- knowledge of medical law, ethical issues and legislation in emergency medical care
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (extract)
Fundamentals of Legislation on health protection of citizens (extract)
Order No. 280 of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.07.1993 " on equipping sanitary vehicles»
Order No. 269, Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.04. 2015. " on approval of the order of emergency medical care»
Job description of the doctor of the visiting ambulance team
- knowledge of patient rights, confidentiality, informed consent of the patient;
- knowledge of ethical issues of dying, resuscitation and death.

Learning skills or learningabilities

-to develop students ' skills of independent work, determination of prospects, trajectory of education and self-improvement of knowledge;
- activation of cognitive activity of students;
- communicative ability;
- learning skills or learning abilities.

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