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Дәріс №8

Тақырыбы: Cybersecurity

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары/ жоспары:

  1. Cyber security industry

  2. Measures and means of information protection

Дәріс тезисі:

There are unintentional and deliberate or intentional threats.

Unintentional threats are connected to errors of the equipment or software; errors of the person; force majeure circumstances.

Intentional threats are aimed at harming users of information systems and are divided into active and passive. The passive threat is an illegal access to the information without state change of system, the active one is connected to attempts of interception and change of information.

Illegal access consists in receiving the access to a resource on which the user has no permission according to the trust relationships policy admitted in the organization.

Common security tasks include the following:

  • availability;

  • integrity, which may include authenticity and non-repudiation;

  • «confidentiality».

Some standards and specifications allow describing measures and methods to ensure the security of information systems. Recommendation X.800 regulates the information security of distributed systems. The criteria for assessing the security of information technology are described in ISO / IEC 15408.

ISO/IEC 17799:2005 «Information technologies. Technologies of safety. Practical rules of management of information security».

ISO/IEC 27001. «Information technologies. Safety methods. Management systems information security. Requirements».

ISO/IEC 17799:2005. «Information technologies. Technologies of safety. Practical rules of management of information security».

The first Concept of information security of Kazakhstan was accepted in

2006 and it was based on a number of regulations:

  • Constitution;

  • law «On National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan»;

  • «On state secrets»;

  • «On the fight against terrorism»;

  • «On the electronic document and the digital signature»;

  • «On informatization»;

  • «On counteraction to extremism»;

  • the concept of development of competitiveness of information space of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006-2009;

  • the concept of information security of the CIS member states in the military sphere.

Бекіту сұрақтары

  1. What is data cryptography?

  2. What is the EDS?

  3. How can methods of data protection be classified?

  4. What is cybersecurity?

  5. What are the main purposes of cybersecurity?

  6. What are threats of information security?

  7. What are the main objectives of information security?

  8. What are the main standards regulating information security?

Әдебиет: Негізгі[1-5], қосымша [1-5]

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