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Дәріс №7

Тақырыбы: Networks and telecommunications

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары/ жоспары:

  1. Stack protocols: TCP/IP, OSI. IP addressing

  2. Wired and wireless networking technologies. DHCP. Technologies of connection to the Internet. Telecommunication technologies

Дәріс тезисі:

Computer networks provide the interaction of devices connected to the information transfer over long distances and its processing. Such interaction became possible when for the first time in 1969 between two nodes of ARPANET network the successful communication session came to the end. In recent years, computer networks were implemented into all spheres of socio-political life, extended worldwide and even went into space. Thousands of satellites provide inhabitants of the earth with continuous communication.

A computer network is a set of nodes (computers, terminals, peripheral devices) interacting with each other by means of transmission channels.

By scale computer networks are divided on:

  • LAN (Local-Area Network) – the local computer networks (LCN) representing the combination of computers located in a limited aria. For LAN the specialized cable system is usually used, the wireless communication is sometimes used;

  • CAN (Campus-Area Network) –campus networks integrating local area networks of buildings located next to each other;

  • MAN (Metropolitan-Area Network) – computer networks of urban scale;

  • WAN (Wide-Area Network) – large-scale computer networks;

  • GAN (Global-Area Network) – wide computer networks, the most striking example is the Internet.

The topology of physical and logical connections in networks differs on many signs, among which:

  • transmission rate (high speed, low-speed);

  • type of used cable (coaxial, optics, twisted pair cable);

  • physical layout of cable (ring, star, point-to-point, bus, dots, mesh);

  • format of packets (frames) (Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, IP);

  • transmission media (wire/wireless, RRL). Topology of physical and logical relationships on networks differs on many signs among which:

  • transmission rate (high speed, low-speed);

  • type of the used cable (coaxial, optics, the twisted pair cable);

  • physical layout of a cable (ring, star, point-to-point, bus, dots, mesh);

  • format of packets (frames) (Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, IP);

  • transmission media (wire/wireless, RRL).

Protocols are implemented not only by computers, but also other network devices – hubs, bridges, switches, routers, etc. because, generally, the communication in a network is carried out not directly, but via different communication devices. Depending on the type of a communication device, the means realizing this or that set of protocols shall be built in it.

The OSI model (Open System Interconnect) is the most known standard of the beginning of 80s offering to network developers a set of rules and instructions for the development of OSI. The OSI model is divided into 7 levels enumerated bottom up:

  1. Physical layer is responsible for conversion of electronic signals into the signals of data transmission medium (impulse of voltage, radio waves, and infrared signals).

  2. Data link layer controls synchronization of two and bigger number of adapters connected to a uniform data transmission medium. For example, EtherNet protocol.

  3. Network layer is responsible for the system of unique names and packet delivery in name that is for packets routing. For example, IP Internet protocol.

  4. Transport layer is responsible for delivery of big messages over packet-switched lines. Transport protocols in the Internet can be UDP and TCP protocols.

  5. Session layer is responsible for the procedure of establishment of the beginning of a session and confirmation (answerback) of arrival of each packet from the sender to the receiver. In the Internet, a session layer protocol is TCP protocol (it is placed at both the 4 th and 5th levels of OSI model).

  6. Presentation layer of data transforms messages of the user to the form used by low levels by overcoming syntax distinctions (data compression or their encoding). An example of the protocol is Secure Socket Layer (SSL) providing confidentiality of data transfer in TCP/IP stack.

  7. Application layer is responsible for ensuring access of application programs to different services and resources of a network. Examples of tasks of this level are: file transfer, e-mail, network management, etc. Examples of protocols – NCP of a stack Novell; SMB in Windows NT stack; NFS, FTP, SNMP, Telnet of TCP/IP stack .

Бекіту сұрақтары

  1. What is the concept of OSI reference model?

  2. What are OSI model levels and what functions do they perform?

  3. What are the protocols, which are used at the transport layer?

  4. What are the main access methods in the Internet?

  5. What protocols are used at the network layer?

  6. What attacks can occur on each of the levels?

  7. What technologies belong to wireless technologies of the last mile?

  8. What is an IP address?

  9. What is a MAC address?

  10. What is a DNS address?

Әдебиет: Негізгі[1-5], қосымша [1-5]

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