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Дәріс №9

Тақырыбы: Internet technologies

Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары/ жоспары:

  1. System of the universal resources identifiers URL/URI

  2. Domain name system

  3. Web technologies

Дәріс тезисі:

The information space of documents is characterized by another addressing system, based on the concept of URL-address. Each document stored on the World Wide Web has its own unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

Each file located on any computer on the Internet and in any folder also has a unique address called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). URL is a universal resource locator or a unique address of files on the Internet, stored on a host computer connected to the Internet.

The complete URL of the document on the network consists of the following parts:

  • a protocol prefix consisting of a protocol name, a colon, and two «/» characters;

  • a domain name of the computer or its IP address instead of the domainname;

  • a port number through which the server interacts.

  • a file name on this computer, which can include the path from the root directory of the server.

  • HTML is a hypertext language for filling information Web servers. The description on HTML is a text in ASCII format and the sequence of commands included in it. These commands are placed in the right places of the text, defining fonts, hyphens, appearance of graphic images, links, etc. In WWW browsers, inserting commands is done by pressing the corresponding keys. So, in Internet Assistant, included as an add-on in the MS Word editor, the text and commands are typed in a single process. The commands have the form «___», where instead of «___» the command name is written.

  • DHTML (Dynamic HTML) is a set of means that allow you to create more interactive Web pages without increasing the server load. DHTML is built on the Document Object Model (DOM), which extends the traditional static HTML document. DOM provides dynamic access to the contents of the document, its structure and styles. In the DOM, each element of a Web page is an object that can be modified. DOM does not define new tags and attributes, but simply provides the ability to software manage all tags, attributes, and cascading style sheets (CSS).

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style language that defines the display of HTML documents. CSS works with fonts, colors, fields, lines, height, width, background images, positioning elements, and many other things. The difference between CSS and HTML is that HTML is used to structure the content of a page, and CSS is used to format this structured content.

  • Javascript is a programming language with which web pages are given interactivity. It creates applications that are included in the HTML-code (for example, questionnaires or registration forms that are filled in by the user).

Бекіту сұрақтары

  1. What are the concept and structure of language of hypertext link?

  2. What is URL, its structure?

  3. What is a domain name system?

  4. What are the ranges of each class of network addresses?

  5. What do domain names differ from network addresses in?

  1. What parts does the URL document on the Internet consists of?

  2. What protocols are necessary to transmit electronic messages?

  3. What ports do transfer protocols of electronic messages work at?

  4. What is Javascript?

Әдебиет: Негізгі[1-5], қосымша [1-5]

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