Методы обучения
Традиционные средства
и их дидактические
Совершенствование за счет
применения программных и
технических средств ИТ
Печатное слово (учебники
и учебные пособия, книги),
Ведущее средство – живое
Позволяет в сжатые сроки
обогатить память учащихся
Подача текстовой информации с
многократного повторения точно
Гиперссылки позволяют найти
быстро нужную информацию
или операции,
Натуральные объекты,
модели, макеты, таблицы,
схемы, иллюстрации,
видеофильмы. Статичная
демонстрация с экрана.
Наблюдение за
неподвижными объектами
Мультимедийный показ приемов
и операций; виртуальное
преобразование предметов в
пространстве и на плоскости;
визуализация процессов,
невозможных для рассмотрения
в реальных условиях
практические и
Учебные задания для
практической работы.
Учебная практика при
выполнении упражнений,
практических и
лабораторных работ
Виртуальное практическое
действие, плоскостное и
моделирование объектов,
автоматизация отдельных
Методы контроля:
устный и
письменный опрос,
самоконтроль и
Тестовое или контрольное
задание, вопросы и
проблемные ситуации.
Проверка результатов
усвоения материала
отсрочена на некоторое
Машинный инструктаж и
контроль. Быстрая и объективная
оценка результатов. Оперативная
оценка с указанием ошибки и
одновременной коррекции
Можно выделить следующие выгодные особенности работы с мобильной
программой «TechModulMath» на уроке:
учащийся становится субъектом обучения, т.к. приложение требует от него
активного управления;
легко достигается уровневая дифференциация обучения;
достигается оптимальный темп работы ученика, так как каждый ученик
выполняет индивидуальное задание, работая в своем темпе;
сокращается время при выработке технических навыков учащихся;
отрабатывается недостаточно усвоенный материал;
работа ученика оценивается сразу;
обучение можно обеспечить материалами из удалённых баз данных,
пользуясь средствами телекоммуникаций;
Всю совокупность педагогических программных средств можно разделить на виды:
наборы данных (текстовых, графических, звуковых, видео) и средств для
просмотра или прослушивания этих данных, объединенных смысловыми связями;
программы, моделирующие процесс или явление;
контролирующие программы;
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
программы-тренажеры, обычно контролирующие правильность ответа и
время, затраченное учеником;
Виртуальное пространство настолько велико, что охватить его целиком
невозможно, но можно выделить ряд сайтов и ссылок, которые будут полезны как
учителям, так и ученикам [5, с. 20].
Республиканские образовательные порталы.
Методические разработки.
Электронные библиотеки.
Уроки математики обладают рядом отличительных особенностей, которые
необходимо учитывать при конструировании современного урока математики с
использованием мобильного приложения:
содержание обучения опирается на ранее изученное и подготавливает базу
для усвоения новых знаний;
большое внимание уделяется развитию у учащихся логического
мышления, умения рассуждать и доказывать;
математика служит опорным предметом для изучения некоторых
других дисциплин;
теоретический материал осознается и усваивается в процессе решения задач.
В ходе написания работы была разработана мобильное приложение
TechModulMath – это мобильная информационная программа, позволяющая
объединить математические формулы, методы решения, видеоизображение,
графическое изображение и анимацию [6, с. 11].
Приложение TechModulMath на уроке математики может применяться в
демонстрационном режиме, в индивидуальном режиме, в дистанционном и
индивидуальном режиме.
Использование приложения в демонстрационном режиме:
при объяснении нового материала, когда учителем демонстрируется через
мультимедиа-проектор новый материал;
при проверке домашнего задания;
при работе над ошибками.
Использование приложения в дистанционном и индивидуальном режиме:
в исследовательской деятельности;
в проектной деятельности учащихся;
при проверке домашней работы.
анимационные элементы, видео и аудиоматериалы и осуществлять моделирование,
что естественным образом улучшает восприятие и запоминание материала
учащимися. Соответсвенно учителя могут применять на уроках различной тематики:
урок – лекция, урок повторения нового материала либо урок закрепления и
обобщения пройденного материала. При проведении уроков по темам, связанным с
построением графиков (например по теме «функции и графики», «решение уравнений
графическим методом»), ученик не тратит время на выполнение задания, что оставляет
больше времени на закрепление материала, подведение итогов [6, с. 18].
Анализ опыта использования мобильных учебных программ показывает, что
они позволяют видоизменять содержание занятий, задействовать творческий
потенциал учителя, который имеет возможность корректировать созданные им
экранные формы представления содержания учебного материала и осуществлять
использованием мобильных устройств заключаются также в том, что
демонстрационные возможности помогают сохранять устойчивую мотивацию у
учащихся и обеспечивают развитие пространственного воображения.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
Современные инновационные мобильные технологии обладают различными
возможностями их использования в учебном процессе. С другой стороны в этой
сфере существует немало проблем. Во-первых, мобильные технологии развиваются и
совершенствуются настолько стремительно, что педагогические исследования и
методические разработки по их использованию в образовательном процессе
становятся неактуальным. Во-вторых, по своим возможностям использования в
профессиональной деятельности педагога технические средства настолько
разнообразны и многоплановы, что возникают новые способы их применения в
учебном процессе, а перед педагогами появляются новые задачи, проблемы,
связанные с полным использованием информационных мобильных технологий в
образовательном процессе [7, c. 11]. Обучение с помощью мобильных средств – это
решение математических задач при котором, учащиеся целесообразно использует все
инструменты для осуществления результата. Необходимо выделить, что применение
электронных устройств обучения в образовательном процессе положительно имеет
влияние на формы и методы прeдставления учeбного матeриала, характер
взаимодействия между обучаемым и педагогом, и, соответственно, на методику
проведения занятий в целом. Использование мобильных технологий не заменяет
традиционные подходы к обучению, а существенно увеличивает их эффективность.
Применение мобильных технологий на уроке математики может стать продуктивным
средством повышения уровня и качества знаний учащихся средней школы, в случае
если в основу обучения будут положены определенные теоретические и
методические положения, отражающие основную специфику их применения в
практике [8; 9]. Существует оптимальная информационная емкость восприятия,
превышение которой приведет к снижению качества усвоения учебного материала, и
вследствие этого большая часть информации остается неусвоенной.
Мобильное программное обеспечение TechModulMath позволяет работать с
текстами и объектами, аудио- и видеоматериалами, Интернет-ресурсами и сохранять
информацию. Возможности применения в ходе урока позволяет выделить
следующие направления ее использования в учебном процессе [11, c. 13].
В мобильном приложении можно легко изменять информацию или
передвигать объекты, создавая новые связи. Учитель может рассуждать вслух,
комментируя свои действия, постепенно вовлекая учащихся и побуждая их
записывать идеи на мобильном приложении, что обеспечивает взаимодействие
учащихся с новым материалом [12, с.16].
Обучение с помощью программы TechModulMath имеет ряд преимуществ:
обеспечение более ясной, эффективной и динамичной подачи материала за
счет возможности рисовать и делать записи поверх любых приложений, сохранять и
распечатывать изображения на мобильном приложений, включая любые записи,
сделанные во время занятия, не затрачивая при этом много времени;
развитие мотивации учащихся благодаря разнообразному увлекательному
и динамичному использованию ресурсов;
предоставление больших возможностей для участия в коллективной
работе, развития личных и социальных навыков;
использование различных стилей обучения (учитель может обращаться к
всевозможным ресурсам, приспосабливаясь к определенным потребностям);
обеспечение хорошего темпа урока [13, с. 8].
Например, можно вывести урок для 11 класса, по теме: «Призма и
параллелепипед» (рисунок 1). Главной отличительной особенностью является то, что
при формулировке условия задачи и иллюстрации в приложений, решение не
записано. В ходе урока решение этих задач учащиеся должны записывать прямо
мобильном устройстве.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
Рисунок 1. – Призма и параллелепипед
В качестве примера эффективного использования технических возможностей
электронных средств обучения учащихся математике можно привести примеры
презентаций, выполненных для демонстрационных или учебных целей, игру–
викторину, интерактивную лекцию с поддержкой мультимедиа для старших классов
[14, с. 24].
Мобильная лекция сочетает в себе преимущества традиционного способа
обучения под руководством педагога и индивидуального компьютерного обучения.
Применение мобильного приложения имеет ряд общих требований к их
применению, в качестве которых нами рассматривается следующее:
научность содержания и обеспечение возможности построения учебно-
познавательной деятельности учащихся на научно-обоснованных принципах;
учет высокой мотивации учащихся к обучению с использованием
обеспечение эффективности в выполнении контрольно-оценочной и
корректирующей функций;
обеспечение индивидуализации обучения;
наличие комфортного дизайнерского оформления программы.
Таким образом, использование информационных технологий на уроке
математики способствует активизации деятельности учащихся, повышению
качества знаний, расширяет горизонты школьной математики. Разработанное
мобильное приложение своевременно готовит учащихся к жизни в современных
условиях, к анализу большого потока информации и к поиску быстрых решений [15,
с. 59].
Разработчик мобильных приложений совместно с учителем по математики
должен концентрировать огромное внимание на логику подачи учебного материала.
Инструкция по установке и использованию приложений.
Установить программу на смартфон можно двумя способами:
Напрямую с Play Маркета.
Через сторонние источники.
Далее, после входа в приложение вы увидите главную страницу
Затем, вы увидите темы 7-9 классов по математике. Для начала работы
нажмите кнопку "Начать работу".
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
Для открытия уроков в мобильном приложений нужно нажать на любую
интересующую тему из списка уроков. Список тем представлена в форме отдельной
страницы (рисунок 2).
Рисунок 2. – Вид экрана при работе с электронным учебным материалом
Для работы с формулами нужно нажать «Формула» и выбрать вам нужную
формулу. Каждое правило, в свою очередь, состоит из одного или нескольких
селекторов, разделенных запятыми и блока определений. Блок определений же
обрамляется фигурными скобками, и состоит из набора свойств и их значений.
Н.В. Влияние информационных технологий и методы обучения в
средней школе. // Методика преподавания в школе. – 2012. – №5 – с. 69-74.
Калганов А.А. Процесс учебной мотивации // Высшее образование. – 2010.
– №6. – с. 18-23.
Куперцов А.Б. Махеев К.А. Мобидьный приложений // Инновация в
образование. – 2009. – № 2. – с. 3-55.
Лапкин В.Г, Григорьева О. Возможности мобильных приложений //
Высшее образование в Казахстане. – 2009. – №2. – с.3-70.
Лоцкеевич П.Ф., Кольская А.Л. Разработка и применение программных средств
в учебном процессе – М.: Институт проблем информатики МГУ. 2011. – 450 с.
Грэйк И.В., Фолман И.В. Современные информационные технологии в
образовании. – М.: Школа-Пресс, 2004. – 560 с.
Нищенко В.Б. Новое средство компьютерного обучения – учебное мобильное
приложение // Мобильные устройства в учебном процессе. – 2010. – №5. – с. 3-80.
Сергеев Г.П. Компьютеризация процесса обучения в вузе: проблемы,
тенденции, перспективы. – М.: ВПА. 2008. – 48 с.
Андреев Г.П. Некоторые проблемы компьютеризации учебного процесса в
вузах // Сфера компьютеризаций. – 1995. – № 9. – с. 63-69.
Лошкеевич П.Ф., Кольская А.Л. Среднее образование в Казахстане. –
М.: ВПА, 2008. – 48 с.
Баранова Р.О., Переветова Е.А., Тюрина Е.А., Камин А.А. Методика
// Информатика и образование. – 2005. – № 8. – с. 8-25
Горлев А.В. Проблемы и перспективы развития среднего образования.
Учебник по педагогики. – Ставрополь: ВГТУ, 2002. – 330 с.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
Егоров В.В. Информационные технологии в подготовке инженера-
педагога. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1994. – 36 с.
Асмолов А.Г. Культурно-историческая психология и конструирование
Воронеж: НПО «МОДЭК», 2006. – 768 с.
Афанасьев В.Г. Социальная информация. – М., 1975. – 408 с.
Кульжумиева А.А., Даупаев Н.М.
Ұтқырлы бағдарламалы оқулықты математика сабағында қолдану
Мақалада ақпараттандыру және ақпараттық технологияларды енгізу
процесі педагогикалық ортаға бапта маңызды міндеттер қаралды.
Тірек сөздер: Мемлекеттік стандарт, мобильдік қосымшалар ақпараттық
технологиялар, білім беру мақсаты, жоғары білімі.
Kulzhumiyeva A.A., Daupayev N.M.
Mathematical teaching method with using mobile book application
The article considered the important problems of informatization and process of
introduction on pedagogical sphere of information technologies.
Keywords: mobile applications, state standard, education purposes, the higher
education, information technologies.
UDK 37.018
Zhantureeva A.A. – teacher–master,
WKSU after M.Utemissov
Karasheva Zh.B. – teacher– master,
WKSU after M.Utemissov
E-mail: aigulps.82@mail.ru
Annotation. In this article the authors on the basis of attracting a number of
fundamental works of psychologists analyzed the structure of the parental family and the
definition of family features parental influence on conjugal family of the next generation.
Keywords: Marriage, civil marriage, parental family structure, parental divorce,
incomplete family, kids conflict.
It is already become habitual to call the leaving 20th century as a century of
revolutions: social, scientific and technical, cosmic. Rightfully it is possible to call it also a
century of revolution of the family and marriage relations. Since the beginning of our
century large social changes which have changed also marriage and a family have begun. It
became "fashionable" to live in modern society among youth together, without registering
the relations, in so-called "civil" marriage. And every year popularity of such relations
grows. It is necessary to explain that in domestic legal practice the civil marriage is
understood as the unregistered relations between the man and the woman, living together in
one territory and conducting joint economy within 1 month. In psychological science this
important phenomenon and the related relations remain absolutely unexplored while in the
West there was already a number of works of the psychologists devoted to this
phenomenon of social life of society, including sources, the reasons of emergence of this
phenomenon, relationship between the man and the woman, parents and children in such
union, to the society relation to such living together unions.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
Family problems always were the focus of attention of social psychologists. In
psychology the wide experience on research of a family and marriage is saved up: social
and psychological aspect of communication in a family and his role in the course of
formation of the personality (B.P. Parygin, A.G. Harchev, V.M. Rodionov); the emotional
relation in a family (Z.I. Faynburg); their influence on stabilization of the intra family
relations, stability conditions of a family (Yu.G. Yurkevich). However, in literature
questions of influence of a parental family on spouses are practically not taken up. And
those data which are available, limited generally to discussion of theoretical problems at the
same time questions of the organization and feature of application of practical methods
remain unaddressed [1, p. 23].
In recent years, as many sociologists and demographers note, in development of
institute of a family in our country a number of the negative phenomena is observed - the
number of lonely grows, the number of stains, etc. increases. The solution of such problems
is impossible without studying of mechanisms of the intra family relations. All this, and
also a number of disagreements concerning criteria of success - not success of marriage,
allows us to draw a conclusion that the modern picture of the processes happening in a
family, influencing satisfaction of spouses with marriage needs more fixed consideration.
Therefore any research (including, and ours) concerning modern institute of a family and
marriage is actual, just as the gained knowledge can enrich both fundamental theoretical
representations of the scientist, and methodological tools of the practicing expert dealing
with issues of optimization of the interpersonal relations in a family.
It is educed in numerous researches of psychologists and sociologists, that ideas of
youths and girls about future domestic life formed in paternal family spontaneously - or as
aspiring to the reiteration, or as a desire to do everything otherwise etc. Thus in many cases
these presentations fill in what was not enough in a paternal house, i. e carry original
compensatory character.
The model of intrafamily relations is mortgaged in family, skills of intermingling are
acquired with different people - on age, to interests, personality features. Socially-adaptive
skills and abilities of different level and orientation are formed.
Mostly in literature influence of parents (more often than mother) is examined on
psychical development of child. F. Engels marked: "Mother that does not have time to
care of the child and give the most usual maternal caress in the first years of life is a mother
it is rarely succeeded to see the child that, can not be a mother, she inevitably behaves to
him indifferently, loveless, without every solicitude, as to the quite stranger child. And
children, growing in such terms, later appear quite lost for family, will never feel at home in
that family afterwards oneself will be provided that, because too got used to live alone, and
it is inevitable yet more assists destruction of family" [3].
The special place in the process of forming of positive marriage-domestic options
occupies the period of childhood, that is related to paternal family. At this time an idea is
formed about family, the lines of personality of future family man are mortgaged. The
social orientation of children in social-historical experience is begun with understanding of
character of family (А.В. Zaporozhes, А.Н. Leont’ev, В.А. Peter, Н.Н. Podd’yakova).
Family is the many-sided system, there are not only cooperation and interrelation in
a dyad "parent-child" but also interpenetration of the world of adult in the world children in
that can assist forming for the children of "character of family" objectively.
The family atmosphere contributes to the development of the child a rich emotional
life (empathy, compassion, and rejoices sympathy), which is important for the formation of
a positive image of the family.
I.B. Grebennikov said that during the life of the young people take over from the
older generation, "a lot of knowledge about the relationship to a person of the opposite sex,
marriage, family, learns the rules of conduct in family life.
N.Pezeshkian, founder of Positive Psychotherapy, convinced of the importance of
psychological "heritage" from one generation to another is transmitted not only material
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
goods, how many processing strategies of conflict and symptom formation, structure,
ideology and structure of relationships that pass from parents to children. Concepts
originated in critical experiences of one of the family members in religious and
philosophical ideas take root, children learn and then transmitted to the next generation of
children. Examples of family concepts: "What will people say", or "Accuracy - half life",
"Nothing comes easy," "Loyalty to death", "Achievements, honesty, thrift," etc. In part,
they understood and formulated carrier in compressed form as favorite sayings, children
mandates, comments the situation: "Be faithful and honest, but show what you're capable
of," or "We all should be, as in the best houses." The greater part of them are unconscious,
they do not act openly [4, p. 55].
Swiss psychologist L. Sondhi (psychology of destiny. – Ekaterinburg, 1994) speaks
of "the ancestral unconscious" as a form of mental heredity. The man in your life has a
tendency to realize aspirations of his ancestors - parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.
Especially brightly this effect is found, according to the author, in the important moments
of life, with a fateful character: when a person makes a choice or a professional looking for
a place of work, a life partner. Thus, the person solving the most important issues of self-
determination is not completely "free", it is not a "clean sheet", because his face is kind,
their ancestors, delegated to it "orders". However, this does not mean that the fate of a man
rigidly programmed, and can only follow certain instinctual impulses. A person can
overcome the imposed tendencies to rely on their own internal resources and build their
destiny consciously.
The family is the primary and essential condition for the formation of emotionally
stable, creative-oriented personality, as the basic structure of the human psychology forms
mainly at an early stage, when the child is under the influence of parents and family
atmosphere. Thus, the family is the social environment in where the development of the
child takes place [2, p. 42]
Almost in every nation at a certain level of social and economic development forms
coupled family, characterized by complementarity of the social roles of men and women;
children learn and reproduce the model of role behavior of parents due to the property of
the human psycho - imitation actively manifested in the process of emotionally effective
contact of parents with children.
Moral formation of the child are closely linked to his relationship with adults and the
birth of his of moral ideas and feelings on this basis which are named by L.S. Vygotsky as
an internal ethical institutions. D.V. El'konin connects the emergence of ethical bodies with
the emotional attitude of the child to an adult. The adult is a constant center of attraction
around where builds the child's life. This creates the need for children to participate in adult
life, to act according to their model. At the same time they want to play, not only individual
actions of an adult, but to imitate all the complicated forms of his activities, his actions,
relationships with other people - in a word, the whole way of life of adults.
L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that the ratio to the medium varies with age and
consequently changing role in the development environment. He emphasized that the
environment must be considered absolutely and relatively, as the influence of the
environment is determined by the child's experiences. L.S. Vygotsky introduced the
national psychology the concept of key experiences. As later pointed L.Bozhovich, "the
concept of experience has provided and marked the most important psychological reality
with which we must begin to study the analysis of the role of the environment in the
development of the child; the experience is like a node, which tied the diverse influence of
various external and internal circumstances".
The parental home for the child – first, the main and irreplaceable school of life. This
family has a decisive influence on the development of personality, lays the foundation for
the most important human qualities. And that this foundation was strong, the family must
do all the necessary functions, ie meet the specific needs of all its members. Family
functionality depends on its structure, which is determined by the composition of its
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members, as well as a set of relationships. In our country, the most common structure in
which the family consists of adults (husband, wife, and in some cases, grandparents) and
children (usually in the family can be one or two children) living together [2, p. 43].
In psychology, modern psychology of family relations stands the concept of
duplication of parental properties, which suggests that a person learns to perform the role of
men and women to a considerable extent from their parents unconsciously uses in its model
family relations parents.
Preparation for family life takes place in the early stages of life. Marital and parental
socialization, as noted by the D.N. Issaev, V.E. Kagan begins on the 2nd year of life, when
a child in family communication takes the first samples of masculinity and femininity.
Conjugal and parental behavior of the mother and father is still in the shadows, the child is
not recognized, but they are in the role of conductor of sex roles. In 2-3 years when the
child knows his floor and begins to relate "the" I "with the views of the people and their
other sex, role play, he carries masculine and feminine behavior as primarily spousal and
parental (social game" dad-mom "," Mothers and Daughters ", etc.). In these games affects
the formation of the first, the simplest level of family units that correspond to the common
stereotype of the family. Even in these games the boys perform roles associated with going
beyond the family and return to She (hunting, war, work, etc.), and the girls - related to the
role of the home, the boys in the manifestations of style of play more eccentric and
instrumental in these games, and girls - more concentric and emotional. These game
reincarnation - one of the strongest ways of formation of marital and parental roles. The
basic mechanism of this formation - identification and imitation. The child identifies with
the parent of their gender and mimics its behavior in cases where a parent is cold, rude,
unjust and cruel.
Many adults in their families reproduce the "handwriting" of the parental family.
These deep unconscious or psychologically perceived conflict-identification installation,
according to D.N. Isaev and V.E. Kagan, with all the difficulties of their compensation have
yet to be controlled by adults, not to be reproduced again in children. To some extent, gains
in this age of the installation depend on the structure of a child's character [1, p. 134].
At the same age - 3-5 years - the young children ask parents or sibling, are
touchingly affectionate and caring with younger. The emergence of another child in the
family is usually not accompanied by children's jealousy. Not every family at this time, a
second child. But significant importance is the reaction of parents to the children's requests
- judgmental, repulsive, forbidding or gently explains. Sometimes parents try to bypass,
substitution by furnishing pets. This is the age of intensive laying [1, p. 135].
Junior high school student is already trying to understand the family situation,
understand and evaluate the position of the parents, to produce its own. When conflicts with
the parent may already be aware of the desire to appear "to be different." Adolescence
confronts educators complicates the task. Emancipatory tendencies, high criticality teenager
make it a strict judge relations in parent family. The reality is often perceived through the
prism of their own, prone to naïve idealization of romantic love. Many call it nonsense, but, in fact,
is the most important problems that make it difficult for the teenager and adults [1, p. 136].
For adults – because they see in the relationship teenager what internal fear. Parents
often tend to identify teenage love and love leads to marriage. As a result, it develops a
controversial system of relations, requiring the efforts of parents, often - considerable, to
take a position reduces stress.
General standards of family life and individual settings is not easy to reconcile, and
adult. It is important that the teenager could behave and speak their minds without fear of
condemning the reactions of educators. D.N. Issaev and V.E. Kagan indicate that the task is
to form such skills of individual refraction of universal and lasting values that do not
conflict with whatever these values, nor the individual needs and characteristics. Family
education has a great potential in boys men of honor, respect for the girl, and the girls pride,
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
modesty, self-esteem; formation of youth self-control, self-discipline, endurance and a
sense of responsibility.
Opens in a new time before the adult world of childhood, super-value only child,
communication plans for the future not to the skills of practical life, and the search for ways
to develop real or imaginary endowments - all this leads to the fact that many children live
is a life of the family, are not familiar with them. When yesterday's "Child" appears in his
own family, it affects their helplessness in elementary situations.
The young couple often expect from each other taking on the role of parent, but to do
so neither one nor the other can not. It may seems, that they’re exaggerate, but they are only
just reproduce the background of the collapse of many families.
Preparation for family life and puts the task of formation of motivation of marriage,
and the expectations for it. Offered younger generation stereotypes, the leitmotif of which is
exhausted in two words - "love" and "happiness" are superficial, even in comparison with
the real attitudes of young people [1, p. 137-138].
A special section of training the family man - education in feelings of love to the
child. In the works of V.V. Boyko shown that it is an indicator of reproductive behavior
strategy and is determined largely unconscious attitudes that are at variance with the
declared views may lead to a divergence of the desired and actual number of children. Of
particular importance for girls education gets adequate maternity units [1, p. 139].
However not all parents are prepared for training of the children. As a rule, the
parental family, doesn't set for itself a purposeful task of education at the children of
representations, functional and role expectations and skills of creation of a full-fledged
family. And at youthful age there comes the moment of the analysis of the got social
experience and forming the basis of its own vision of the future of the family. Thus, to
prevent psychological problems in the family union, should apply not to the identified
problems, and prevention, which will help to prevent them. To do this, you must know the
mechanisms of formation of family performances. Knowledge of the composition of
psychological mechanisms and prevention programs can provide answers to many
questions of society associated with dysfunctional families.
There is strong evidence that people whose parents are divorced, divorcing more
frequently those who grew up in a strong family. In other words, the propensity to divorce
is passed from generation to generation. Many researchers have tried to understand the
causes of this phenomenon.
Divorce – a serious violation of the structure in which the family of one of the
parents disappear. Even if the parents agree on joint education and child keeps each of them
a good relationship, it is still at the stage of divorce, the family becomes dysfunctional, ie,
doesn't have the possibility to fully perform all their functions, primarily psychotherapy,
emotional, educational and upbringing, which leads to the emergence of a variety of
disorders and complications in all family members. Over time, the problem of adult family
members are reduced, the pain of separation subsides, but for the children the divorce of
parents has long-term negative consequences that can occur once, and after some time.
In contrast, a solid marriage divorce engenders a sense of security. The child does
not have to fear that the foundation on which rests its existence (marriage of parents)
suddenly appears shaky and will crumble [2, p. 43].
Strong relation between father and mother is bearing fruit long after the child leaves
the parental roof. Parents living in a happy marriage, create the appropriate model for their
children. All boys and girls are born bachelors and unmarried his first impression of the
status obtained from the relations within the union of his father and mother. They watch
them and draw their own conclusions. They first decide whether it is necessary to marry,
and after the wedding, the experience gained in the monitoring of the parents helps them to
perceive the actions, words, thoughts and feelings of the husband or wife. This experience
will help them to remain steadfast in the difficult times that will inevitably occur in every
family. Parents form in children or loyalty to the institution of marriage, or apathy toward
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
him. Walk the beaten path is always easier than to pave the way. The power of inertia, the
tendency of children to repeat their parents, to imitate them, often unconsciously, in good
and in bad - that's one of the reasons repetitive divorces. Divorce is already perceived as a
normal, natural way out of the crisis. Unfortunately, the divorce can become familiar way
to resolve family problems, passing from generation to generation, from the first marriage
for the second, etc. There is nothing surprising in the fact that children of divorced parents
do not have the skills out of family conflicts, less other cherished family cohesion, it is
relatively easy to allow the termination of his own marriage and see no obstacles to build
online relationships with partners was already married, provoking divorce originally
favored families, but probably at the stage of the crisis - or all family or age of the crisis of
a family member.
In case of divorce, in most cases, the child remains with his mother, no matter for
what reason, and who initiated the divorce occurred. And it is such a family where there are
no men, "the head", in Russian called incomplete. Abroad have long used the term
"maternal family", emphasizing its singularity, but at the same time recognizing the social
and psychological equality. We have also adopted the term "part-time", which is something
(or someone) is not enough to perfect or even normal. Without entering into a discussion on
the terms, we can not agree that the absence of one parent, usually the father, does limit the
possibilities of family, it leads to serious personal problems in children and to a lack of
experience of interaction.
What are the needs of the child provides the presence of two parents in the family,
than having a permanent presence of the father?
1. The need for protection. Nowhere to the outside world - a source of neuroses of
modern children. With his father, the child feels safe, it is not pugnacious, but can stand up
for themselves, it is not touchy or whiny, but has a sense of honor and dignity. The
presence of the father raises the status of the child in the eyes of their peers, and often
adults, often automatically considered incomplete notoriously dysfunctional family.
2. The need for authority. Contrary to popular belief, children do not aspire to
absolute freedom, which has not yet been able to dispose of, they need, taking on the
responsibility for a child to this freedom restricted sensible, caring, dear loved one.
3. The need for the development of intellectual sphere, mathematical, spatial,
analytical abilities of the child. The presence of men in the family improves the mental
development of children, it forms a natural interest in learning, education.
4. The need for a marital relationship, the samples "courageous" and "feminine"
behavior and communication with the opposite sex. If a family has a son, then just looking
at his father, he realizes how wonderful to be strong and generous, it is important to be
responsible and represent the consequences of their actions, it is important to take care of
all the most difficult - this is the foundation of masculinity. At the same time he observes
that the woman physically weaker, but more patient compliance, it can not compete with
his father in the distribution of power and the wisdom to engage in dialogue, to create a
family atmosphere of goodwill and respect. If the family is growing girl, she learns to be
feminine, looking at her mother. What conditions allow to be so beautiful, beautiful,
patient? What makes a dad his wife to be in a good mood and has the strength to care about
the whole family? Dad - this is the first important man in the girl's life. That, as it relates to
the mother of his children, to his daughters, largely determines the representation of girls to
men in general. In the family, there are samples of male and female thinking, actions,
behaviors, interests. Future husbands who are brought up without a father, women often
learn the type of behavior, or whether they formed a distorted view of the men's behavior as
an aggressive, sharp, cruel. And future wives, his father grew up troubles, no idea about the
features of male behavior in their family life is much more difficult to understand her
husband and sons [2, p. 44].
5. The process of sexual identification of boys and girls. For proper gender identity
is necessary that the child is not only keenly aware that it is the same as his father (mother),
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
but also experienced the tender feelings as a parent of the same sex and to the parent of the
opposite sex, which under normal upbringing conditions occur warm and friendly relations.
The absence of such relationship may be one of the causes of homosexual. This view is
held by some scientists studying the problems of psychosexual development of the
individual. (R.Evans, M.Hoffman, M.Schofield, J.Kohn et al.)
6. The ability to observe the effect of different feelings and manage them. It is in
terms of family education children receive the first experience of managed behavior,
emotional response to various situations and experiences and expression of feelings.
Watching the parents something to discuss, debate, and sometimes quarrel, the child sees
these events as real, valid, but also are overcome and see in what ways parents reach
agreement. Children learn to manage their anger, irritation, resentment, desire, noting how
these are formed and overcome the emotions of adults.
7. The full family is possible two-way, a more comprehensive and objective view of
the child's actions. Parents can discuss their points of view, to recall their childhood
experiences that will help to better understand the behavior of children.
8. The family must consist of at least three people. The child should always be a
choice, which of the adults ask a question, especially in the case of conflict with one of the
What happens if the family breaks up, and the child is living with a parent? Studies
of foreign and domestic allow psychologists to imagine possible scenarios.
Consider how children of different age groups (0 to 2 years from 2 to
10-12 years, after 10-12 years) responding to parents' divorce and what are the
consequences of this possible.
1.The first problem of the baby are more likely to relate to the question of why other
children have two parents, and he - only mother.
2. In a consequence when the child is aware of the fact of the divorce of parents, a
feeling of reluctance accident of birth. The image of the absent parent, as a rule, is not
positive, but at some point it might be attractive to a child, especially if life with the
remaining parent at some point it may seem difficult, unsuccessful. If fast enough will
create a new family in which the child will feel complete and full, quite possibly favorable
developments, but if a family does not work, the front does not exclude significant
3. After 2 years the child already knows their parents attached to them. Care of the
family of a parent can cause a young child's fear of the future, fear of the unknown. After
experiencing the loss of a parent, the child may be afraid of how not to lose the second.
Divorce affects fear of being out casted. Because if Mom and Dad can leave each other, and
leave him too. The child will have a feeling of self-blame for what has happened, he is
more inclined to look for the cause of family problems in itself, rather than parents, which
significantly lowers his self-esteem [2, p. 45].
4. Divorce is attributable to the period, bear the consequences of distorted
representations about the importance of the role of man and woman, husband and wife,
father and mother. If the child is not yet aware of what is happening on a subconscious
level, it reflects the way the behavior of each family member and can not see in front of the
positive model, then it does not form an image of a harmonious family, and imprinted
"family splinters," those negative patterns that he will diligently try avoid in their future
life, but that will be hard again and again to play.
5. Particularly difficult are experiencing the transition to life in an incomplete family
adolescents. When the soul is born teenager yearning for romantic love, he suddenly faces
with its volatility. Divorce of parents, who came to this period gives rise to anxiety. At the
same time there are hurt and anger at the parents who solve problems, do not take into the
accordance the feelings of the child and put him in a difficult situation. Formation of self
checking authorities "strength" until their complete denial and searching social
emancipation from the family - the leading trends in this age. As a result, divorce
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
attributable to this period, exacerbated negativity, resistance, traction is enhanced to the
early experiments, growing concern relationships with friends, the desire for freedom.
Perceiving the parents' divorce as a manifestation of selfishness, the child, in turn, is
increasingly beginning to delve into their own interests, leaving the family under the
influence. If the parents can do what they want, without regard for the opinion of a
teenager, why he can not live by the rules, but should listen to someone?
6. Ruined marriage brings teen parents great disappointment in life. If parents stop
loving each other, then love does not last forever? If losing love is so hurtful, it may be
better not to let it in your soul and thus avoid injury? Fearing this sense of the fragility of
young people may avoid intimacy and commitment, their communication with people are
superficial, they are afraid to take risks, preferring large companies intimacy. There's also
the other extreme, in which the burning desire of love creates happiness installation "I have
everything will be different, I will have a wonderful family." Most often this mood arises in
girls, and they start looking for the attention of representatives of the male, drawing
pictures in his fantasies of a happy future, bad imagining how the future will be built.
Thus, it was assumed that the history of the construction of conjugal families of men
and women, was raised in total parent families, and families through a divorce, to a
large extent it will be different according to the parameters, which are caused by
parental divorce and lack of experience of observation of marital interaction. The
ongoing study examined the facts that established differing views on family life,
family values, ways of settling family conflicts among men and women who have
grown up complete and incomplete parental families [2, p. 46].
Nowadays there are two plausible explanations. One of them is the fact that children
of divorced parents, marrying, have already established ideas about the possibility of
divorce and low sense of responsibility with respect to marital responsibilities, so their
union could collapse more likely than those who grew up in a strong family . The second
explanation is based on the fact that children of divorced parents marry before the child of
strong families. The reason for this could be an internal need to break out of an unfavorable
home environment. But studies have shown that early marriages are significantly more
likely to end in divorce. Such personality traits as altruism and self-sacrifice, the need for
love to the future marriage partner, the installation of a lifelong marriage, mutual help and
mutual support of kindred spirits, other noble impulses of the best vaccinated child in the
parental home, the father's house. Sociologists reliably established that the strength of
wedlock be tailored to all of the above in the parental home, increased by more than a
quarter. That is why it is so important to constantly take care of strengthening and
developing the institution of the family, who has spearheaded the spirituality of the person.
The consequences of family conflict on children. Threads family conflicts stretch
very far. The consequences affect not only the state of the child's soul, but the entire future
life, for children from conflict families go deep intrapersonal conflicts. Emotional
instability of family, marital and parental relations, the lack of consensus and solidarity of
parents in their pedagogical influence on a child - all this often leads to the formation of the
child's sense of fear, insecurity, lack of faith in their own strength and ability, and lonely
It can also affect their own families and their own children, because the family in
which the child grew up, gives a sample of the family, which he defines as an adult.
Psychologists say that the child first meets, learns the role of father and mother, husband
and wife, a man and a woman in the course of daily contacts, communication with parents,
loved ones. Through communication with parents is its entry into the world of human
It is natural that young people have adopted the negative features of the behavior of
their parents, experiencing life in a much larger problem: their family life begins with the
fact that they have to re-learn, that is, to re-learn the art of living in the family. Retraining
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requires additional forces - both the man and of the world around him, especially people
close to him.
Thus, according to papers dealing with this perspective, we can safely say that the
idea of the family itself affect the family in the future. The formation of values and moral
orientations on their future family, occurs primarily on the image of the parent family, but
characterized by a pronounced orientation toward their own welfare and comfort.
Children who survived the quarrel between the parents, get dysfunctional start in
life. Negative memories of childhood are very harmful, they determine the appropriate way
of thinking, feelings and behavior in adulthood. Therefore, parents who can not find
common ground with each other, should always remember that even a failed marriage in
the family conflicts should not get involved children. On the problems of the child to think,
at least as much on their own.
1. Шнейдер Л.Б. Психология семейных отношений. – M., 2008 – 731 с.
2. Докучаева С.О. Влияние родительской семьи на построение супружеской семьи в
следующем поколении // Психологическая наука и образование. – 2004. – № 3. – с. 41-55.
3. Realstrannik.ru. – http://realstrannik.ru/mudrye-mysli/114-fridrih-engels.html.
Дата обращения: 05.04.2016 г.
4. Пезешкиан Н. Психосоматика и позитивная психотерапия. –
М.: Медицина, 1996. – 464 с.
5. Куликова Т.А. Семейная педагогика и домашнее воспитание: учебник для
студ. сред. пед. учеб. заведений. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательский центр
"Академия", 2000. – 232 с.
6. Артамонова Е.И., Екжанова Е.В., Зырянова Е.В. и др. Психология семейных
отношений с основами семейного консультирования: учеб. пособие для студ. высш.
учеб. заведений. – М.: Издательский центр "Академия", 2006. –192 с.
7. Фененко Ю.В. Социология. – М, 2008. – 48 с.
8. Сысенко В.В. Молодежь вступает в брак. – M., 1986 – 254 с.
9. Целикова Н.В.Поколение"икс":ценности и семья // Социальная политика и
социология. – 2004. – №2 – С. 222-236.
Жантуреева А.А., Карашева Ж.Б.
Влияние родительский семьи на построение семейной системы
следующего поколения
В данной статье авторы на основе привлечения ряда фундаментальных
трудов психологов проанализировали структуры родительской семьи и определение
особенностей влияния родительской семьи на супружескую семью следующего
Ключевые слова: брак, гражданский брак, структура родительской семьи,
развод родителей, неполная семья, дети, конфликт.
Жантуреева А.А., Карашева Ж.Б.
Болашақ ұрпақтың жанұялық жүйесінің құрылуына ата –ананың ықпалы
Мақалада авторлар психологтардың отбасы туралы фундаментальды
еңбектерінің негізіне сүйене отырып, жанұялық жүйенің құрылымын талдады және
болашақ отбасы болып құрылуына жанұя ерекшеліктерінің ықпалын айқындады.
Тірек сөздер: Неке, азаматтық неке, ата–ана отбасының құрлымы, ата–
ананың ажырасуы, толық емес отбасы, балалар, кикілжің.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №2-2016ж.
УДК 371.3:81* 243
Нурушева Т.И. – старший преподаватель, ЗКГУ им. М.Утемисова
Кадыргалиева С.И. – старший преподаватель, ЗКГУ им. М.Утемисова
Кадыргалиева Е.М. – учитель, СОШ №28
E-mail: Saule0312@mail.ru
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