Цель и задачи дисциплины: Цель освоения учебной дисциплины

Jane: Great. I'll put up a sign up sheet and everyone can write down what they plan to bring. Comments and Feedback

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Jane: Great. I'll put up a sign up sheet and everyone can write down what they plan to bring.
Comments and Feedback
During the meeting, participants will comment, provide feedback, or ask questions. Here are some ways to do so politely:

  • If I could just come in here...

  • I'm afraid I'd have to disagree about that.

  • Could I just say one thing?

  • I'm really glad you brought that up, Kana.

  • I couldn't agree with you more. (I agree)

  • Jane, could you please speak up. We can't hear you at the back.

  • If I could have the floor (chance to speak) for a moment...

  • We don't seem to be getting anywhere with this.

  • Perhaps we should come back to this at another time?

Closing a Meeting
Wrapping Up
There are different reasons why a meeting comes to an end. Time may run out, or all of the items in the agenda may be checked off. Some meetings will end earlier than expected and others will run late. The odd time, a meeting may be cut short due to an unexpected problem or circumstance. Here are a variety of ways to adjourn a meeting:

  • It looks like we've run out of time, so I guess we'll finish here.

  • I think we've covered everything on the list.

  • I guess that will be all for today.

  • Well, look at that...we've finished ahead of schedule for once.

  • If no one has anything else to add, then I think we'll wrap this up.

  • I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this meeting short. I've just been informed of a problem that needs my immediate attention.

There is almost always one last thing to say, even after the closing remarks. A chairperson might close the meeting and then make a last-minute reminder. Instructions for tidying up the room may also be mentioned.

  • Oh, before you leave, please make sure to sign the attendance sheet.

  • I almost forgot to mention that we're planning a staff banquet next month.

  • Don't forget to put your ballot in the box on your way out.

  • If I didn't already say this, please remember to introduce yourself to the new trainees.

  • Could I have your attention again? I neglected to mention that anyone who wants to take home some of this leftover food is welcome to.

  • If you could all return your chair to Room 7 that would be appreciated.

  • Please take all of your papers with you and throw out any garbage on your way out.

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