In 1992 she defended her thesis on the subject: "The system of
activity of institutes for the improvement of teachers in the study,
synthesis and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience"
under the guidance of PhD., Professor Ya.S. Turbovsky. The thesis
was prepared in the laboratory of studying, summarizing and
disseminating the advanced pedagogical experience of the Institute
of General Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the
In 1998-2001, She studied at the doctoral studies of KazNPU
named after Abai.
In 2001 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic:
"Scientific foundations of the formation of the research culture of the
teacher of the general education school", Since 2006 Sharkul
Taubayeva is a professor of pedagogy.
From 2001 to 2004 Worked as an
assistant professor of the
department of general and ethnic pedagogy of KazNU named after
al-Farabi. From 2004 to 2006 Head of the Center for Standards of
Education, Expertise and Creative Information at the Educational
and Methodological Association of KazNU named after al-Farabi
and professor of the department of general and ethnic pedagogy.
Since September 1, 2006, she held the post of dean of the
faculty of pedagogy and psychology, from 2008 to 2010. Was vice
rector for the educational and methodological association of
Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
In 2010-2011 academic year she passed a seientific
internship at
the Pedagogical Measurement Laboratory' of the Institute of Theory'
and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education as a
scholarship holder of the International Program of the President of
the Republic of Kazakhstan "Holashak" specializing in "Pedagogical
Diagnosis. Assessment and management of the quality of education
at the Russian State Social University
specializing in" Social
Pedagogy " Since September 1, 2011, she is a professor at the
Department of General and Ethnic Pedagogy of KazNU named after
There was issued an act on the implementation of research
results from 2013-2014 academic year in
the educational process to
Professor Sh.T Taubacva on April 8, 2014 (Protocol No. 9). She
heads the school of young scientists, speaks at the methodological
conferences, round tables. Conducts open classes. Published in the
pedagogical press. She takes part in the scientific and social life of
the department and faculty.
She is an academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
of Kazakhstan, the International Academy of Sciences of
Pedagogical Education. She was a member of the dissertational
council for the protection of doctoral
dissertations at the Kazakh
University of World Languages and International Relations named
after Abylaykhan, Karaganda State University named after E.
Buketov, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, KazNPU
named after Abay. She participated in the implementation of the
republican projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Republic of Kazakhstan on the problems of the content of education,
innovative education (1993-1998), as well as the applied project
"Scientific and methodological support of the educational process of
the pedagogical university in terms
of credit technology of
education" (2005-2007) "Scientific foundations of structuring and
the construction of methodological knowledge in pedagogy as a
factor in the development of the nation's intellectual potential"
(2008-2011). Participates in the project "Study of the educational
policy of Kazakhstan and European countries: a comparative
dimension for the development of human capital and the formation
of an intellectual nation" (2012-2014). She is a member of the
editorial board of the journals "Ethno-pedagogy in the education
system", " School of Kazakhstan " "In the world of education",
"Scientific work in the school", leads the column "To help the
beginning researcher" in the journal "Ethnopedagogics in the
education system"
Taubayeva Sh. - author of more than 400
scientific works,
including a co-author of the textbook for the textbook "Ana Tili" for
primary classes, methodological manuals on history for senior
classes. Author of several books on pedagogical innovation, best
practices and didactics. Specialist in the field of general and
normative methodology, pedagogical science.
Under her leadership, 8 doctoral and 14 candidate dissertations,
3 doctoral dissertations (PhD) were defended. Opposed 46