Ключевые слова: пшеница, семена, прорастание семян пшеницы, хранение семян, всхожесть. INTRODUCTION Wheat (Triticum aulstivum L.) is one of the important grains
used in the world, being one of the crops of major importance for
food security (Walia 2015).
Seed germination is a factor which contribute yield of the crop.
Among the abiotic and biotic factors, Storage is considered an im-
portant issue for wheat germination, because it persuades seed devel-
opment (Rao and Sinha, 1993). The poor ability of germination is a big
problem which farmers faced in Parwan province of Afghanistan, the
high ability of germination depends on different factors special good
storage condition. Germination is the first growth stage of wheat, it is
very important. Including germination speed, uniformity and vigor of
germination are the most important parameters (Sultan et, al, 1375).
Seed storage is the maintenance of seeds under controlled envi-
ronmental conditions to keep seed viability (germination and vigor)
for long periods from harvesting through to planting of the pro-
cessed seed by the farmer. However, storage is often thought to mean
simply keeping the seed in a physical «storage» structure. (Samuel
Kugbei, seed storage, FAO. Rome 2018. Pages (5, 12)
The quantity of seed stored by farmers in Afghanistan is de-
termined by the size of the land they cultivate, which is relatively
small in general. If we assume that small-scale farmers cultivate one
hectare, we can estimate that the quantity of seed to be stored will
be 120 kg. In many cases, farmers keep small quantities of seed at
home, in bags or small containers such as Kando. Farmers usually
manage to keep small quantities of seed in good conditions of low
temperature and low moisture content, without incurring major
losses in quality, quantity, or germination potential. Maintenance of
seed quality and seed longevity in storage warehouses depends on
the initial seed viability, initial moisture content and the combina-
tion of temperature and relative humidity during storage. Manage-