. № 52 (342)
. Декабрь 2020 г.
144 Филология, лингвистика 2. Фундаментальная электронная библиотека. Полиграфические ресурсы, М.1999 г.
3. А. П. Евгенева «Словарь русского языка», 4 тома. 1970–1990 гг.
Peculiarities of implementation of the emotivity category in texts of women’s English magazine Prokopenko Yulia, assistant professor
Yarova Svetlana, graduate student
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»
The emotiveness of the text reflects the emotional world of a person. This work examines the emotive space using the example of women’s En- glish-language magazines. It is worth noting that the success of articles depends on the correct use of language means of emotiveness. With the help of linguistic means, the author can reflect the emotional attitude of the individual to the phenomena of the surrounding world. The pur- pose of this work is to establish the defining characteristics of text emotiveness in relation to journalistic texts using the example of women’s En- glish-language magazines. Keywords: language, emotiveness, women’s magazines, emotionality, modern woman, emotion, emotive lexemes. T
he language of emotions has endless possibilities for conveying
the subtlest shades of felt feelings, assessing what is happening
through sensory experience, influencing the addressee of the mes-
sage and self-expression. The problem of expressing emotions in a
text is studied by different disciplines: psychology of emotions, sty-
listics, literary criticism, linguistics. In this work, the emotionality of
the text appears as the subject of linguistic research.
Modern women’s periodicals reflect the role characteristics of
a woman’s behavior, her social connections, interpersonal inter-
action, as well as group dynamics of behavior. E. A. Plenkina pro-
poses the following definition of a women’s magazine: this is a
periodical printed publication that has all the properties of a maga-
zine-type publication; however, the specificity of the intended pur-
pose and subject matter is determined by the focus on the female
readership and is designed to serve various (professional, social,
cognitive, consumer, etc.) interests and needs this audience [Плен-
кина, 2010].
A. V. Zhukova argued that publications for women are also char-
acterized by an orientation towards a high standard of life: a high ed-
ucational and professional level, a healthy lifestyle, a desire for indi-
vidualization and self-realization, to reveal the inner potential of a
woman. [Жукова, 1999].
E. A. Plenkina believed that the nature of the information con-
tained in women’s publications depends on the needs of the readers.
The subject of their interest is wide, but at the same time limited by
the real interests of a given female audience, therefore it can be an in-
ternational, national, regional audience, in addition, of a certain age.
In each case, the range of topics chosen by the publication and the
subject of reflection will differ, and the thematic focus is dictated,
first, by the conditions in which a particular female community car-
ries out its life activity [Пленкина, 2010].
Based on the information provided above, we will analyze the
topics of the following popular women’s English-language maga-
zines: Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Glamour. Each of these logs has its own
structure, however, mandatory sections remain: Fashion, Beauty &
Style, Makeup, Health & Fitness, Culture, Lifestyle, Food & Cock-
tails, Sex & Relationship, Celebrities & Entertainment.
Regarding the last two sections, O. Roginskaya argued that this is
one characteristic feature of the women’s magazine — «pseudo-dra-
matization» of life. This effect arises from the appearance on mag-
azine pages of numerous «women’s stories». The genres of sincere
confidential interviews and «confessions», which form the spec-
trum of women’s emotions and behavioral reactions, provoke the
emergence of an obsessive «peeping» habit among the magazine’s
readers [Рогинская, 2004].
Publications in the women’s magazine include several linguistic
means of emotiveness to express the emotion the author needs with
the help of linguistic means. Consider these signs using an example
from tests of modern women’s magazines based on the works of
L. A. Piotrovskaya and V. I. Shakhovsky.
It should be noted that the texts about celebrities are highly emo-
tional because these people are an example to follow for readers of
«glossy» magazines. Adjectives are designed to give an assessment,
convey the characteristic features of the personality and appearance
of a celebrity, and draw attention to the text of the article itself. The
emotionality of sentences is created using emotive tokens:
1. The 13 types of self-isolation wardrobe as told by Princess
Diana’s most iconic off-duty looks [Glamour, 2020]. — It should be
noted that according to the classification of V. I. Shakhovsky, in this
article emotive lexical units (iconic, off-duty), which carry a certain
character of the woman. Thus, even without reading the main con-
tent of the article, you can assess the appearance and determine the
character of a particular celebrity [Шаховский, 2012].
− It should be noted that the expressiveness of the text is pro-
vided by the following syntactic means:
1. The ‘it’s summer! I don’t care if we’re inside!’ one» [Glamour,
2020]. — Exclamation sentences
2. The green-fingered couple using the free time to ‘spruce up’
their hanging baskets; The one who ‘nips out’ for a ‘quick jog’ every
lunch; there are certain looks adopted by several of us, and — as is the