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# 52 (342)

December 2020
Philology, Linguistics
case with all good trends — we are looking to Princess Diana as the 
instigator [Glamour, 2020]. — Phrases with colloquial syntax.
Due to the unity of all the above-mentioned emotive linguistic 
means, the publicistic text retains all its specific features of the vo-
cabulary, but at the same time maintains the desired gender of text 
emotivity. Emotiveness in a publicistic text appears as a text-forming 
factor. The emotive content of a journalistic text is formed because of 
the superposition of emotions of the background and tonal levels. At 
the same time, the specificity of journalistic texts consists in the pos-
sibility of the formation of a general emotive content by emotions of 
even one level. The emotive coloring of a journalistic text is charac-
terized by the density of the emotive fabric of the texts and the pecu-
liarities of the distribution of emotive fragments over the composi-
tional parts of the text.
Emotiveness, as a linguistic correlate of the psychological cate-
gory of emotionality, is an integral property of a publicistic text. The 
emotive specificity of texts can be determined through the ratio of 
the emotive background, emotive tonality and emotive coloring and 
is regulated by functional and style norms.
Thematic and genre features of women’s journalistic publications 
are realized largely using emotive lexemes. Highlighted male images 
reflect the characteristic features of a modern man as a woman un-
derstands him. Women’s magazines strive to evoke only positive 
emotions, so male characters are predominantly positive. The image 
of a modern woman is distinguished by a constant search for happi-
ness, personal pleasure, and constant self-improvement.
Women’s magazines reflect changes in people’s outlook, tastes, 
and preferences, but gender stereotypes persist. When creating both 
female and male images, emotive and emotional-evaluative lexemes 
are widely used, expressing mainly positive emotions and attitudes.
Thus, I would like to note that emotions can be expressed not 
only in personal communication between people, but also are repre-
sented by emotive lexemes, the correct use of which can greatly affect 
the emotional sphere of a person.
1. Жукова А. В. Женская пресса как фактор социализации личности: Дис.. канд. филол. наук. СПб.: — 1999.
2. Шаховский В. И. Категоризация эмоций в лексико-семантической системе языка. Воронеж, 2012.
3. Glamour «The 13 types of self-isolation wardrobe as told by Princess Diana’s most iconic off — duty looks». — URL: https://www.
glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/princess-diana-fashion-casual-athleisure [дата обращения 11.12.2020].
4. Glamour «17 calming beauty products that’ll help you relax if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now». — URL: https://www.glam-
ourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/comforting-beauty-buys [дата обращения 12.12.2020].
5. Пленкина Е. А. Элитарный женский журнал: типологические и профильные особенности 2010. — URL: www.mediascope.
ru [дата обращения 10.12.2020].
6. Рогинская О. Глянцевое «Я»: женские журналы и кризис автобиографизма // Критическая масса. 2004. № 1. С. 93–97. — 
URL: http://www.vvsu.ru [дата обращения 09.12.2020].

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