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УДК 37.01:37.013 
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
associated professor,
М. Saparbaev Institute 
The author of this article defines the features of spiritual and moral 
education of the individual and the formation of universal values in the 
process of learning the subject "self-knowledge" in integration with other 
Sciences. The most common ways of implementation of intersubject 
interdisciplinary communication of subject teachers are defined 
Key words: interdisciplinary communication, self-knowledge, book, 
integration, ideology. 
The rapid changes taking place in society, in the world around us, and 
the processes of globalization place great demands on the individual, who has 
the creative ability to make decisions when necessary. Development and 
education of creative personality of students are one of the most actual 
problems today.
A creative person is a person who shows interest and abilities, shows 
activity. Creativity is a person's desire to know himself in reality. In order to 
find the right way in life, you need to learn how to think correctly, to make 
informed, reasoned decisions on your own. Development of abilities of the 
person and prevention of their extinction, his spiritual forces are the most 
important purpose of education. 
The nature of individuality, creativity is the source of development, the 
psychological structure of creative possibilities. All this requires a special 
search. In modern psychology, pedagogical science carried out research work 
on this issue. For example: M. Z. Izotov, N. S. Leites, V. A. Krutetsky, E. E. 
Kravtsov, V. T. Based on the research of such scientists as Kudryavtsev, it is 
possible to determine the ways of development of a talented creative person. 
Creative giftedness has characteristic features of its nature.
Scientists confirm the idea of innate and system-forming nature of the 

creative talent. As a result of the impact of the environment, education and 
development, the nature of the creative personality formation of the student 
is obvious. Scientific research and observations conducted on spiritual growth 
and personal development, show interest in activities, increase motivation, 
formed the necessary skills.
In the creative personality formation of the student, many scientists 
associate the development of imagination with general psychological 
development. For familiarizing students to creative work, increase their 
activity, interest, development of imagination, abilities in the lessons and after 
school hours, interdisciplinary communication we can use various methods 
and techniques.
For example:
1. Generalization of the topic depending on the content. 
2. Creating discussions that develop logical thinking of students. 
3. Drawing pictures through thinking, imagination. 
4. Organization of areas of work by transforming tasks. 
5. Use in intersubject communication of text works, stories, fairy tales. 
6. Interviews on various topics, presentation, essay. 
In the formation of the creative personality of students outside school 
hours, you can use the following types of work: 
1. Visiting museums, theaters. 
2. Holding meetings. 
3. Study and analysis of children's magazines. 
There is enrichment of the creative personality of the student through 
such works. Everyone transmits his imagination, the ability to independently 
influence the competition. In the formation of the creative personality of the 
student any subject of primary school arouses interest to the lesson, develops 
his desire. The formation of the worldview of primary school students is one 
of the main ways of strengthening interdisciplinary ties.
Therefore, studying the above-mentioned issues, we turned to the main 
issue of our research work with the definition of the features of the formation 
of interdisciplinary integration in the process of teaching the subject of self-
For the first time, with the obligatory implementation of 
interdisciplinary connections, it is possible to ensure the strength of the 
knowledge provided to the student as A. Komensky said.
In recent years, scientists and methodologists of Kazakhstan, as one of 
the ways of students development, have contributed to the study of 
interdisciplinary relations
[1; 2; 3; 4]. In the course of interdisciplinary communication there were 

developed and created conditions for the development of pedagogical 
situations, the development of students ' mental network, in-depth learning of 
concepts, improving the ability to save thoughts. 
As M. Zhumabayev noted: Science, 1978...the ability to save images 
without losing the soul gives a definition of what is called Memory and 
reveals a very high role of memory in obtaining knowledge. Only then a 
person can be educated. Only if there is a memory, a person can think 
correctly. If you have more memory, the thought will be deeper [5, р.34]. 
M. M. Mukhanova says that consciousness is a mental function that 
leaves, modernizes and remembers previously adopted things in practice. We 
remember these principles-whatever kind of intersubject communication may 
be, which affect the memory of the individual [6, р.62]. 
In this case, very useful excursions were organized by the group, which 
affect the interests of the subject of the native language, the subject of self-
knowledge. Due to the fact that during the trip the group expanded the 
understanding of nature, consolidated the gained knowledge, learned specific 
objects and phenomena, performed an emotional reaction through the 
knowledge of nature, a sense of beauty associated with the lessons of the 
native language.
The great teacher V.D. Ushinsky insisted on interdisciplinary 
communication and demanded from students to open internal and external 
communications of the studied subjects and the phenomena [7, р.20].
He recalled that the attractiveness, interest and need for training will be 
provided only when comprehensive excursions for education carry out the 
connection of a person with various objects, phenomena, plants and animals 
and people in specific conditions. The purpose of the action is: education of 
students ' sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, respect for the native 
land, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, education 
of respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. P. Babansky 
also noted this in his work [8, р.54].
Taking into account these teachers, already at the stage of competent 
disclosure in primary classes, its results are used not only in teaching the 
alphabet, but also in the lessons of acquaintance with the surrounding world. 
In order to increase students ' interest in the subject, it is important to create 
problematic conditions for classes. With the help of solving the problem the 
student strengthens thinking and learns to solve any problem. In primary 
school, there are ways of forming the creative personality of the student, as a 
binder of nature and labor discipline. Students can not only notice the types 
of works from everyday life, but also understand the natural phenomena when 
they begin to engage in simple types of work. 

For example: Bay water in the vegetation, dusting, collecting dry 
leaves, feeding birds, can teach students to work. In the course of this 
interdisciplinary interaction provides not only the education of love for the 
native land, respect for the working people, the formation of skills of nature 
protection, but also understanding, the development of linguistic wealth, 
education of diligence. When learning about the world, special attention is 
paid to self-service and self-sufficiency. The purpose of the teacher is the 
creation of the problem situation and its solutions. The impact of 
strengthening interdisciplinary connections in shaping the worldview of the 
students shows the test results of their knowledge. Due to the fact that students 
have the opportunity to get a deeper scientific understanding, contribute to 
the connection with other subjects of knowledge of the world. For example: 
at the lessons of knowledge of the world, students get acquainted with the life 
of plants and animals, at the lessons of fine arts they make their drawing for 
labor training. As M. Zhumabayev said, the concept of nature can be obtained 
only from the book .
Due to the fact that the subject of knowledge of the world is associated 
with the subjects of the native language, fine arts, labor training, intersubject 
communication increases. Accurate assimilation of this knowledge is directly 
related to the cognitive activity of the student's personality. And for the 
formation of the child's cognitive interest and interest of particular importance 
is interdisciplinary communication. Modern teaching methods are described 
in detail when reflecting the content of education. It is necessary to promote 
the full use of interdisciplinary connections. It promotes the interaction of 
subject teachers in the search for teaching methods. The teacher should work 
in terms of the subject system of training, not alone, but with colleagues in 
the team. The study of the materials of the subject, a full understanding of the 
meaning of its content-a complex process for students. 
Learning and comprehension of content is not carried out easily. 
Therefore, the student faces obstacles and difficulties in understanding the 
materials of the textbook. Interdisciplinary communication plays a special 
role in overcoming such difficulties observed in practice. For example: 
introductory conversations at the lessons of the native language in primary 
school, riddles, zhanyltpash, proverbs, sayings, poetic minutes, excursions 
are directly related to the book, textbook. Therefore, the definition of 
psychological and methodological ways, opportunities to work with a 
textbook, a book is one of the actual problems of didactics. According to a 
talented teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "the book plays an important role in the 
life of children, so that the child can learn well. What is the point of being 
able to read well? It is primarily the knowledge of the simple method of 

reading it is very important today" [9, р.61]. This means that the student must 
have the skills necessary to work with the book. Scientists have seen that for 
decades as a result of the competition of school practice, students must master 
the following skills to use the book:
- together with competent, expressive, mental reading of the book, to 
compare events in it, to meet, to look for answers to unclear things, to be 
- the ability to say that the student saw the book material, noticed that 
the game is associated with the game, to distinguish their relationship; 
- the ability to find the book you need; 
- ability to carry out primary logical analysis of the text in the learning 
- the ability to listen to the teacher and briefly record his story; 
- while reading the texts take into account the teacher's 
recommendations on how to work with this name; 
- the ability to write essays about what he saw. 
For effective work with the book the student must possess general 
techniques, skills in all subjects. This, of course, varies depending on the 
subject. For example, when a student worked in the field of physics and 
mathematics, he studied geographical atlases, various reference books
dictionaries of a foreign language, forms of communication, grammar 
exercises must learn to use the reference. 
In the educational process the student of the school, first of all, works 
with textbooks. There are sets of exercises corresponding to a number of 
subjects. In many disciplines, additional reading is provided. Sometimes they 
determine the system of necessary extracts from large books and documents. 
In accordance with the content of the training material, we consider its 
purpose, structure, type of each lesson, teaching methods, reference concepts. 
The combination of a new lesson with the knowledge of the child: 
instilling interest in the content of the lesson, instilling interest in the subject; 
instilling interest in interesting problems that cause a sense of attention of the 
child, the prevention of unwanted information; the ability to correctly 
compare, acquaint, compare, carry out various methods, strive for more 
effective activation of the child. 
These notes to the lesson revealed systemic interdisciplinary 
possibilities of the educational process, such as increasing students ' interest 
in knowledge, comparison, grouping of educational material through 
independent activity, the use of different methods. 
On the basis of intersubject communications in the educational process 
there are big pedagogical methodical opportunities for work with the book. 

The book is a means of connecting all objects with each other. In the 
textbook of this subject you can see the laws, definitions, events that will have 
several scientific pillars, integrity, unity of concepts about person-natural 
Today, the integration of science raises the question of creating an 
educational process on the basis of interdisciplinary connections. Means to 
implement these tasks, political and economic, social documents, the most 
common literature, encyclopedic reference books and dictionaries for each 
field of science are needed. Therefore, in the process of learning 
interdisciplinary articles are published in the textbook as a chrestomathy. The 
teacher often offers literature to the students who want to learn their subject. 
It is also used to compile a report on a specific topic.
The content of the subject Self-knowledge is inextricably linked with 
all spheres of science, including the study of the relationship of human 
phenomena, nature, society, the formation of a holistic attitude to their world, 
education of a fully developed personality [10, р.83]. 
This contributes to the development of knowledge, cognitive abilities, 
aesthetic taste, enrichment of moral qualities of students. 
The knowledge gained by students in other subjects is developed in the 
classroom through the teaching of art works. The educational subject is the 
main means of comprehensive education of students, one of the types of 
education (morality, aesthetics, etc.) that keeps a tight unit. 
In the learning process it is necessary to carry out interdisciplinary 
communication for the development of knowledge and skills of children
cognitive abilities. This contributes to the reflection of the concepts of the 
lack of clear boundaries between different areas of science and the close 
relationship between them, as well as the integrity, the relationship of natural 
phenomena in the formation of the scientific worldview. This ensures the 
continuity of the transition of the child from one subject to other disciplines 
without stopping at admission to the same discipline [11, р.49].
In the course of studying the activities of school teachers to implement 
interdisciplinary communication, it is an effective use of the subject of self-
knowledge with other subjects: at the lessons of the Kazakh language, Kazakh 
literature, the Russian language, history of Kazakhstan, mathematics, 
geography, music, labor, fine arts (table 1). 

Kazakh language 

Kazakh literature 

Russian language 


history of Kazakhstan 





fine arts
According to teachers, the most common ways of interdisciplinary 
communication are: conversations, travel, experience, the use of technical 
means, the use of visual aids, the preparation and solution of cognitive tasks, 
practical work, etc.
As a result of the research work based on the analysis of new training 
programs, we have created a schedule, which is a sketch of the educational 
process. It reflects the content and volume of educational activities of 
students, taking into account interdisciplinary communication for a certain 
period of time. Then a contextual analysis of textbooks and teaching aids for 
schoolchildren was carried out. As a result, we found out that subject teachers 
have great opportunities to carry out interdisciplinary communication and 
give a significant result only on the following didactic conditions (in 
descending order of place in the work of the teacher):
- gradual increase in the volume and scope of interdisciplinary 
connections with increasing problem degree in education; 
- systematic use of interdisciplinary connections in the work of 
teachers, providing stability and training in the transfer of knowledge and 
skills to other disciplines.; 
- the use of the problem method in the implementation of intersubject 
- setting a clear cognitive task of an interdisciplinary nature for 
students, providing the necessary direction of thought and active use of 
knowledge in other subjects; 
- systematic forecasting of the educational process of other disciplines; 
- bilateral and multilateral nature of communication, contributing to the 
introduction and refinement of interdisciplinary concepts, as well as relevant 
languages of activity; 
- bilateral and multilateral nature of communication, facilitating the 
wide transfer and elaboration of interdisciplinary generalizing concepts and 
- taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of school 

- psychological orientation of the student's personality, concerning the 
management of cognitive activity of the student, mastering the skills of 
determining the relationship of data, phenomena, knowledge, skills.;
- formulation of systemic issues of interdisciplinary nature in the 
implementation of interdisciplinary relations; 
- use of teaching aids (including computer aids) ; 
- lessons of interdisciplinary communication; 
- extra-curricular activities. 
Currently, in general, the increase of students ' interest in knowledge 
and its comprehensive development involves the transfer of the subject of 
self-knowledge through interdisciplinary communication of the foundations 
of other sciences. Therefore, especially in secondary schools, the 
implementation of interdisciplinary communication with students, will allow 
the younger generation to fully master the education system, integrated with 
the basics of science.These materials that have passed the statistical 
processing using the method of sengtiane obtained with the help of supporting 
techniques that allow us to develop and implement programs to improve the 
preparation of teachers to use interdisciplinary connections. This also makes 
it possible to make the extensive use of the existing school teachers in 
improving their professional skills. 
In conclusion, we can say that the problem of spiritual and moral 
formation of a personality manifests its importance in several aspects. First, 
from the point of view of the formation of the worldview of the new world 
era, the circumstances of the time are characterized by globalization and the 
unity that do not have a single value of cultures, social and economic systems, 
the arrival of spiritual exhaustion and spiritual vacuum. Secondly, the 
spiritual and moral formation of the individual generates the need to revise 
the system of values in the new socio-cultural details of independent 
Kazakhstan, including leading to spiritual origins, moral norms and morality 
of the individual and the moral nature of the economic and socio-political 
activities of a person. 
Thus, there is a full reason to believe that in the process of learning the 
subject "Self-knowledge", integrating with other sciences, the priority of 
spiritual and moral education of the individual and the formation of universal 
values occupies a big place.
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Бұл мақалада «Өзін-өзі тану» пәнін басқа ғылымдармен ықпалдастыра отырып 
оқыту үдерісінде тұлғаның рухани-адамгершілік тәрбиесі мен жалпыадамзаттық 
құндылығын қалыптастыру ерекшеліктері айқындалады.
В данной статье рассмотрены особенности нравственно-духовного воспитания 
личности и развития общечеловеческих ценностей в учебном процессе при интеграции 
самопознания с другими предметами. 

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