Bet you didn’t know. Beets were served in space when the astronauts of Apollo 18
met up with their brethren in Soyuz 19. They served borscht.
Even the leaves of raw beets have been eaten and useful and beneficial to one's
health. The leaves have been known to counter «garlic» breath and in Roman times
Hippocrates advocated the use of beet leaves as binding for healing wounds. Beets being
naturally colorful and bright red make an excellent and healthful garnish for artistic
presentation of a meal. They also can be made into a number of cold salads for a change of
pace meal. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beets their red color, this pigment is what
is responsible for helping to fight cancer. Beets have been shown to help cleanse the blood,
cleanse the colon and strengthen the gall bladder and liver. There is something called Beet
Therapy. Doctors have used it to get rid of tumors and to help people with blood diseases
and leukemia. Some people have used beats to treat and cure boils, abscesses and even
How to Grow Beets? Beets are a cool season vegetable crop. This root veggie grows
quickly and has many different varieties which showcase deep red, yellow or white bulbs
of different shapes. They can survive frost and almost freezing temperatures, which makes
them a good choice for northern gardeners and an excellent long-season crop.
Planting. A soil pH above 5.5–6 is best, otherwise growth will be stunted. Beets are
a good indicator of soil pH. Till in aged manure before planting. Beets require especially
good nutrition and a high phosphorus level to germinate. Go easy on nitrogen however, an
excess will cause sprawling greens and tiny bulbs beneath the soil. Wait until soil reaches
50 degrees before planting. Plant seeds ½ inch deep and 1-2 inches apart. Make sure soil
remains moist for germination. In zones with low moisture and rainfall, soak the seeds for
24 hours before planting. Early crop can be planted in March/April, and late crop anytime
from June to September. Successive plantings are also possible as long as the weather
doesn't exceed 75 degrees F. Space plantings about 20 days apart. Winter crops are a
definite possibility in Zone 9 and above.
Care. Thinning is necessary, as you may get more than one seedling out of each
seed. Thin when they read about 2 inches high by pinching them off. Pulling them out of
the ground may disturb the close surrounding roots of nearby seedlings. Established plants
should be thinned to 3–4 inches between plants. Mulch and water well. Beets need to
maintain plenty of moisture. Any necessary cultivation should be gentle, beets have
shallow roots that are easily disturbed.