Conclusion Analysis of the experience of using mobile
learning technology in the educational system of
Kazakhstan and foreign countries revealed the fol
lowing trends in the development and implementa
tion of this technology in the educational process:
the use of mobile learning technology is possible
without reference to place and time; mobile tech
nology is focused on the growth of educational
mobility of students and is a means of socialization
of students. Given the widespread use of mobile
learning technology and learning opportunities, this
technology can be one of the most effective forms
of modern education. This technology has a great
potential of didactic possibilities, most of which
at this stage is in the shadows and is not used by
teachers to the fullest extent. Mobile technology in
education will greatly simplify the learning process
thanks to real-time feedback between participants in
the educational process. The use of mobile technol
ogy in the educational process of schools will in
crease both the motivation to learn among students
and the effectiveness of learning. As a result of our
research we have done a lot of work on collecting
and analyzing information about the use of mobile
technology, which will allow us to further develop a
methodology for the use of mobile technology in the
system of school education. We have revealed prob
lems of introduction of the model of mobile learning
and mobile technologies in system of school educa
tion, we plan to develop the solution of these prob
lems and to introduce them in educational process of
schools of Kazakhstan.
Acknowledgment This work was carried out as part of project No. AP09259370 “Development of a technological plat - form for virtual learning based on artificial intel - ligence approaches” due to grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.