Кишечника: пути патогенеза и вопросы выбора генно-инженерных препаратов

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Larisa S. Kruglova – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the 
Chair of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-5044-5265
19/1A Marshala Timoshenko ul., Moscow, 
121359, Russian Federation. Tel.: +7 (916) 705 69 07.
E-mail: kruglovals@mail.ru
Andrey N. Lvov – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the 
Department of Clinical Dermatovenereology and 
; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
3875-4030. E-mail: alvov@mail.ru
Anna V. Kagramanova – MD, PhD, Senior Research 
Fellow, Department of Inflammatory Bowel 
. E-mail: a.kagramanova@mknc.ru
Oleg V. Knyazev – MD, PhD, Head of the 
Department of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

E-mail: o.knyazev@mknc.ru
L.S. Kruglova
• A.N. Lvov
• A.V. Kagramanova
• O.V. Knyazev
Conflict of interests
L.S. Kruglova has received lecture and consultancy fees from Janssen Pharmaceutica Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Pfizer, 
La Roche Posay, Pierre Fabre, Uriage, Jadran JGL, Glenmark, Meda, Bayer Healthcare, Galderma, Sanofi, USB, LEO Pharma. 
A.N. Lvov has received lecture and consultancy fees from Janssen Pharmaceutica Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Pfizer, 
La Roche Posay, Pierre Fabre, Uriage, Jadran JGL, Glenmark, Meda, Bayer Healthcare, Galderma, Sanofi, USB, LEO Pharma. 
A.V. Kagramanova has received lecture and consultancy fees from Takeda, Pfizer, Novomedica. O.V. Knyazev has received 
lecture and consultancy fees from Takeda, Pfizer, Novomedica.
Authors' contributions
L.S. Kruglova, the paper concept and design, literature search and analysis, data management, text writing and editing, 
final approval of the manuscript; A.N. Lvov, A.V. Kagramanova and O.V. Knyazev, the paper concept and design, literature 
search and analysis, data management, text writing and editing. All the authors have contributed significantly to the study 
conduct and preparation of the paper, have read and approved its final version before the publication.
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