Филологический факультет

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Филологический факультет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Экзаменационные темы по третьему вопросу

для студентов первого курса (1 семестр) Intermediate level

  1. Preferences in colors tell a lot about a person

  2. A great (worst) holiday which you once had

  3. What you were like as a child (or as a teenager)

  4. Describe a favorite photograph of yours

  5. The best place to do shopping

  6. Rubbish and recycling

  7. My TV- watching habits

  8. Studying at university.

  9. Describe a DIY job that someone has done (you have done) in your home

  10. Tell about the best and the worst customer service at the restaurant.

  11. The place where I do shopping

  12. Our names can affect how successful we are in life

  13. How can color and personality be related?

  14. Give some tips and rules what to pack how to choose and where to go on holidays

  15. Describe different stages of person’s life

  16. Photography. Explain how to look good in a portrait. Give some tips.

  17. Too much food rubbish nowadays… How to avoid it?

  18. Internship is a slave labour, but it teaches you a lot. What sort of part-time jobs are common among people. Why do they do it?

  19. Can you describe you TV-watching habits? Do you agree or disagree with the statements “Most TV programs aren’t worth watching”? Why?

  20. Can you tell about pros and cons of living in the country? Describe your friend or your own experience

  21. Tell about the system of higher education on the example of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov

  22. Sport in My life.

  23. The peculiarities of modern family. Tell about your position in the family.

  24. A holiday that you didn’t enjoy very much

  25. Rubbish and recycling

Заведующая кафедрой

иностранных языков _______________ к.п.н., доцент Сагимбаева Д.Е.

протокол № 3 от 19.11.2021 г.

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