Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені Басылым: жетінші ЕҰУ Ф 703-07-21. Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені. Жетінші басылым
Deadline – the 5
Unit 3B “Photo albums”
To make a presentation. Description of your three favourite photos. Demonstrate the activity
by showing the class an interesting photo you took on your last holiday and describing it.
SWT’s form – presentation (MT, ZOOM, Platonus).
Deadline – the 6th week
Practical English. Renting a car. Before playing the video / audio, go through the listening
scripts and decide if you need to pre- teach / check any lexis.
Episode 2. Watch video, complete exercises. p. 34-35. If there is time and you are using the
video, you can watch again with subtitles. Translate / Explain any new words or phrases.
SWT’s form – retelling and writing
Deadline – the 7th week
4 A “Don’t throw it away”
To make a presentation “Why isn’t recycling working?” How does our government solve a
recycling problem? Do you know what can be recycled in Kazakhstan? Study Vocabulary
Bank Rubbish and recycling on p. 156.
SWT’s form – speaking
Deadline – the 8
Unit 4B “Put it on your CV”.
Focus on the Useful language: writing a CV, covering letter, or LinkedIn profile box and go
through it with the class. You are looking for a job, so you are going to write a profile for a
website like LinkedIn. If you would like to do a real profile or update one they already have,
you can go to the website and then print your profile to give in. To create your own LinkedIn
profile, and present the CV to the group
SWT’s form – writing Ex.8 p. 43
Deadline – the 9
Unit 5A “Screen time”
Vocabulary focus on different kinds of TV programmes and common phrasal verbs used to
talk about television. How often do you watch YouTube, or online channels like Apple?
What kinds of things do you watch? Do you use a streaming service like Netflix?
Discussion - 21
century TV habits.(p.47)
SWT’s form - Report
Deadline – the 10
Unit 5B “A quiet life?”
City or country. Debates. Advantages or disadvantages of living in the country or city.
Listen to two British people who moved to the country and had very different experiences.
This leads to you talking about someone you know who have moved from the city to the
country or vice versa. You also imagine yourselves moving and what you would enjoy and
miss most.
SWT’s form – speaking
Deadline – the 11
Unit 6A “What the waiter really thinks”