Фонд оценочных средств для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации обучающихся по дисциплине иностранный язык

Пример контрольного задания по теме «Present and Past Participles»

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Пример контрольного задания по теме «Present and Past Participles»
Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The patients admitted to the hospital developed heart failure.

  2. Examining the patient he revealed moist rales in the left lung.

  3. The nurse is taking the patient’s temperature now.

  4. When brought to the hospital, he complained of malaise.

  5. He has not examined the patient yet.

  6. Grippe is a highly communicable and rapidly spreading disease.

  7. The drug used healed the wounds in a short time.

  8. The problem concerning cancer is a most urgent one.

  9. Having tested the method, the researcher made an interesting report.

  10. A high temperature was followed by vomiting.

Пример тестовых заданий по теме Case History «Grippe»/(Influenza).
1. Choose the right version.

  1. Influenza is … infectious disease.

a) mental c) occupational
b) acute d) sleeping

  1. Healthy carries as well as sick persons, probably spread the … .

a) disease c) fracture
b) prostration d) dizziness

  1. Common symptoms are … headache, pains in the back, etc.

a) slight c) splitting
b) moderate d) occipital

  1. Many, but not all, patients also have … symptoms.

a) respiratory c) common
b) focal d) local

  1. The most common serious complication is … .

a) laryngitis c) tracheitis
b) pneumonia d) bronchitis
2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of disease is influenza?

  2. What is its cause?

  3. The portal of entry is usually a respiratory tract, isn’t it?

  4. What is the main mode of dissemination?

  5. When did severe pandemics occur?

  6. How long does a localized epidemic last?

  7. What are common symptoms of influenza?

  8. How long does the temperature persist?

  9. What are the main respiratory symptoms?

  10. What is it essential to do during the treatment of influenza?

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