“Reflectories” for the Promotion of Competences in Education for Sustainable Development Using the Example of Climate Change Gabriele Schrüfer
Head of the Chair of Geography Education, University of Bayreuth. Address:
Universitätsstr. 30, 95494 Bayreuth, Germany. E-mail: gabriele.schruefer@
Katja Wrenger
Dr., Scientific Assistant and Lecturer, Institute of Geography Education, Univer-
sity of Münster. Address: Heisenbergstr. 2, 48149 Münster, Germany. E-mail:
Imme Lindemann
MSc. Geography, Scientific Staff Member, University of Münster. Address:
Heisenbergstr. 2, 48149 Münster, Germany. E-mail: i_lind05@uni-muenster.de
In order to meet the challenges in a globalised world, appropriate competen-
cies should be initiated among pupils in the sense of education for sustainable
development. In Germany, the focus in this context is on systems thinking and
evaluation competence. At the same time, the importance of digital media in
the everyday lives of children and at school is increasing more and more. Both
the promotion of ESD skills and the use of digital media in teaching are based
on a constructivist approach to learning.
The question therefore arose, how can ESD competences be promoted
with digital media? With the help of a design-based-research approach online
learning arrangements (so-called reflectories) were developed. The word “re-
flectory” is composed of the terms “reflect” and “(s)tory”. In concrete terms, the
learners are integrated into a “story” within which they are invited to make re-
flective decisions. Then they are immediately confronted with possible conse-
quences of their decisions, which in turn are starting points for further neces-
sary decisions. On the basis of audio contributions, images and text materials,
learners have to weigh up and finally make and reflect on complex and uncer-
tain decisions. The content of the reflectories is based on the Sustainable Deve-
lopment Goals (SDGs). In a first step, content-related aspects and interactions
were worked up on selected SDGs and reviewed by expert scientists. Subse-
quently, reflectories were developed with the involvement of teachers. The re-
flectories are beeing tested with teachers and students. In the paper, the criteria
for the promotion of competences will be discussed based on the correspon-
ding research results. Students were very motivated by the fact that they could
make their own decisions on the basis of which they could continue to work. It
was particularly emphasized that they learned that decisions can often not be
right or wrong, but that these decisions can also have many consequences.
education for sustainable development, reflectories, design-based reseach,
competences for tranformative learning, systems thinking.
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